Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 889: Mountain and Sea Divine Scroll Strange Beast, Fire Phoenix Bird

Lin Tian laughed there and said, "Small man? Are you and I friends of gentlemen?"

"You." Kong You stared angrily, but Lin Tian smiled, "If you don't want to die, just listen to me obediently."

"What if I don't listen?"

"If you don't listen, your soul power will be bound forever, and it's useless for you to have a physical body, because you can't exert your power at all." Lin Tian smiled and looked at Kong You.

Kong You stared at Lin Tian angrily, "Boy, are you trying to control me?"

"No, I just want to ask you something." After Lin Tian finished speaking, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This smile made Kong You very depressed, "Say."

"Manufacturing those talismans requires a lot of ghost aura, but how did you get this ghost aura?" Lin Tian stared at Kong You and asked.

Kong You gritted his teeth and said, "In Jiuxue Tianshan, there is a place that is rich in ghost energy, and that place is my private residence. No one dares to approach it, so I created it there."

"Oh? So good?"

"Boy, what do you want to do?" Kong You felt that Lin Tian was plotting something wrong, and Lin Tian smiled, "Of course I want to go to your place for sightseeing."


"But not now." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he asked the other party to leave an address, but Kong You said, "You have to unlock some power for me, otherwise what should I do if I encounter a terrible spirit beast or some people seek revenge on me? "

Lin Tian shook his head and said, "If I untie it, you will be completely out of trouble."

"Then do you want me to die?" That Kong You was extremely depressed, but Lin Tian smiled, "If you are afraid of death, follow me, and I will go back with you later."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian turned around and walked towards the valley ahead.

That Kong You was furious, but he had no choice but to follow Lin Tian silently.

However, people in Xueshan Temple suddenly died, and it was spread to Xuemiao Mountain, and Xuemiao Mountain sent law enforcement team to investigate what happened.

At this moment, Lin Tian came to a place without snowflakes, and there were only bare stones everywhere.

Not only that, but there are heat waves everywhere.

At this moment, Elder Pi and the others were waiting there, but when they saw Kong You behind Lin Tian, ​​everyone's eyes widened.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, now he listens to me."

"Whoever said to listen to you, I'm just following you temporarily." That Kong You still has a bit of personality, and even looks very dissatisfied.

Lin Tian smiled, but Su Yuanyuan and others were curious about what happened and why it happened.

Lin Tian didn't explain much, but stared at the front and asked, "What's going on here?"

"Those spirit beasts stopped here, as if they were afraid to move forward." That Su Yuanyuan explained, and Bai Yushan also said, "Look, there are no snowflakes everywhere in front, but you can feel the heat flow."

Elder Pi hesitated, "If I'm not mistaken, this is the Valley of Flames in the rumored Spiritual Beast Field."

"Fire Valley?" Lin Tian didn't know what this place was, but Elder Pi said kindly, "Flame Valley, the only place in Jiuxue Tianshan that doesn't snow."

But Kong You said there, "There are flames inside, so it's no wonder it's snowing."

"What kind of flame is inside?" Lin Tian was sure to listen to Kong You, and Kong You said sullenly, "Some spiritual fire."

Lin Tian didn't pay much attention when he heard that it was the spiritual fire, but continued to move forward, but Kong You said, "It is rumored that whoever enters the valley of flames will die, boy, you can think about it."

Lin Tian froze for a moment and then smiled wryly, "Is there such a thing?"

"Don't believe me? Ask your friends." Kong You laughed strangely, while Lin Tian looked at Elder Pi and the others.

Elder Pi nodded, "There is such a rumor."

Su Yuanyuan also said, "I really wanted to and heard about it, but I didn't expect that this valley of flames is actually in this spirit beast field. It's really strange."

Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, and said calmly, "No matter the mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, it won't affect me."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian wanted to go in, that Kong You said depressedly, "You're going to die, don't pull me."

"It's up to you whether to go or not, I'm going anyway." Lin Tianbian said as he walked, the soul of Kong You was sealed, so he could only bite the bullet and keep up.

Elder Pi and the three also followed silently, but they were alert to the surrounding situation, while Lin Tian was very calm.

After a while, flames emerged from the ground and fell on everyone. Those people rushed to the flames frantically, wishing to extinguish the flames.

At the beginning, the flame was easy to puff, so everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment, a stronger fire appeared.

That Kong You's soul power was relieved, and he ran to Lin Tian's side, hopping for help, "Boy, you, quickly untie me."

With a flick of King Lin Tianhuo, the flames on everyone's bodies disappeared, and everyone looked at each other, wondering what the flames flashed in front of each other.

Lin Tian stared at them and said, "Okay, don't look at it, this is my spiritual fire."

"Can your spirit fire swallow other spirit fires?" Kong You looked at Lin Tian strangely, and Lin Tian asked, "What? Is there a problem?"

Kong You became serious, "This is a big problem."

Lin Tian ignored him, but continued to move forward, but Kong You was curious, "Boy, tell me, how did you put out those fires just now."

Lin Tian was still fine, but suddenly a bird flew over, and there was still flames on the bird.

Everyone was curious about what kind of bird it was, but Lin Tian frowned, "The strange beast of the mountain and sea scroll, the fire phoenix bird."

"Fire Phoenix Bird, what is it?" Kong You was suspicious, while the others also stared at Lin Tian curiously.

Lin Tian explained, "The fire phoenix is ​​the descendant of the fire phoenix. Although it is not as domineering as the beast fire phoenix, it is extraordinary. I just didn't expect to see it in the mortal world."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what a divine beast was, after all they had never heard of it, but Lin Tian made a leap, ready to subdue this fire phoenix bird.

But the phoenix bird suddenly opened its mouth, and a huge flame directly covered Lin Tian.

That Kong You gloated, "Boy, you must have been bullied by the bird."

Elder Pi stared, "How dare you laugh at him?"

Bai Yushan also stared at Kong You, "Believe it or not, we'll take care of you?"

Kong You knew that he was not as good as them at the moment, so he could only look depressed, "I'm just talking, why bother to be serious."

Only then did Elder Pi come back to his senses, but Lin Tian was entangled in each other's flames.

Not only that, but the bird made a strange cry and looked very ferocious.

"What should we do now?" Su Yuanyuan looked at the three worriedly, while Elder Pi said solemnly, "I trust my master."

Bai Yushan also believed in Lin Tian, ​​but Kong You said, "This flame is so strong that he is only in the Physical Body Realm. Are there ways to survive it?"

"If he can't resist, I'll throw you over too." The elder Pi threatened, but Kong You said depressedly, "You will bully me now that my soul power is bound."

Everyone ignored him, but stared at Lin Tian worriedly.

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