Lin Tian stared at the masked woman and smiled helplessly, "You don't really think that I don't know, do you?"

"There are really things you don't know." At this moment, the masked woman seemed to have caught Lin Tian's weakness, and asked her to the end.

Lin Tian smiled slightly, "Qihun Grass is an effect that can instantly strengthen the immortal energy and soul in the body, and it cannot be stored in any container. It must be collected and taken within three days. Every time you take it, it can only maintain For a quarter of an hour, for many immortals, this precious medicine is generally used to travel between the mortal world and the fairy world."

"Liar!" The masked woman didn't believe it, but Lin Tian didn't argue with her, "Believe it or not, I don't want to talk nonsense with you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian started to continue walking, while Nangong Yan and the others silently followed, but the masked woman murmured to herself, "Why are you dragging!"

Nangong Yan asked anxiously beside Lin Tian, ​​"Big Brother, is this Spirit Grass really so magical?"

"En." Lin Tianen said, while Nangong Yan was very curious, "I really want to see what this spirit grass looks like."

At this time, there was a shouting sound not far away, and Lin Tian and others looked curiously at the place where the sound came from, and happened to see a group of people gathered around an area.

"What are they doing there?" Nangong Yan's spiritual sense probed over, but felt a little fuzzy, and Tianbing was also puzzled, "It's strange, in the area of ​​Zhanxiantai, things seen by the spiritual sense are so blurry."

"It's not just blurry, it's limited. It's estimated that the visible range is at most a few hundred steps away." Lin Tian replied.

After hearing this, Nangong Yan couldn't help but said, "Big brother, shall we go and have a look?"

"Let's go." Lin Tian brought everyone to Zhanxiantai just to see more wonders and train them, so Lin Tian took them there without thinking much.

After a while, people came to the crowd, and those people were still shouting inside the pair at the moment, as if they were arguing about something.

The little Nangong Yan got in as soon as she got into the crowd, while Lin Tian and the others followed slowly.

Those casual cultivators immediately dispersed when they saw Lin Tian's group of people. Obviously, these people had seen Lin Tian's strength and dared not go against him.

At this time, two people were fighting in front of Lin Tian and the others, and beside them was a grass transformed into gray gas.

"Big brother, is this Qihun Grass?" That Nangong Yan immediately looked at Lin Tian excitedly, and Lin Tianen said, "Yes."

Nangong Yan looked forward to it, "I'll go and have a look."

Lin Tian didn't stop her, but Nangong Yan suddenly rushed inside. The two fighters immediately stared at Nangong Yan and became fierce.

One shouted, "Little girl, this belongs to both of us, get out."

Another person also shouted, "Yes, our stuff, what are you doing?"

"Who stipulates that it is yours?" Nangong Yan refused to accept, and the two people looked at each other and laughed.

The onlookers also laughed, Nangong Yan wondered what those people were laughing at, and the taller of the two said, "Do you know who I am?"

"Who are you and what does it have to do with me?"

"I, the bandit who killed several masters in the state capital, is known as the knife flying quickly." After the other party finished speaking, he took out a small knife in his hand and danced there, looking very sturdy.

The other little man took out a sword and pointed at Nangong Yan, "I, a sea beast butcher who has killed hundreds of thousands of sea beasts in the sea, my sword is deadly."

Nangong Yan didn't take the two of them seriously at all, instead she looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Big brother, how do I get this grass?"

Lin Tiangang wanted to say that the knife was annoyed quickly, and he swiped past, but Nangong Yan glanced at him, and the surroundings immediately condensed into ice, and the knife floated there, and that person also froze there.

Everyone exclaimed, and the sword was terribly stabbed at it, and Nangong Yan also stared at it, and the surroundings quickly froze.

Just like that, the two people who were arrogant just now were frozen, and the onlookers exclaimed.

Lin Tian looked at Nangong Yan with a smile, "Grab the root with one hand, inject your strength, and pull it out quickly."

Nangong Yan pulled quickly, and the floating grass fell into her hand.

Everyone showed envy, and Nangong Yan took out the grass happily, but when she walked out of that area, Nangong Yan's feet suddenly collapsed, and countless boulders fell down.

Everyone was stunned and curious about what was going on, but at this moment a man with a stone sword on his back stepped on a rock.

At the same time, the person exuded breath, and everyone was startled, "Immortal."

As for immortals, these people have no ability to resist, so they quickly retreated to the side, while Nangong Yan cursed in a hole under the boulder, "Let me out!"

"What's the noise?" the man carrying the stone sword shouted.

Tianbing and Fen Qingqing were shocked and rushed over, but this man stretched out his hands, and countless huge boulders flew towards them, directly bouncing them away.

"Old Ancestor, this person is more terrifying than that fairy just now." That Tian Bing said anxiously, while Fen Qingqing said worriedly, "Old Ancestor, she is a little girl."

Lin Tian wanted to make a move, but after thinking about it, he said to the two of them, "I will assist you, go ahead."

Hearing the support, Tianbing and Fen Qingqing regained their energy immediately, but the masked woman glared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, are you crazy? Let two people in the early stages of Ascension Realm deal with a fairy?"

"It's just a one-star Earth Immortal, nothing special."

The immortal laughed, "Boy, my name is Shi Mang. Although I am a one-star earth immortal, my explosive power is not inferior to that of a two-star earth immortal."

"So what?" Lin Tian said with a deep smile.

"Then I'll beat you up after I beat these little girls into mud." That Shi Mang sneered, and then pulled out a stone sword.

Hunyuanhu and the masked woman became worried, but Lin Tian directly blessed the two women with the ten thousand stacking technique.

The strength increase of more than thirty times, coupled with their cultivation bases that had gone through hundreds of thunderstorms, exploded all at once.

I saw Tianbing's swordsmanship thrown out, and huge waves rushed over in an instant, and that Shimang didn't take it seriously at first, and even swung his sword.

But everyone saw an astonishing scene, and saw that the brown sword energy was engulfed by the huge waves, and hit Shimang heavily, causing Shimang to be blown away.

Not only that, that Fen Qingqing also took the opportunity to shoot countless flying needles, and that Shi Mang quickly got up, and quickly blocked those flying needles with his own sword.

But suddenly one after another flower vines entangled that Shimang, so that Shimang was bound very tightly, and there was no chance to escape.

As for Nangong Yan who just crawled out from the ground, she looked at the man and said, "How could I be missing!"

After finishing speaking, Nangong Yan condensed her fist, and Lin Tianwan's stacking technique continued, causing that icy fist to hit Shi Mang's body with a bang.

Shi Mang spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew out backwards, while everyone present became dumbfounded.

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