Crazy criticism of female supporting roles is not to be trifled with

Chapter 846 Chapter 804 Do I only like faces? (30)

Xie Qingxuan stood up suddenly. Fu Minghua and Song Licheng both looked at Xie Qingxuan's behavior at the same time. Xie Qingxuan took a deep breath, and then said to the teacher: "I'm sorry, teacher, I don't feel well today. I may have to ask for leave."

After Xie Qingxuan finished speaking, she did not wait for the teacher's response, but directly picked up her schoolbag and left the classroom. Xie Qingxuan did not want to continue this farce with Song Licheng and Fu Minghua.

"Hey, why are you going! Xie Qingxuan!". Fu Minghua chased Xie Qingxuan out and halfway through, Fu Minghua suddenly seemed tired of this chasing game with Xie Qingxuan. He grabbed Xie Qingxuan and pulled her into his arms, regardless of what was happening outside. The person pointed at Xie Qingxuan and said, "Just tell me what you're angry about." "Don't you know what I'm angry about? Fu Minghua, have you got nothing to do recently? You've finished your graduation painting. Have you finished setting up your art exhibition? Aren't you looking for information about the Subiya Kingdom? I gave you so much information, it would take you only half a year to read it, and you are so busy every day. "Me?" "Xie Qingxuan, can you figure it out? It was you who confessed to me at the beginning, and you were the one who pestered me." ." Xie Qingxuan pushed Fu Minghua, and with this force, Fu Minghua was pushed against the shadow pillar on the side of the teaching building. Fu Minghua is taller than Xie Qingxuan. But. From this angle, it looked like the woman was pressing closely against Fu Minghua aggressively. Without giving the man any way to retreat, many students passed by on the roadside. They all took out their mobile phones to take pictures of the scene. Soon someone posted the photos on the school forum. The photos of Fu Minghua and Xie Qingxuan were quickly liked on the forum and pushed to the top of the hot search list. At this moment, Song Licheng did not leave the classroom. He did not care about the eyes of the professor and the people around him, but was typing on his mobile phone as if bored. . The mobile phone is the school's forum, and the discussion below the forum is now in full swing.

"Isn't this Fu Minghua?" "Yes, I heard that Fu Minghua, who Xie Qingxuan had been chasing for a long time, finally caught up with him. I heard a while ago that Fu Minghua, Fu Minghua and Lin Shu were in trouble because of the drama club. "Yes, didn't I hear that Lin Shu finally gave up his position as chief to Xie Qingxuan because of Xie Qingxuan's trouble?" Several people were entangled at the school gate, does it look like Xie Qingxuan wants to get Fu Minghua? "

Looking at this photo, an anonymous netizen suddenly posted a photo online. The backs of the photo were blurry, and they looked like Xie Qingxuan and Fu Minghua, but. The front of the photo is. Chuyun Hotel. "Oh my god, it turns out that Xie Qingxuan and Fu Minghua have already checked into a room. No wonder Fu Minghua is eaten to death." "Let me just say, Fu Minghua obviously seems to like Lin Shu very much, but then he turns around and gets along with Xie Qingxuan. It turns out that this is the case. , Xie Qingxuan has already entered the house. "You will be legally responsible for spreading rumors casually," at this time. Suddenly an anonymous post was posted below. This information was quickly deleted, but in less than half an hour, the forum post with a huge amount of discussion was deleted, and no one knew who it was. This post was deleted until the administrator came out to post, indicating that the forum was attacked by hackers. Many posts were forcibly deleted by the background and will not be restored for a short time. Please don't be impatient and apologize to all netizens. Only then did everyone know that the article just now was probably hacked by a hacker. The bell rang. Song Licheng turned off his mobile phone and walked out of the classroom leisurely. At this time, a few timid and a few bold female students walked up to Song Licheng: "You don't seem to be in our department. Do you want to add us on WeChat? It's hard to get a seat in this teacher's class. We can help you next time." Take a seat." "No," Song Licheng said without raising his head, "I'm not interested in anyone younger than me." "Who said I'm interested in you?" The girl hadn't finished her words yet. , Song Licheng had already left. Song Licheng arrived. On the school basketball court. Fu Minghua just left Xie Qingxuan. So Song Licheng and Fu Minghua just passed each other. Fu Minghua looked at the book Song Licheng held and sneered: "Why are you pretending? You are not from our department." "At least I took more notes than you did in this class," Song Licheng opened the book. Sure enough, the words in the book were written with seriousness. Real notes. Fu Minghua was speechless for a moment, so he changed the topic, "How did you know I was here?"

"I didn't know you met here by chance," "Then where are you going this time?" "This seems to have nothing to do with you, right?" "I'm warning you, stay away from Xie Qingxuan. Xie Qingxuan is young and is easily attracted to people like you. The old man lied to me and asked someone to investigate. Song Licheng, you have been following Xie Qingxuan secretly. Are you a stalker or a human trafficker? ""It has nothing to do with you." "Why do you care so much about Xie Qingxuan? "Song Licheng, I am her boyfriend now. Whether I like it or not, I have the responsibility and obligation to protect Xie Qingxuan's safety." "Really? Then you'd better follow Xie Qingxuan 24 hours a day, so that you can better protect Xie Qingxuan's safety." "Song Licheng, did you do this on purpose?" Fu Minghua said, grabbing Song Licheng's collar.

"Fu Minghua, what are you doing?" Xie Qingxuan's voice came from behind. Fu Minghua cursed secretly, let go of Song Licheng, and clapped his hands, "Song Licheng, I won't argue with you today. When will we avoid Xie Qingxuan, we Let's solve it in a man's way." "What a man's way. I don't think you and I, a child, have anything to solve in a man's way."

"Fu Minghua, you are very free, aren't you? If you are very free, my dad has an event at the institute today. I have already told my dad. You go find him." Fu Minghua turned around and looked at Xie Qingxuan with a somewhat aggrieved look. , "Are you going to send me away?"

"It's up to you whether you go or not. But the institute has recently unearthed an epitaph from the Kingdom of Subia. I heard it is on it. There is also the century of King Subia. Aren't you very interested? Today is the first time they have made it public. This is the only time that this epitaph will be published, and then they will take it to the hospital for closed research. If you don’t go today, you won’t see it.”

Fu Minghua hesitated for a long time and finally said: "Then you two are not allowed to date secretly behind my back." "Go quickly, otherwise my dad won't wait for you." Fu Minghua finally chose to look at the epitaph first.

"Song Licheng, Song Licheng, why are you arguing with a child? Is it interesting that you are always stumbling for him?"

"It's fun to tease children. But what do you like about him?" Song Licheng bent down slightly and gently brushed the fallen leaves off Xie Qingxuan's head with his hand, "A person who chooses dead things between you and dead things, What’s the point of choosing him?”

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