Crazy criticism of female supporting roles is not to be trifled with

Chapter 14 The eldest lady only likes obedient toys (14)

"Remember, little wolfdog?"

The girl's technique was not gentle, and her fingertips filled with medicine pressed heavily on Lu Zeye's wound.

Complex feelings overflowed my heart!

Lu Zeye suddenly remembered the vague but ambiguous memories of that night.

The dim light on a rainy night, the girl's gentle tone, the smell of medicine!

Also, the hand that patted and comforted myself slowly was much gentler than it is now!

"You were very well-behaved that night!"

"What on earth did I say!"

Lu Zeye got excited and wanted to stand up, but was pushed back to the chair.

The girl's face was very close to him, and her long hair hung on his wound. Lu Zeye felt a little itchy. He didn't know if it was the wound or his heart!

"Have you forgotten? That night you lay in my arms and called me mommy. You couldn't push me away no matter how hard you pushed me. I had to be your pillow all night. I was so tired!"

The girl's tone was casually gentle, but Lu Zeye's ears were slightly red. He lowered his head: "I was sick and confused that night, don't worry about it."

"I don't care! Anyway, I don't have a son as old as you..."

Xie Qingxuan smiled and bandaged Lu Zeye's knee.

"But anyway, I changed your dressing and clothes that day, and you not only didn't even say thank you, but you also wanted to frame me? This is not kind!"

"You also changed my clothes that day?!"

Lu Zeye was now visibly panicked!

He remembered that his clothes had been changed from the inside out that day. He thought they were changed by a servant, but was it actually changed by the eldest lady herself?

The little white cat nestled under the dressing table nearby made a vague meowing sound, complaining that its host was telling lies with his eyes open.

"Look how scared you are!"

Xie Qingxuan laughed out loud: "Lu Zeye, if you really need it, I can consider taking responsibility for you, although..."

Xie Qingxuan looked Lu Zeye up and down, as if looking at a piece of cargo: "You really have nothing to see."


"Yeah, listen, the next one is Fu Xinya..."

Xie Qingxuan interrupted Lu Zeye.

She walked to the clothes rack, took out a brand new black dress at random, and put it on Lu Zeye to compare: "Try it? It looks like a prince..."

Lu Zeye stood stiffly on the spot, with his thin body and slightly drooped head, which was pitiful.

Xie Qingxuan, I knew you would not let Xiaoya successfully participate in the interview so easily!

But what are you going to do?

Lu Zeye quickly ran through Xie Qingxuan's performance during these days in his mind, and he couldn't even guess what the girl wanted to do!

"Hurry up and put it on! The time is up, you have to go see your Cinderella!"

The black dress made Lu Zeye's figure look slender and tall, with outstanding temperament.

Xie Qingxuan nodded with satisfaction.

But, with a dress and glass slippers, and not being persecuted by any witches, would Cinderella still need the prince's rescue?

Above the auditorium, Fu Xinya, wearing a long white dress, looked pure and flawless under the light, like a lost princess, and the notes that popped out of her hands were like dancing elves.

Indeed, very talented!

Moreover, this song is very beautiful, and every note seems to be whispering touching love words in the ear.

According to the direction of this music, the rest will not be simple.

Sure enough, when Fu Xinya entered the second movement of the music, she was obviously not as good as the first movement. Soon, mistakes appeared.

"Is this song played by Senior Ji Boyin last time?"

Some students in the audience began to discuss quietly.

"Fu Xinya is so amazing. This piece was composed by senior Ji Boyin himself and has only been played once in public. Did Fu Xinya actually remember it?"

"Look, the senior has been staring at Fu Xinya!"

Xie Qingxuan looked sideways. Ji Boyin, who was sitting at the judges' table, was looking at the girl on the stage with all his attention, looking like a humble gentleman.

He keeps score in his hand and occasionally communicates with the teacher next to him.

Fu Xinya's current piano level is actually not suitable for auditioning with such difficult music.

Was it because of Ji Boyin?

In the original text, Fu Xinya had a crush on Ji Boyin in the early stage.

It's a pity. If this song hadn't been chosen, Fu Xinya might have been chosen this time.

Fu Xinya's performance started to go wrong later on. If she could make up for it in time, with the heroine's talent, she might be able to complete the performance smoothly.

But Fu Xinya seemed to be in a panic, and her subsequent performances began to become more and more unstable, making frequent mistakes.

When the last note fell, Fu Xinya lowered her head and came down from the stage. She didn't even dare to look at Ji Boyin. She had obviously played this piece before, so how could she make a mistake? !

But Ji Boyin's attention was already on the next interview student, and he didn't stay here for a moment.

Also, such an outstanding student council president is completely different from Sima Li and the others. How could he notice his ordinary self?


Fu Xinya looked at Xie Qingxuan sitting in the auditorium. She was surrounded by Lu Zeye and Sima Li. She didn't know what she was talking about and smiled happily.

Will the senior really marry that woman in the future?

"Fu Xinya! You play so well!"

Sima Li walked over and put his coat on Fu Xinya's body.

"Are you laughing at me? Sima Li!"

Fu Xinya pulled off her coat and threw it on Sima Li.

"Of course not!"

Sima Li defended loudly. He really thought Fu Xinya played the piano very well!

"Classmate Fu Xinya, you are really good at playing. However, it is best not to have distracting thoughts when playing, especially not to think about someone who has a fiancée..."

Xie Qingxuan glanced in Ji Boyin's direction lightly.

"Xie Qingxuan, it's you, right?"

Fu Xinya stepped forward, all the pressure just now finally had an outlet!

Xie Qingxuan was right, she did have distracting thoughts during the performance.

Her mind was filled with what those girls said!

She was worried that something might suddenly go wrong with her dress, she was worried that the piano might be tampered with, and she was afraid of being embarrassed in front of Ji Boyin!

As she expected, all this was Xie Qingxuan's method!

"You tampered with the piano, right? Why did you do that? You stopped me from participating in the interview at first, and now you do such a despicable thing. Why on earth do you always dislike me? Is it because Sima Li likes me? ?”

Fu Xinya tensed up: "But, I don't like Sima Li! You should take good care of your friends when you have time, instead of coming to trouble me!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Ah Xuan hasn't done anything, right?" Song Yun stood up and shouted loudly, "Are you suffering from paranoia?!"

"I heard it!" Fu Xinya looked firm, "I heard it. The Xie family touched the piano before the performance! Moreover, Xie Qingxuan, you clearly applied for the piano in the interview before. Why did you change it to the violin? Isn't it because you were playing the piano before the performance? Has anything been done to the piano?"

If the piano hadn't been tampered with, I wouldn't have made any mistakes at all!

"Fu Xinya, Ah Xuan will not do such a thing. As long as she agrees to something, she will not regret it! You must have misunderstood Ah Xuan."

Sima Li took Fu Xinya's hand and stopped Fu Xinya from going any further.

But Fu Xinya looked directly at Xie Qingxuan stubbornly. She would not compromise with these people. Do you want to drive her out of Yunzhou University in this way?


The noise here attracted the attention of the teacher at the judges' table.

The teacher made a tentative gesture to the host and looked at the noisy students: "What happened?"

"Teacher, I had a problem with the interview just now because the piano was tampered with!"

Fu Xinya took a step forward and looked at the teacher and Ji Boyin with firm and fearless eyes, completely unprepared to be authoritative and calm the situation!

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