Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 981 This is a great insight!

When Du Tian heard this, he didn't know how to refute, so he could only look at Lin Tian, ​​"What should I say?"

"Aren't you good at talking? Why don't you continue now?" Lin Tian looked at Dutian with a smile, and Dutian looked depressed, "Can this be the same?"

"She almost killed the people present just now, don't you think it's time to get her out of here?" Lin Tian looked at Du Tian with a smile.

Dutian felt that it made sense, so he started to walk up to the second floor, and said to her, "Miss Boss, I have to talk to you."

"You'd better not come up, or you will be unlucky." The proprietress smiled at Dutian, but Dutian didn't believe it, and went up the stairs, but halfway through, the stairs broke suddenly, and Dutian fell down instantly.

The next moment, Dutian disappeared, and the people at the scene were shocked. As for the masked woman, she said suspiciously, "It seems that there is something wrong with the stairs."

"It's not just the stairs, the proprietress also has problems." Lin Tian smiled, but the proprietress looked at Lin Tian with a smile on the second floor, "Your friend, I accept it."

"Anyway, he has nothing to do with me, you can take it if you want, whatever you want." Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, and the proprietress stared at Lin Tian for a while and said, "Everyone says that the ancestor of Tianshuimen is a bad boy. Simple ones, but I've never seen them, so I wanted to try them today."

"Oh? Doesn't the one just now count?" Lin Tian looked at Chen Bandao, and Chen Bandao was too frightened to speak immediately.

But the proprietress laughed and said, "He is just a small tester."

"Small scale chopper?"

"Yes, if you are not as good as him, then I won't show up." The proprietress looked at Lin Tian with a smile, and Lin Tian said after hearing this, "So, the sixth thing is with you."

"It's not with me, but I know it, but the premise is that you can defeat me, otherwise there will be no discussion." After the proprietress finished speaking, she turned into an afterimage and rushed out of the inn.

Everyone was curious about why they ran outside the inn, but Lin Tian got up and smiled calmly, "I want to see what she is doing."

The masked woman followed quickly.

But when everyone came outside, they were startled one by one, because the surrounding desert turned into snow instead.

"This?" Some people were startled, while others said in a daze, "This, how is it possible?"

"Illusion, it must be an illusion." Someone became anxious.

The proprietress floated in the air and sneered, "It's not an illusion, I just decorated it."

After finishing speaking, the proprietress's body was chilled by others, and then she opened her hands, and heavy snow fell in the sky, adding more snow to the surrounding desert in an instant.

Not only that, the roof is covered with snowflakes everywhere, and there are countless cold winds blowing everywhere, completely turning into a wilderness snow field.

The masked woman gasped when she saw this, "This skill is not easy."

"It's pretty good, but it's unlucky for her to meet me." Lin Tian blinked and returned from his original position.

Everyone wondered where Lin Tian went, but when Lin Tian appeared again, he was already standing behind the proprietress and said with a smile, "Where are you looking?"

The proprietress was startled and jumped forward quickly, but was stopped by Lin Tian again.

The proprietress simply fell down, and then let out a muffled snort, surrounded by icebergs, while she herself smiled and said from the innermost part of the iceberg, "Now let's see how you get in."

"Are you trying to trap yourself in it?" Lin Tian smiled wryly, while the proprietress smiled, "Aren't you amazing? Then let me see how amazing you are."

Lin Tian smiled helplessly, "You really underestimated me."

Then everyone saw a ball of fire appearing on Lin Tian's palm, and this was the Fire King, and Lin Tian hit it out with one palm, and you Fire King quickly sprinted to penetrate the ice layer.

The proprietress inside was shocked, and quickly formed a powerful ice layer in front of her eyes, trying to resist the flames, but the flames melted her defenses, and finally the proprietress was still surrounded by the fire king.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and some people said in a daze, "Fortunately, I didn't mess with this Tianshuimen patriarch."

"No, it's really scary."

Chen Bandao, who was in the dark, trembled even more, "It's not human, it's too inhuman."

The proprietress looked ugly, until she took out a talisman in her hand, quickly crushed the talisman, and disappeared in an instant.

Everyone didn't expect the proprietress to escape, but Lin Tian looked around and smiled wryly, "Escape?"

"What should we do now?" The masked woman stared at Lin Tianhu and asked.

Lin Tian said indifferently, "She ran away from her, anyway, that power cannot be moved."

"you mean?"

"That thing must be around here, and she, as the guard, will definitely appear again." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he turned and entered the inn.

The onlookers stepped aside one after another, not daring to stop Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian came inside, stared at the shivering old man and said with a smile, "Who are you?"

"I, I am the one in charge of doing chores." The old man said nervously, and Lin Tian looked at the old man with a smile, "Do you think I will believe it?"

"Really, I'm just a handyman. If you don't believe me, ask everyone." The old man with the broken arm looked flustered.

The masked woman also said, "He doesn't look like it."

"Like what?"

"It's not like being with that proprietress." The masked woman said, and Lin Tian laughed, "Some things can't just be seen on the surface."

"What do you mean?" The masked woman was puzzled, and Lin Tian disappeared, and when he reappeared, he stood behind the old man.

The old man turned around nervously, "My lord, I am really a handyman."

"A handyman, can you find me behind you so quickly?" Lin Tian asked the old man with a smile, and the people present thought it made sense, after all, this Lin Tian was standing behind the old man silently.

If the old man is just an ordinary handyman, it is reasonable to be unable to sense it.

Now the old man had nothing to say, he could only say depressedly, "What do you want."

"Where is the lady boss?"

"I only know that she is usually on the second floor. I don't know the details." The old man explained.

Lin Tian smiled and asked the old man to lead the way, but the old man had no choice but to lead Lin Tian upstairs. As for the people around him, they wondered if the stairs would collapse again or something.

But on the second floor, the stairs were still intact, which made everyone wonder why they collapsed just now.

At this time, the old man pointed to the end of the corridor and said, "Behind that door is the place where the proprietress usually rests."

"lead the way."

The old man had no choice but to walk slowly, and Lin Tian followed there until after a while, the old man came to the door and said, "This door is locked inside, I can't go in."

Lin Tian slapped the door with his palm, but found that the door was so strong that he could even resist his own palm.

The people present whispered even more, "I didn't expect such a door on the second floor."

"Shuimen patriarch, can you open it?"

"who knows."

However, at this time, Lin Tian put one hand on the door, and the door was flickering with blue light.

"Look, there's a blue light." Someone shouted.

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