Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 943 The prestige of the three women scares the immortals

This fruit is very big, and it is floating in the clouds. If you don't look carefully, it is still difficult to see. But at this moment, after Lin Tian looked carefully, he found that the fruit looked like human faces.

"Ghost face fruit!" Lin Tian recognized this fruit at a glance.

But this kind of fruit grows in the dangerous place of the Nine Nether Ghosts, and it specializes in devouring dead souls to grow, but now it appears here, which makes Lin Tian a little strange.

So Lin Tian leaped into the clouds and mist, staring at the ghost face fruit at that moment.

The ghost mask fruit remained motionless until a while later, a dead soul flew up from the ground nearby and was directly swallowed by the ghost mask fruit.

"Swallowed?" Lin Tian was puzzled, and the ghost face fruit continued to grow there quietly, until after a while, another dead soul was absorbed by it.

But what Lin Tian didn't understand was why this ghost face fruit didn't swallow all the dead souls, but specifically swallowed some of them.

So Lin Tian stared there curiously, wanting to see what kind of souls this fruit is absorbing.

After three days and three nights of observation, Lin Tian finally understood that this fruit swallowed immortal-level dead souls, that is, immortals, and the souls after death would be absorbed by this fruit.

"This thing is really cruel." After muttering for a while, Lin Tian planned to pick the fruit. After all, this fruit is a good medicine.

But when Lin Tian picked the fruit, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and then the dark cloud turned into a huge face and glared at Lin Tian, ​​"Who dares to touch my fruit!"

"Who are you?" Lin Tian didn't take the other party seriously, but the other party said angrily, "Give me back the fruit!"

"This? You planted it?"

"Yes!" the voice gasped, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "Who are you, Nine Nether Ghosts? Why do you use such a vicious method to absorb immortal-level dead souls, so that they cannot reincarnate!"

"What does this have to do with you?"

"It doesn't matter, but this fruit can be made into many good things, so I naturally want to keep it." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he put it into the ghost ring.

Now the other party ran away violently, still angrily saying, "Boy, I advise you to pay me back quickly, or I will kill you."

"Kill me? Is it just you? How are you going to do it?" Lin Tian turned back, and the guy roared angrily, "Wait, I'll call someone."

After finishing speaking, the face turned into a dark cloud ran into the Ghost Bone Palace and shouted to the inside, "Little guy, come out quickly, and clean up that kid for me."

The errand inside ran out, thinking that something had happened, but when he saw that it was Lin Tianshi, he trembled in fright, "My lord, I am not his opponent."

The guy who was called an adult said angrily, "He is just a transcending tribulation, how can you not be his opponent?"

"My lord, I'm really not." The errand was very depressed, which made the guy annoyed, "Trash!"

Then the adult came to Lin Tian again and said to Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, I will give you another chance."

"I don't think you can come from the Yin Realm?" Lin Tian smiled, and the man shouted, "Do you believe that I sent someone to the Yang Realm to take your life?"

"Come as soon as you come, I'm not afraid." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he swaggered away, and the man ran away, "Okay, you, you wait, I will remember you!"

Lin Tiantian didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, but walked out of this area directly.

The Yang messenger in the Ghost Bone Palace muttered to himself, "It's so scary."

The grimace formed by the dark cloud was even more annoyed, with all kinds of ferocious faces, and finally cursed, "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

Lin Tian had already walked out of the Immortal Grass Garden, and Qiao Yan who was outside hurriedly asked in the sedan chair after seeing Lin Tian coming out, "How is it? Did you find anything else?"

"It's nothing." Lin Tian didn't say, but took out some fairy grass and threw it out, "Here, this is your share."

Qiao Yan became excited, "Thank you."

"It's just mutual cooperation." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took Hunyuanhu and left, while Qiao Yan continued to send people to look for the fairy grass field.

But on the way, the Hunyuanhu hesitated for a while and then said, "My lord, there is something I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Lin Tian asked curiously after feeling that Hunyuanhu's expression was wrong, and Hunyuanhu said awkwardly, "You haven't come out for the past three days, which makes me very worried, but the people in the Palace of Bliss seem to be eager to see you." It's like you died inside."

"The Palace of Bliss?"

"Yes, those people have been happily chatting there these days, and they are also chatting about how great it would be if you died."

Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "Don't worry about them."

"But my lord, you take the risk of taking grass and giving it to them, but these people still curse you, it's inevitable." The Hunyuan tiger cried out for Lin Tian.

Lin Tian laughed and said, "After a while, you will know."

"what do you know?"

"Wait." Lin Tian didn't say it right away, but took Hunyuanhu back to Zhanxian Mountain, and continued to wait for Zhanxian Palace to appear.

It's just that Lin Tian was lying on a rock, looking at the sky, thinking about what happened recently, "The treasure box of suppression, the palace leading to the fairy world, and this Ghost Bone Palace, how could they all appear in this Zhanxiantai?"

Hunyuanhu didn't know what Lin Tian was thinking, but guarded silently.

Until a few days later, the bronze tripod appeared, and the people inside respectfully said to Lin Tian, ​​"My lord."

"Come back?" Lin Tian said with a smile, and the person in the bronze cauldron said awkwardly, "I heard that Zhanxian Palace will appear today, so I'm back."

"Are you planning to go back to the fairy world too?"

"Well, I got some Spirit Grass, and I will try to return to the Immortal Realm when the time comes." The person in the bronze cauldron said.

Lin Tian snorted, and at this time Nangong Yan and the others gradually returned.

"Big brother." Nangong Yan acted coquettishly as soon as she saw Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian said with a smile, "How, have you gained anything after going out for so long?"

"Yes, chasing those immortals around." That Nangong Yan laughed, and Tianbing also said, "I guess that Hei Yu would have to run around when he saw us."

Fen Qingqing said with a smile, "The past half a month has made them miserable."

Looking at the expressions of the three of them, Lin Tian knew that there must be no good end for Hei Yu and the others. Sure enough, when Hei Yu and the others appeared, they stared at them from a distance, not daring to approach them.

Nangong Yan was going to fix them, but that black feather hurriedly shouted to everyone as if seeing a plague god, "Get out!"

These people stepped back for a while, keeping a distance from Nangong Yan.

After Hunyuanhu saw this, he laughed and said, "I didn't expect his group to be so afraid of you!"

Nangong Yan said with a smile, "Of course, we can fix them up."

Hunyuanhu was very curious about what they did to Heiyu's people, so he pestered Nangongyan and the others to question them.

After the thunder and lightning flickered in the sky and rumbling sounds began, people from all around gradually rushed here.

Among them, many immortals, some who have obtained immortal status, and some desperadoes plan to use the last time to attack some immortals and obtain immortal status.

Lin Tian stared at the thunder and lightning in the sky, and murmured in his heart, "Where does this Zhanxian Palace come from?"

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