Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 918 Not a real person

After hearing this, Nangong Yan regained her spirits immediately, ran to this guy, kicked him a few times, "Wake up!"

"My flower vine is poisonous, he has fallen into a deep sleep, we must wake him up." That Fen Qingqing explained.

After hearing this, Nangong Yan said excitedly, "Then let's start."

Fen Qingqing was about to make a move, but Lin Tian appeared in the corridor and said with a smile, "Don't worry."

"Old Ancestor." Tian Bing and Fen Qingqing said in unison, but Nangong Yan said happily, "Brother, look, how powerful the three of us are, we have captured a member of the Holy Sect for you."

Lin Tianen smiled, "I've seen it all."

"See?" Fen Qingqing and the others were puzzled, while the masked woman teased, "He has been peeking in the dark."

The three women suddenly realized, but Lin Tian came to this ghost doctor Hu, pointed with one finger, and planned to imprint him with a soul seal, but he frowned for a while, "This."

Seeing Lin Tian's reaction, Fen Qingqing asked in confusion, "Old Ancestor, what's wrong?"

Tianbing and Nangongyan also didn't understand. As for the masked woman, she asked strangely, "What? You can't figure it out?"

Lin Tian withdrew his hand and said, "There is no soul in this body!"

"What?" The three immediately went forward to check, but this person still had breath, how could he be soulless.

The masked woman also checked and said in surprise, "It seems that he is being manipulated."

"Yes, it's a puppet." Lin Tian explained, and Nangong Yan said depressedly when she heard that it was a puppet, "It turned out to be a puppet, I'm so mad!"

Tian Bing wondered, "Then why does it look like a real person?"

Fen Qingqing was also puzzled, "I can't tell that he is a wooden man at all."

Seeing that the three of them didn't understand, Lin Tian had to explain patiently, "This is a unique puppetry technique, which can make puppets breathe, live, and fight like real people. It's similar to clones, but the only difference is , the avatar is conscious, but this puppet is unconscious and completely controlled by the human being."

Nangong Yan suddenly said depressedly, "I thought I could catch a big fish, but now it's good, it's a disaster!"

Lin Tian didn't expect this result either, but he still laughed and said, "No matter what, the three of you performed very well this time."

Although this was a compliment, the three of them couldn't laugh, and Lin Tian forced the needle out of Hunyuanhu's body beside him.

Hunyuanhu came back to his senses and said in a daze, "What happened."

"You were attacked by someone." After Lin Tian finished speaking, that Nangong Yan chattered and explained the incident.

Hunyuanhu said embarrassingly, "I'm really sorry, I can't help you with anything, and I'm still making trouble for you."

Lin Tian shook his head and explained, "It's not your fault, it's the skills of those people. It's really too weird to be guarded against."

Having said that, Hunyuanhu felt uncomfortable, but the masked woman laughed and said, "Boy, it seems that it will be very difficult for you to catch the person of the Holy Gate!"

"Don't worry, there must be a chance." Lin Tian smiled, then grabbed the corpse, and said to everyone, "You stay in this room, and I will take this corpse out."

"Big brother, what are you doing with this corpse?" Nangong Yan asked curiously, while Lin Tianxie smiled, "Puppet things, if you use them a little, they are quite useful."

Everyone was puzzled, but Lin Tian left with the corpse.

The masked woman followed curiously, but Nangongyan and the others had to wait in the house for news.

About half an hour later, Lin Tian came outside the city and threw the corpse aside, while the masked woman wondered, "Why are you throwing the corpse here?"

"Looking for someone."

"Find someone?"

"Yes, look for its owner." Lin Tian smiled, and the masked woman smiled bitterly, "The connection between the puppet and the host can be far away, how do you find it?"

"Don't worry, his host will appear later."

The masked woman beat her to death for disbelief, and said, "Don't dream, a wooden man can still find its owner."

Lin Tian didn't speak, but took out some needles and manipulated these wooden figures.

Probably after night fell, Lin Tian finished his work, and he got up and smiled at the wooden man, "It's done."

"You've been busy for a long time, and you said it's done? What do you mean?" The masked man felt strange, but at this moment the wooden man suddenly came to life, got up, and walked in one direction.

"Here, what's going on?" The masked woman was stunned, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "General hosts are not willing to throw away puppets, so they will make self-destruct devices on puppets."


"Yes, I changed the self-destruct a little bit, making it lose self-destruction, and at the same time modifying its perception."

The masked woman stared at Lin Tian strangely, "Can you still transform puppets?"

"Actually, this is mechanism technique, and mechanism technique, I know a lot, so this kind of thing is trivial to me." Lin Tian laughed.

The masked woman stared at Lin Tian, ​​"You are such a monster."

"Let's go, maybe we can find their stronghold in Yan Ancient City." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he returned to Yan Ancient City, but he deliberately walked in the city, and at the same time, his spiritual consciousness locked on the wooden man.

The wooden man came to a medical hall, and then disappeared in the medical hall. The masked woman said strangely, "There is a problem with that medical hall."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Let me see."

"What are you looking at?"

Lin Tian closed his eyes, and what the wooden man saw was what Lin Tian saw.

"Fortunately, I left a little thought in this wooden man." Lin Tian laughed strangely.

The masked woman on the side didn't know what Lin Tian was doing, so she watched curiously, and at the moment in the medical hall, the wooden man walked to a cellar, then passed through a bunch of tunnels, and finally arrived at the underground palace.

Here, besides Hu Ghost Doctor himself, there is also the one-eyed hunchback.

The one-eyed hunchback was puzzled, "You puppet, why did you come back by yourself?"

Ghost doctor Hu said with a smile, "I didn't come back by myself, I controlled it to come back."

"You control?" The one-eyed hunchback was puzzled, and the ghost doctor said with a smile, "Every puppet of mine has the ability to self-destruct and automatically resurrect."

"What's the meaning?"

Ghost doctor Hu said with a smile, "When my puppet and I can't get in touch for a day, it will be destroyed automatically, but if we can get in touch again, it means that there is no one around and it is free! Then I can bring it back .”

"There's no one around? How are you sure? What if someone let him go on purpose?" the one-eyed hunchback asked timidly.

"Old Ba, when I contacted it, I looked around, and there was no one, and I deliberately walked around the city a few times before entering the medical hall, and then entered here through the tunnel, even if someone followed me, it would be impossible At most, I will follow you to the medical clinic, won’t you?” the ghost doctor comforted.

"It seems reasonable." The one-eyed hunchback nodded.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and rest, I'll go out and deal with them after I modify this wooden man a little bit!" Ghost doctor Hu said with a smile, and then began to transform the wooden man.

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