Everyone was bewildered, feeling incredible, but Mrs. Zhou stared at Lin Tian and hummed, "Boy, what do you want!"

"It seems that you don't know where Tianluo is going!"

Mrs. Zhou cursed inwardly, "This stinky girl actually left without me."

Lin Tian stared at Mrs. Zhou, "Tell me, why you arrested her in the first place, and why you brought her here!"

"Why should I tell you?" Master Zhou stared, and Lin Tian said coldly, "Do you think I can't do anything to you?"

Master Zhou immediately released the soul defense cover, "Boy, I am also a person with soul defense!"

"To deal with you, I don't need to use soul magic anymore!" Lin Tian became cold, and then everyone saw walls formed around Master Zhou.

Mrs. Zhou sneered, "Just a wall trying to trap me?"

"Maybe it didn't work before, but I can pass the Tribulation Realm now!" Lin Tian's strength soared at this moment.

This is another big change after going from the Composite Realm to the Crossing Tribulation Realm.

Not only that, Lin Tian also blessed the ten thousand stacking technique, and the sky wall technique has reached five hundred layers at this moment, even Lin Tian didn't expect it.

Mrs. Zhou didn't take it seriously, she was still attacking the sky wall, but she found that she couldn't break it with her attack, which made her stare, "What's going on here?"

Lin Tian said coldly, "You have only been baptized once, and your cultivation is only at the late stage of Ascension!"

Master Zhou said angrily, "It's better than you in the early stage of the tribulation!"

"Me? It's not an ordinary early stage of the tribulation!" Lin Tian flashed cold eyes, but that Mrs. Zhou said unwillingly, "You can trap me at most, and you can't hurt me."

The corner of Lin Tian's mouth smiled evilly, and then the Fire King appeared inside the earthen wall, and Mr. Zhou resisted the Fire King one by one, but the Fire King was very strong.

Not only that, when the fire king absorbed the power from the surrounding holy pools, he became very powerful, and immediately drained the spiritual energy in Zhou Shitai's body.

Lin Tian took the opportunity to throw out the seal scroll, and that Mr. Zhou's cultivation base was sucked away all at once.

"No! Impossible!" That Master Zhou shook his head in horror, and those elders were frightened. They didn't expect Lin Tian to take down Master Zhou so quickly.

Lin Tian stared at the elders and said coldly, "I'm just here to find the saint, and I have no grievances with you. If you still want to make things difficult for me, keep coming! But let me remind you once, if you make things difficult for me again, I will destroy your Snow Mountain Temple!"

Lin Tian's words shocked everyone present, so the elders looked at each other in blank dismay, and Lin Tian was not sure to take down these people who had been baptized more than a dozen times at the moment, but he could fool them.

Sure enough, these elders looked at each other, but Lin Tian said, "If you don't want to fight against me, I can still take him away from Jiuxue Tianshan."

"What?" Everyone stared wide-eyed, and that Master Zhou said angrily, "Everyone, don't listen to him, he is fooling you!"

Lin Tian sneered, "I can even take down this mountain god, don't you think I can leave here?"

Everyone thought it made sense, so they started discussing frantically, and Lin Tian continued, "The mountain god is gone, who do you listen to now?"

"We listen to the sect master." An elder said, and Lin Tianoh asked, "Then where are your sect masters?"

"He retreated!" Elder Lu said coldly, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "Okay, I will let you go out of here, and then you can go to the sect master to discuss it. If you think about it, come here to find me."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian hit a few spirit stones directly at a place, and then an exit appeared in that place.

Seeing that they could leave, everyone rushed out one after another, and after looking at each other in blank dismay, the elders quickly disappeared.

As for the masked woman in the Saintess Hall, she rushed in, just in time to see Lin Tian trapping the mad Master Zhou.

"This." The masked woman was stunned, she didn't expect Lin Tian to take down Master Zhou so easily.

Lin Tian stared at Mrs. Zhou, "You have two choices now, one is to die immediately, and the other is to submit to me!"

Master Zhou gritted his teeth, "Boy, when I came to Jiuxue Tianshan, I was ready to die, so you want me to compromise? That's impossible!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Shitai took out a elixir and stuffed it into his mouth. In an instant, Zhou Shitai's whole body turned black, and Lin Tian was shocked, and hurriedly untied the sky wall, but this Zhou Shitai died, even his soul was gone.

"Damn it!" Lin Tian widened his eyes.

The masked woman wondered, "Dead?"

"The body died, but the soul escaped through the underworld!" Lin Tian became depressed.

The masked woman frowned, "Impossible, in Jiuxue Tianshan, even ghost cultivators can't go to the underworld if they want to."

"Oh? Can't go?"

"Yes, this place is isolated from anywhere." The masked woman said firmly, but Lin Tian stared at the masked woman after hearing this.

The masked woman warned, "What do you want to do?"

"You said Tianluo regarded you as a friend."

"of course."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he turned and left, while the masked woman wondered, "What do you mean?"

Lin Tian ignored it and came outside to wait.

The masked woman said angrily, "Boy, don't think that you have nothing to do if you don't speak."

"What? Was there a fight?" Lin Tian stared at her and asked, but the masked woman insisted, "Tell you, I'm not afraid of you!"

"Oh? Then you want to try my strength?"

"Come on! I'm not afraid of you!" The masked woman immediately prepared to fight Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian trapped the masked woman with earthen walls, and the Fire King let him out.

But the green light flashed on the masked woman, and then she shattered the earthen wall with one punch, much stronger than that Zhou Shitai.

Lin Tian stared at the masked woman suspiciously, and found that she had been baptized twenty times, which made Lin Tian suspicious, "You have been baptized twenty times."

"That's right, the twenty times me, with the Ascension to the Peak, started to be very powerful." The masked woman said proudly.

Lin Tian cursed inwardly, "She is a little girl, why is she so powerful?"

Just when Lin Tian was wondering, a voice came from a distance, and Lin Tian looked over, and it happened that an old man appeared with a group of people.

The old man was dressed in a gray grass coat and looked very simple, but his body was shining twenty-five times of baptism light, which was the strongest Lin Tian had ever seen.

Those elders pointed at Lin Tian one by one, "Master, this is the kid."

The masked woman also looked respectful when she saw this person, "Sect Master Bu!"

I saw the old man staring at Lin Tian for a long time, "You captured the mountain god, and you still know how to leave Jiuxue Tianshan?"

"Yes, it depends on whether you are willing to leave." Lin Tian looked at the old man with a smile, but the old man asked suspiciously, "We won't ask us to pay any price, right?"

"As long as you don't fight me, otherwise, I don't mind continuing to fight with you." Lin Tian stared at the old man and said with a smile.

Lin Tian wants to take these people out. After all, these people are a terrifying force, but he is afraid that if he can't control them well, it will affect Tianshuimen, so Lin Tian wants to restrain them in advance.

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