Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 959 Don't talk to him

Dutian's face was twitching, but that Nangong Yan was very happy seeing him like this, "Didn't you say that they are cruel people? Why don't you dare to go?"

Du Tian gritted his teeth and said, "Just go, but don't think that you are all right, let me tell you, I will influence you all!"

Not only were the crowd not angry, but they burst out laughing, and this Dutian blushed and felt depressed, "Why did I meet such a nasty little girl."

Lin Tian laughed secretly, "See how long you, a monk, can last."

Then everyone walked out of the city and left with the army. In a corner of the city, a small tree vine climbed from the corner to the top of the wall. It was not until Lin Tian and others left that the small tree vine breathed a sigh of relief, "It's really scary."

But at this moment a black shadow appeared, stared at it and said, "You screwed up."

The tree vine was shocked, and hurriedly said, "My lord, I."

"A five-million-year-old demon cultivator is even worse than a Tribulation Transcendence Realm, what a waste!" The black shadow snorted, and grabbed the vine with one hand.

The vine immediately turned into ashes, and the black figure snorted and disappeared from its original position.

"Big brother, where is the third power point?" Nangong Yan couldn't help asking after walking a distance, but Lin Tian said, "Don't worry, let's go to the Southern Wilderness Blood Shadow Sect first."

"Southern Wilderness Blood Shadow Sect, do you know where they are?" Nangong Yan couldn't help asking, but Dutian said with a smile, "This Southern Wilderness Blood Shadow Sect, very few people know where their sect is, so I advise Just give up."

Lin Tian looked at him and smiled, "I see, you don't want to go, do you?"

"Who said I don't want to go? It's just that I don't know where they are, otherwise with my ability, I would have influenced them one by one." That Dutian thought that Lin Tian and others could not find the Blood Shadow Sect, so he started bragging stand up.

Nangong Yan and the others showed half-belief and suspicion, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "Just follow me."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian led the people to continue walking until one day later, they came to a valley, and Lin Tian let the army go out, and he still led the three of Nangong Yan forward.

The masked woman followed behind, but Dutian followed there silently, but looked around, "Isn't this just an ordinary valley? What's so special?"

"The entrance of the Southern Wilderness Blood Shadow Sect is near here." Lin Tian said with a smile, but Du Tian didn't believe it, and thought Lin Tian was fooling him.

But when Lin Tian came to a place and took out a spirit stone and threw it there, the valley in front of him changed color.

All of a sudden, the plants in the valleys around turned blood red, and there was blood mist everywhere.

"This." Du Tian's eyes widened, and Lin Tian said, "The entrance of the Southern Wilderness Blood Shadow Sect is fused with some phantom formations, which ordinary people cannot see."

"How do you know? Have you ever been here?" Du Tian looked at Lin Tian strangely, but Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, and continued on his way.

Nangong Yan laughed at Du Tian, ​​"You see, my elder brother just knows."

"If you know it, you know it, what's the big deal." Dutian said depressedly, while Nangongyan prodded, "Don't forget what you said, go and influence them."

But Dutian said slyly, "My magic weapon and clothes have been taken away by him. Only when he gives them to me can I influence them."

Nangongyan would not be fooled, she stared at Tianbing and said with a smile, "Sister Tian, ​​do you think he is trustworthy?"

Tian Bing sneered, "This kind of little monk just uses his mouth and thinks a little bit, and has nothing else."

Du Tian's face turned red until a blood-clothed man appeared in front of him and stood on a rock, staring at the crowd and saying, "Trespassers, die."

"Xue Dongyi, are you there? I want to find him!" Lin Tian said suddenly, and the man glared, "Xue Dongyi, but our Supreme Elder, how could it be that you, an outsider, just randomly found him!"

"Being the Supreme Elder? Not bad." Lin Tian laughed, and the disciple glared, "Boy, I don't care who you are, don't mistake your friends and relatives."

Lin Tian smiled and said nothing, but Du Tian just laughed and said, "Boy, everyone knows that Xue Dongyi was a famous figure ten thousand years ago. How stupid are you to say you're looking for him?"


"That's right, if you want to infiltrate the Blood Shadow Sect on the grounds of finding someone, then you have to find someone you don't know, so that this disciple may help you to ask, but if you are like this, people will see you as a liar , indiscriminate relationship." That Dutian complained.

Lin Tian couldn't laugh or cry, but secretly sighed in his heart, "I really know him."

But at this moment, everyone thought that Lin Tian was just looking for an excuse to get involved with the Blood Shadow Sect, even Nangong Yan and the others thought so.

"Big brother, let's change the reason, or go in directly." That Nangong Yan came over and said.

Dutian gloated, "I think it's better to change."

Nangong Yan stared, "You, go up and influence him."

"Me? Why?"

"He belongs to the Blood Shadow Sect, so he must have killed many people, so go and influence him." That Nangong Yan explained.

Dutian said seriously, "I didn't see him kill, so it doesn't count."

"Anyway, if you don't dare, then don't dare." Nangong Yan continued to prod, while Du Tian gritted his teeth and said, "If he dares to kill someone in front of me, I will definitely stop him."

"Is that what you said?" Nangong Yan flew out with a half-smile, and stood in front of the Blood Shadow Sect disciple and said provocatively, "Let us go in, or we will deal with you."

That disciple glanced at Nangong Yan, saw a white-haired little girl and glared, "Little brat, you dare to be arrogant in front of me?"

After finishing speaking, the man took out a sword and stabbed at Nangong Yan, while Du Tian ran over cheekily, "Brother, stop."

The disciple stared at Dutian, "Dead monk, do you want to die too?"

Nangong Yan pointed at Du Tian and said with a smile, "This monk said he wants to influence you so that you don't kill people."

The disciple immediately widened his eyes, "Just him? Still trying to influence me? Watch me split his head off!"

Then the disciple slashed down with a sword, and Du Tian's body was shining with golden light. The sword hit directly on the top of the bald head, and there was only a "clang" sound, and then the sword was bounced away.

"This, how is it possible?" The disciple didn't believe it, so he slashed again, and finally got displeased, and took out a horn and blew it.

All of a sudden, there were people in blood everywhere in the mountain.

The disciple said angrily, "Everyone, attack this smelly monk!"

Nangong Yan backed away immediately, and then said with a smile, "Big brother, do you think this monk can resist?"

"No problem, just a little buzzing in the head." Lin Tian laughed.

Sure enough, at the next moment, when countless people's spells hit this bald mountain in Dutian, although Dutian was fine, his head was indeed buzzing after being shaken, which really made him growl in annoyance.

The sound was like the roar of a ferocious beast, and all the disciples of the Blood Shadow Sect were frightened all of a sudden.

Du Tian said, "I, the young monk of the Southern Wilderness Buddhist Sect, Du Tian!"

Those disciples were startled, but someone pointed at him and said, "You are that rotten stone, Dutian?"

"Rotten stone?" Du Tian was stunned for a moment, and the disciple continued, "That's right, we all call you the stone in the latrine!"

Nangong Yan and the others laughed loudly when they heard this, but Dutian blushed and pointed at the disciple angrily, "You, I want to influence you!"

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