Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 949 Joining forces is useless!

The masked woman didn't answer directly, but said with a smile, "This is why the people who came to kill the people in the Xiantai turned into lunatics in the end, because their souls were destroyed and turned into lunatics or fools."

Everyone suddenly realized, but Qiao Yan stepped out of the sedan chair, stared at the masked woman and asked strangely, "Who the hell are you!"

"I'm just a nosy person." The masked woman laughed, but Qiao Yan flashed her cold eyes, "Then no matter who you are, you will die under the thunder of the sky in the end."

"You have a way to leave, so I'm not afraid." The masked woman said confidently, but Qiao Yan sneered, "Well, let's see who can hold out under the thunder."

Lin Tian suddenly laughed, everyone was curious about what he was laughing at, and Nangong Yan was even more puzzled, "Big brother, what's wrong with you?"

"I just think it's very interesting." Lin Tian smiled at the masked woman, and then at Qiao Yan.

Qiao Yan stared, "Boy, when Tianlei comes, you won't find it interesting."

"You are not afraid, why am I afraid?" Lin Tian smiled, and Qiao Yan said with a strange smile, "Because we have a unique medicine that can protect the soul."

"Oh? Really?" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot, and that Qiao Yan was shocked, and quickly turned into an afterimage into the sedan chair, and snorted, "You boy, you just want to sneak attack me."

Lin Tian stood outside the sedan chair and said with a smile, "The reaction speed is quite fast."

"I'm the eldest disciple of the Hall of Geniuses, and I'm better than others in every aspect." That Qiao Yan said confidently.

Lin Tian stared at the sedan chair, "This sedan chair is a magic weapon."

"What? Do you want to control it?" Qiao Yan teased, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Even if it's not a magic weapon, I can control it."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian's mind flashed, and the sedan chair was spinning around in mid-air under Lin Tian's control.

Qiao Yan inside was as angry as she was, and she cursed, "Stop!"

"Stop? Do you think it's possible?" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he continued to shake there, while the other Bliss Sect members looked at each other in blank dismay.

Nangongyan and the others stared at those people with strange smiles, and then approached them step by step.

These people backed away in fear, until Nangong Yan and the three took them all down, Nangong Yan shouted to Lin Tian, ​​"Big brother, they have been dealt with."

After Lin Tianen made a sound, that Qiao Yan said angrily, "Damn it, your Tianshuimen will not end well."

"You still can't come out like this? You can hold it." Lin Tian looked at Qiao Yan with a smile, and Qiao Yan snorted, "As long as I hold on until the thunder comes, I will win."

"Really? Then let me see how long you can last." Lin Tian continued to shake, while Qiao Yan gritted her teeth, and finally shouted to the distance, "Sacred Gate, don't you want to join forces with me? Then come out quickly !"

At this time, a group of people appeared in the dark, and it was the person headed by the wind valve, but when the wind valve saw Lin Tian, ​​he was cautious and did not dare to approach at will.

"What? Are you planning to join forces?" Lin Tian smiled at the damper, and the damper snorted, "Boy, let me tell you, if we join forces with the Tiangu Alliance, you will die."

"Oh? How dead?" Lin Tian looked at the damper with a smile, but the damper opened his hands, and then countless hurricanes were spinning around there.

"Boy, this is a prairie, my hurricane can collide unscrupulously, so you don't want other people to have trouble, so put down that sedan chair." The damper threatened.

The corner of Lin Tian's mouth curled up, "You will be miserable later."

"Me? Just kidding, I'm a damper, one of the top ten holy gates of the Holy Gate, and I'm very powerful." You can fight it."

Lin Tian seemed to be smiling, but the next moment, a mountain suddenly fell on the top of the damper, and blood burst out from the damper's forehead on the spot. Those members of the Holy Gate were stunned.

Nangong Yan cheered there, "Xiao Mangmang, kill him."

Only then did the damper realize that there was someone in the dark, and he looked around in fright, "Get out, get out!"

At this moment, Shi Mang appeared, and looked at the damper with a smile, and the damper touched the blood on his forehead and said, "You wait, I will kill you later."

Unexpectedly, a ball of fire suddenly hit behind the damper, and then a figure appeared, directly knocked him down to the ground, and stepped on it.

The damper was seriously injured on the spot, then turned his head, and his eyes widened when he saw Hei Yu, "You, why is it you?"

Hei Yu said awkwardly, "I have surrendered to this lord."

Feng Fa was stunned, and Qiao Yan in the sedan chair said, "Hei Yu, aren't you afraid of revenge from our Tiangu Alliance?"

"Compared to the Tiangu Alliance, I am more afraid of adults." Hei Yu looked at Lin Tian and smiled helplessly, while Qiao Yan was furious, "Waiting for you mobs, you will definitely be killed by Tianlei!"

Lin Tian ignored it, continued to control the sedan chair, and beat there, making Qiao Yan scream.

At the same time, Lin Tian walked to the side of the damper step by step, and the damper was terrified, "Boy, you can't touch me, my soul will be swallowed."

The one-eyed hunchback led the people back step by step, but ghost doctor Hu directly injured him with a palm, the one-eyed hunchback was shocked, "You."

Ghost Doctor Hu said, "Actually, I am already an adult."

As soon as the words came out, no one present thought of it, and the damper glared, "You."

Ghost doctor Hu didn't speak, but the wind valve stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, you should know that once the people of my Holy Gate are in danger, they will perish by themselves."

"I know, but aren't you still alive now?" Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, and the damper snorted, "That's because you haven't really threatened me yet."

"Oh? Then what counts?" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he suddenly came to the damper and tapped his forehead with one hand.

The self-destructing talisman of the damper was activated immediately. Lin Tian wanted to break open the talisman quickly, but the talisman was so fast that it swallowed the damper at once, making the damper's eyes dull.

"It's really fast." Lin Tian frowned, and the black feather said helplessly, "The more senior the Holy Gate is, the stricter the management of the people, and the more terrifying the soul control talisman used."

Lin Tian had no choice but to look at the one-eyed hunchback, and the one-eyed hunchback panicked, "I'll die too."

"Really?" Lin Tian suddenly came to this one-eyed hunchback, and this time Lin Tian used the fastest speed to directly penetrate into the opponent's body, and the moment the magic talisman was activated, it directly destroyed the talisman.

Not only that, Lin Tian also laid a soul mark, and the Dugu hunchback stared at Lin Tian with wide eyes.

Regarding Lin Tian, ​​he muttered to himself, "It seems that these people have different identities, and the power of the magic talisman is different."

Ghost doctor Hu stared at the one-eyed hunchback and said with a smile, "Obey, follow your lord."

The one-eyed hunchback was very depressed, but he was helpless, and finally said, "I am willing to be your lord's cow or horse."

Lin Tian smiled and said nothing, but Nangong Yan and the others came over and looked at the one-eyed hunchback up and down, making the one-eyed hunchback feel chilly, "Three girls, can you be gentle?"

The next moment, the three girls were taught a lesson first, and the one-eyed hunchback said with a bruised nose and a swollen face, "Thank you for your kindness."

The three women knew that he was still useful, otherwise, according to the extent of bullying them by the one-eyed hunchback before, they would have been beaten and disabled long ago.

The masked woman on the side looked at Lin Tian and said with a smile, "You can even solve the soul-destroying talisman of the Holy Gate."

"That's only able to destroy low-level ones. For high-level ones, the movement is too slow, and he will die." Lin Tian stared at the damper and said.

Seeing Lin Tian's modesty, the masked woman smiled and said, "It really surprises me that you can be modest."

Lin Tian looked at her and said with a smile, "It's our business."

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