Crazy criticism of female supporting roles is not to be trifled with

Chapter 62 The eldest lady only likes obedient toys. Extra (End)

A woman who would have taken a detour whenever she saw him would now take the initiative to appear in front of him.

That time on the rooftop, Xie Qingxuan clearly wanted to kill Lu Zeye. In the laboratory, she and Lu Zeye obviously didn't do anything, but it made Lu Zeye think that the two of them had had physical contact. This made Ji Boyin even more sure that Xie Qingxuan had no intention of killing him. I don’t like Lu Zeye.

Since you don't like it, why do you keep Lu Zeye by your side?

Why did she use various means just to make Lu Zeye fall in love with her?

Ji Boyin, who originally thought this life was meaningless, suddenly took a new interest in this girl.

Especially when Ji Boyin discovered the hallucinogen left by Xie Qingxuan on the rooftop. The Ji family was originally a medical family. Ji Boyin had been exposed to various pharmaceuticals since he was a child. He had never seen a pharmaceutical like this that could make people instantly Having hallucinations, even being unable to distinguish reality, and being able to take what happens in the illusion mirror as real.

All this aroused Ji Boyin's strong interest, as if his life, which was originally dull as water, suddenly became interesting.

So Ji Boyin began to study new hallucinogens through the hallucinogens left by Xie Qingxuan, and the drugs extracted from this hallucinogen also made Ji Boyin feel excited.

Not just hallucinogens, Xie Qingxuan seemed to know a lot of things that she shouldn't know, such as the password to her laboratory, about that piece of music, and about Fu Xinya.

In fact, when Fu Xinya first came into contact with Lu Zeye and Xie Qingxuan, Ji Boyin noticed it, but it didn't really matter. He believed that the world had its own development trajectory, and no one needed to break it arbitrarily.

But Xie Qingxuan didn't seem to think so. She didn't seem to do anything, but she quietly took away the opportunities that belonged to Fu Xinya bit by bit.

All this happened after that kidnapping.

Ji Boyin didn't believe what others said about her sudden change in temperament overnight because of the kidnapping, because Ji Boyin knew very well that when he rescued Xie Qingxuan from the kidnappers, the girl's fear and timidity contained hatred. Interesting vision.

However, Xie Qingxuan was not like this later. Although she was seeking revenge, there was no hatred in her eyes at all. She seemed to be playing a game, and this game was called revenge.

What is completely different from the previous Xie Qingxuan is that this Xie Qingxuan's attitude towards herself is completely different from the previous Xie Qingxuan who was far away from her and even a little timid. She likes to be close to her very much.

Moreover, by chance, Ji Boyin discovered that Xie Qingxuan had a habit of drinking blood.

He is obviously alone, but he likes to drink blood.

Ji Boyin didn't know why, but he didn't like the way Xie Qingxuan drank blood. It seemed that the disgust was born in his bones, especially when she drank other blood, so he started to develop artificial blood, but Xie Qingxuan seemed to Don't like it.

Xie Qingxuan's plan slowly closed the web. Lu Zeye and Fu Xinya were like insects stuck in a spider web, unable to move.

Ji Boyin watched all this happen like an outsider.

Ever since he had his own consciousness, Ji Boyin knew that he was living in a world of novels. Therefore, he had not interfered with everything that happened in this world. It seemed that there was a subconscious telling him that everything in this world had its own consequences. The trajectory is not allowed to be changed.

I just don't know why Ji Boyin gradually went against his original intention as he came into contact with Xie Qingxuan.

Sometimes Face Ji Boyin doesn't even know the reasons for things he does.

When he learned that Xie Qingxuan had been kidnapped, he rushed to the kidnapping scene as soon as possible.

That was completely different from the first time. The first time was when Sima Li asked him to save Xie Qingxuan, but this time, he knew clearly in his heart that with the current ability of Xie Qingxuan, he would never be hurt at all. When he reacted, he had already arrived at the place where Xie Qingxuan was kidnapped.

He felt inexplicably relieved when he saw Xie Qingxuan crushing the kidnappers with one against ten.

So Ji Boyin sat in the car and watched. He knew that as long as Xie Qingxuan had any problems, he would definitely take action, but he didn't know why he changed like this?

Is it really because you want to use that girl as the experimental subject?

Yes, Xie Qingxuan's body was indeed special, but even though Ji Boyin said so, he didn't do any experiments with Xie Qingxuan's body until the end.

Later, after getting married, Xie Qingxuan's life situation became worse and worse, and she had inexplicable heart problems.

Ji Boyin found that no medicine seemed to be able to improve Xie Qingxuan's symptoms, except his own blood!

Ji Boyin discovered that whenever Xie Qingxuan drank her own blood, her symptoms would be temporarily relieved.

So Ji Boyin replaced the artificial blood with his own blood. During the last days when Xie Qingxuan was lying in bed, he always drank Ji Boyin's blood.

Ji Boyin knew that this kind of behavior was perverted, but he no longer knew how to keep this girl. The world was too boring and too empty!

Would it be better if this woman stayed with him?

When proposing, Xie Qingxuan asked herself: "Ji Boyin, do you like me? Only two people who like each other can be together!"

At that time, Ji Boyin did hesitate.

He doesn't know what love is?

Do you like how you feel about Xie Qingxuan?

Fortunately, that woman has never pursued anything about her liking since then.

Later, Xie Qingxuan died.

Ji Boyin would visit the woman's grave every year. He would sprinkle his blood around Xie Qingxuan's grave. The roses around the grave seemed to bloom more beautifully because of the nourishment of this blood.

Everyone was moved by Ji Boyin's deep affection. After his wife passed away, he never remarried.

The divorce agreement left by Xie Qingxuan has been kept on the bedside. Ji Boyin never thought of signing his name, because he did not know that in this long life, trivial and boring world, if it were not for Xie Qingxuan, Who else could stand with him in this luxurious and towering villa halfway up the mountain, overlooking the night view of the entire city.

For many years after Xie Qingxuan's death, Ji Boyin has been researching heart disease drugs. After that, the heart disease drugs developed by Ji's Group have made great achievements and become a major medical discovery together with antidepressant drugs. , bringing Ji's Group and Xie's Group to the top together.

But from then on, Ji Boyin left everything to Sima Li and Song Yun. He was often in the studio, not letting anyone in, and sometimes stayed there all day.

Until the last moment of his life, Ji Boyin didn't know whether he had ever loved Xie Qingxuan in his life, because he never knew what liking meant? Not to mention love?

But if I can see Xie Qingxuan, if I have the chance to meet again, Xie Qingxuan, I want to give you the paintings in this room.

I want to tell you that I only want to draw you in this life!

Is this considered liking?

Is it what you want?


There will be another update soon, is there anyone waiting?

I’ll make up for the more updates I promised you yesterday~

ps: I would like to ask, if someone tells you that you are not good at something and asks you to give up on something you like very much, what would you do?


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