Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 988 Get Down One by One

The person who registered the information stared at Lin Tian and said viciously, "Boy, how dare you be so crazy in front of us? Do you want to die?"

Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, and replied, "Am I going in by myself? Or do you take me in!"

"You kid, you want to die!" The man was so stimulated, he wanted to show Lin Tian some color, and hit Lin Tian with his palm.

When Lin Tian turned sideways, the other party rushed into the air, and the onlookers booed, and those people from Nanhuang Temple stood up one after another, intending to help.

Lin Tian glanced over and said with a smile, "Anyone who wants to lie on the ground like him, just come here."

These people in Nanhuang Palace didn't take Lin Tian seriously, but Lin Tian was very calm, still smiling at everyone.

The person on the ground got up, clapped his hands and stared, "Boy, it was a mistake just now."

After finishing speaking, the man planned to sneak attack, so he slapped the man from behind, but before the man touched Lin Tian, ​​he was sent flying by a palm of Lin Tian's Fenglei Jiutian Jue.

"Boom" that person, flew not far away, directly crashed into a pile of rocks, his head was bleeding instantly.

Those people in Nanhuang Temple immediately shouted one by one, "Kill him."

So these people planned to take Lin Tian down, and when Lin Tian was wiped out, he directly brought these people down.

All the people present were stunned, and they couldn't even believe that a person who had crossed the Tribulation Realm was so terrifying.

"It seems that I can only go in by myself." Lin Tian looked at a group of people lying on the ground and smiled.

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian swaggered towards the formation passage in front, and the guards there looked at each other, and immediately retreated one after another, and finally entered the formation and closed the passage.

Inside the formation, the guarding disciples yelled at the outside.

"Boy, don't be crazy, a powerful senior brother will come and kill you later."

"That's right, just obediently wait to die."

Lin Tian smiled, and put one hand on the formation, "If you break the formation, you think I can't get in?"

Everyone looked at each other when they heard this, especially some people around were whispering.

Someone also said, "This kid, want to break the formation?"

"Who does he think he is? Even the fairy formation can be broken?"

At this moment, countless people feel that Lin Tian is a little too arrogant, and after Lin Tian puts his hand there for a while, he pats hard, and the formation completely turns into nothingness and disappears there.

Those clamoring people in the formation immediately retreated in fright, while Lin Tian walked over step by step until a powerful aura came from the hall.

"Who dares to act wild in Nanhuang Palace?" At this moment, a young man flew out from Nanhuang Palace.

Seeing him, those people in the Nanhuang Palace became excited immediately, "Brother Luan."

Luan San, a genius disciple of Nanhuang Temple, still had a sign hanging on his waist, which said two stars and a hundred people beheaded.

When the people outside saw this person, they all became startled, "The chaos is here."

"He is the one who won the title of two-star hundred people."

"That's right, and I also practiced the Hundred Slash Technique, the power can be increased to a hundred times, which is very terrifying." Someone admired.

In this chaos, as soon as he came in front of Lin Tian, ​​he released his breath, ascended to perfection, and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, if you don't give an explanation today, you will never want to leave!"

"Explain? Explain what?" Lin Tianxiao asked, and the chaotic stared, "Explain why the person who hurt me in Nanhuang Palace, and why broke this formation."

Lin Tian replied, "I, Lin Tian, ​​the ancestor of Tianshuimen, is this explanation enough?"

That Luan San changed his face and said, "So you are the ancestor of Tianshuimen."

"Now that I know, do you still want me to explain?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and that Luan San snorted, "Boy, these people may not be your opponents, but I am the one who won the title of two-star Hundred People Slayer in Nanhuang Palace."

"I don't care how many stars you have, anyone who blocks me will have to pay the price." Lin Tian smiled unceremoniously.

That Chaosan gritted his teeth angrily, "I won't show you any color, you really take yourself seriously."

After finishing speaking, Luan San stretched out his hands, and then flew out a slender black rope, then wrapped around Lin Tian's hands and legs, and glared, "I can trap you with just one rope."

Seeing that Lin Tian was trapped, everyone thought that Lin Tianzhen had been caught, and those people in Nanhuang Hall cheered one by one.

Especially the person who registered the information just now flew over from the ruins, looked at Luan San with blood all over his body and said, "Senior Luan, you are really amazing."

That Chaosan smiled triumphantly, "It's just a Transcending Tribulation Realm, how powerful it can be."

Luan San's modesty was appreciated by many disciples of Nanhuang Hall, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "You want to trap me with a broken rope? You are too underestimating me."

Luan San thought to himself, "This rope is the trapping fairy rope of my Nanhuang Temple, which means that even immortals can be trapped, let alone you?"

"Really?" After Lin Tian finished speaking, the rope opened automatically, and it was still floating in the air.

That Luan San was stunned, and everyone else was also stunned, as for the fire beast, he blinked there and murmured in his heart, "This kid is quite capable, even this kind of rope can be untied. "

Luan San was not reconciled, and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, don't be complacent, I'll let it lock you up again now."

After finishing speaking, this Luan San planned to restrain Lin Tian again, but the rope remained motionless and completely disobedient.

Luan San frowned, cursing inwardly, "What the hell did this guy do?"

Lin Tian stared at Luan San, "Do you want to continue?"

Luan Sanqi said, "Then I don't need the rope anymore, I'll let you taste my spell."

I saw the red light flickering on Luan San's body, and then the fire aura became thicker, and two huge balls of flame gathered in the palms of his hands, and the target was Lin Tian.

"Boom." The flame ball hit Lin Tian heavily, but the flame just reached Lin Tian, ​​and then gradually disappeared.

Everyone wondered where the flame went, but the fire beast blinked, "This guy is really not afraid of fire."

That chaotic stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, you, do you have any magic weapon?"

"To deal with you, I really don't need a magic weapon." Lin Tian's words completely angered Luan San, and Luan San snorted, "Then I'll let you know how powerful my Hundred Slashing Technique is."

After finishing speaking, a hundred shadows appeared behind this Luan San, and his breath soared.

Everyone in the Nanhuang Temple became excited, and the onlookers envied, "What a powerful hundred-cut technique."

"No, it's a spell that can amplify the power a hundred times."

The fire beast stared at Lin Tian suspiciously, muttering in his heart, "This guy, won't he still carry it?"

Regarding Luan San, he looked at Lin Tian with a ferocious face and said, "Boy, have you seen it? This is my power."

"Trash!" Lin Tian sent two words.

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