Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 925 Immortal Blocking the Way

Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "You are not afraid, why am I afraid?"

The masked woman knew she couldn't beat Lin Tian, ​​so she could only cross her hands, "Then I'll see how unlucky you are!"

Lin Tian ignored it, but looked at Nangong Yan and the others with a smile and said, "Let's go, let's go shopping."

"En..." Nangong Yan looked around cheerfully.

I saw that these four places, with mountains and water, are no different from the outside world.

"Is this world real?" Tianbing couldn't help asking, but Fen Qingqing hesitated, "I guess everything is real except for the absence of other living things."

Lin Tian closed his eyes, and then used his ability to revive all things to see what the surrounding plants were like before the Zhanxian Terrace was opened.

But there was darkness in front of Lin Tian's eyes, "Before opening, was there darkness?"

This made Lin Tian feel a little surprised, and at this time a group of people appeared nearby, and those people looked at Lin Tian with weird smiles.

"Are you from the Tiangu Alliance, or from the Holy Gate?" Nangong Yan immediately stared at these people.

Those people didn't speak, but a chair had fallen in the air, and a young man was sitting on the chair.

I saw that the young man looked like he was in his twenties, but the breath on his body was not simple at all, and he even released it on purpose.

Those people respectfully said to him, "My lord."

The young man looked at Lin Tian and the others with a smile, "I appreciate your abilities, so I want you to join us, how about it?"

"Who are you?" Nangong Yan stared, and the young man said with a smile, "My name is Dongming, and I am a fairy from the fairy world."

"Immortal?" Nangong Yan and the others looked at each other, and this person named Dong Ming said with a smile, "That's right, I see that you have performed well recently, and I think you are suitable to be our subordinates."

"Being your servant?" That Nangong Yan was a little upset, but Dong Ming said with a smile, "That's right, a group of immortals formed an alliance, and we just need a group of master servants, so you join us, we can give you what you want, how about ?”

"Who will be your slave!" Nangong Yan said angrily, while Dong Ming sneered, "If you don't become our slave, you will only die, so you'd better think about it."

Nangong Yan was not afraid at all, she still stared at Dongming, "Come on, who is afraid of whom!"

Dongming clicked his tongue, "Oh, you're not in a bad tone?"

"We're not afraid of you!" Nangong Yan said angrily, while Dongming sneered, "It seems that you don't know the difference between immortals and mortals."

"There is no immortal energy here, how dare you use immortal techniques?" That Nangong Yan glared as if she understood some truth.

Dong Ming smiled, "It's true that there is no fairy energy here, but I have prepared a lot of fairy crystals, so it is more than enough to deal with you."

Nangong Yan didn't believe it, and walked over, but with a single finger of Dongming, a chain made of golden light wrapped around Nangong Yan.

Nangong Yan couldn't move immediately, and could only struggle crazily there, while Tian Bing was shocked and hurried forward, and Fen Qingqing also shot flying needles one after another.

After that Dongming touched it for a while, golden cages formed one after another, directly trapping Fen Qingqing and Tianbing there.

Hunyuanhu was not reconciled, and rushed over, but Dongming stared, and a pair of golden shoes appeared on the Hunyuanhu's legs, and the shoes were so heavy that he couldn't lift them up.

The masked woman gasped when she saw this, "The spells of the immortals are indeed terrifying."

Nangong Yan and the others were also stunned.

The attendants all laughed strangely, and some even joked, "Just now, my lord gave you a chance, but you are so ignorant."

"That's right, adults look at you because they appreciate you."

Nangong Yan and the others were dissatisfied, but Dongming stared at Lin Tian and said with a smile, "Boy, your ability is the strongest, but in my eyes, you mortals are mortals, and you will never be able to compare with a fairy like me. "

"Do you think you are really good?" Lin Tianxiao asked Dongming, and Dongming laughed, "Why? You still want to do it?"

Lin Tian was about to make a move, but the masked woman reminded, "Boy, he is not a mortal."

"This is Zhanxian Terrace, as the name suggests, it means Zhanxian!" Lin Tianxie smiled.

Everyone laughed when they heard this, "Boy, do you still want to kill the immortal?"

"You mean you want to kill me?" That Dongming laughed strangely, and Lin Tian walked over step by step, and came to Nangong Yan, patted it with one hand, and all the power of those golden chains was directly absorbed.

Nangong Yan soon regained her freedom, and Lin Tian went to Fen Qingqing and Tian Bing again, absorbing those powers in the same way.

The people watching there wondered how Lin Tian did it, but Dong Ming smiled, "Not bad, I have some skills."

Lin Tian ignored him, but came to Hunyuanhu and removed the things under his feet.

"Boy, it seems that I underestimated you." That Dongming smiled, and then poked his fingers, a golden light shield appeared around Lin Tian, ​​trapping Lin Tian there.

Lin Tian stared at the cover and said with a smile, "If you just want to trap me, then your spells are too low-level."

"Boy, do you really think I can't deal with you?" Dong Ming stared.

Lin Tian ridiculed, "You are only a one-star earth immortal. With this kind of cultivation, I really don't like it."

One-star Earth Immortal is the lowest level in the fairy world, but it is different in the mortal world, so Dongming stared, "Boy, even if I am a One-Star Earth Immortal, it is very easy for you."

"Oh? Hurry up, use the fairy magic you can use instead of this ordinary spell."

Dongming snorted, "To deal with you, you don't need immortal techniques."

After finishing speaking, Dong Ming shot out streaks of golden light again, and then flew out spears one after another, aiming at Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian disappeared from his eyes in the blink of an eye.

Everyone was shocked, wondering where Lin Tian was going, and when Lin Tian appeared again, he had already come behind Dongming and said with a smile, "You say you are weak, but you still don't admit it."

Dong Ming hurriedly left from his original position, appeared under a tree on the other side, stared at him and said, "Boy, your speed is indeed amazing."

"There are even more powerful ones." Lin Tian smiled, and when he reappeared, he came to Dong Ming's side again.

Dongming was shocked, and hurried away again, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "Are you a mouse? Why do you run away when you see me?"

Dong Ming was stunned for a moment, and cursed inwardly, "I'm a fairy, how could I be afraid of him?"

So that hole stared and said, "Just now I just wanted to test your speed."

After finishing speaking, golden light shone on Dongming's body, and this defensive shield was indeed much stronger than many ninth-level Sanxians.

"Boy, you see, you won't be able to break through my defensive shield!" Dong Ming said confidently.

But Lin Tian smiled, "Really?"

At this time, a black vortex began to form around Lin Tian, ​​and Dong Ming stared at the black vortex but teased, "What? Are you planning to use the soul method?"


"It's ridiculous, how strong is your mortal soul? You still want to use soul magic to attack my immortal soul? You really underestimate me." Dong Ming laughed.

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