Crazy criticism of female supporting roles is not to be trifled with

Chapter 850 Chapter 808 Do I only like faces? (34)

When Xie Qingxuan woke up from the hospital, she was lying on her side drinking, and the room was empty. Xie Qingxuan felt a little weak, and even felt a little short of breath. Xie Qingxuan even called 000 in her mind, but there was still no response. There were times when she lost contact with 000. Xie Qingxuan waited for hundreds of years to wait until 000, but now in this world. This body has no life left to wait for hundreds of years. Just why does this body suddenly have abnormal vital signs? And at this moment. The door to the VIP ward opened. There were many people standing outside, but they were all stopped by the doctor. The middle-aged doctor in a white coat put on his glasses and walked to Xie Qingxuan's bedside. After a lot of examinations with the nurse, the nurse came in one after another. Go out, leaving only one or two to get medicine for Xie Qingxuan: "Your friends and family are very worried about you, Miss Xie. But Mr. Xie called and refused to let anyone enter your ward until he comes back. ," "My brother knows," Xie Qingxuan wanted to do it. Two smart little nurses quickly supported Xie Qingxuan and asked Xie Qingxuan to lean back. "What's wrong with me?" The doctor took a checklist and handed it to Xie Qingxuan, "Miss Xie has terminal lung cancer."

"What!" Xie Qingxuan was really surprised, because this body had always been healthy. Even in the original text, his death was not due to any disease. Why did the cause of death suddenly appear to be terminal lung cancer. If a protagonist or supporting character dies due to a sudden illness in the plot line, it must be because the world is no longer alienated from this character. And he needs to leave immediately. Although 000 is no longer with Xie Qingxuan, he cannot have the same insight into the plot as before. Xie Qingquan was about to open his mouth and ask, but a sudden violent cough interrupted what Xie Qingxuan wanted to say. The doctor quickly inserted a needle for Xie Qingxuan to infuse. Soon Xie Qingxuan's body felt comfortable. Xie Qingxuan suddenly realized clearly that the world wanted to obliterate her. Whether it was the main god system of this world or the rules of this world, it was all trying to obliterate her. Why? Did you do something that warrants being wiped out from this world? Could it be because he changed the plot line? In the original text, if the plot line was changed, there would indeed be backlash from the plot, but Xie Qingxuan has never suffered such strong backlash. "You can't go in," the little nurse outside said with a familiar voice again, but it was a pity that the people outside didn't give him any respect this time. The door opened with a bang, and Song Licheng appeared at the door. He had a tired aura, and there were blood stains on his white shirt, as if he had just experienced a fierce fight with someone. There was a drop of blood on his forehead. It seemed that in this fight, the opponent either had too many people, or . Great reach. Otherwise, how could Song Licheng be so seriously injured. "Sir, the patient is undergoing treatment. If you barge in for no reason and hinder the doctor's treatment, I can ask the security to arrest you." Song Licheng did not respond with a word, but the strong aura surrounding him made him But the doctor's voice became more and more thoughtful as he spoke. Just as the doctor was about to finish speaking under such great pressure, Xie Qingxuan said: "It's okay, doctor. He is my friend. I will explain it myself when my brother comes." "What about the others?" The doctor is naturally not a fool. He followed Xie Qingxuan's words and said, "Others, please use security to stop me. If they all come in, it will really hinder my rest."

"You will feel better after taking this medicine for a while, but it is already in the advanced stage. It may be necessary. Boss Xie came back in person to sign the document. Should he give up the treatment or continue the treatment? But our hospital still recommends giving up the treatment or going abroad directly. China is not equipped to treat lung cancer at this stage. If you continue to treat it with your current physical condition, you may suffer great pain." "I understand, thank you,"

After the doctor went out, there was more noise outside, but security guards and police also appeared. Gradually, the outside became quiet. Only Song Licheng and Xie Qingxuan were left in the ward. Song Licheng looked out the window. The yelling Fu Minghua was taken away, and the hospital seemed to be calm all of a sudden. The two of them didn't speak for a long time, which made Xie Qingxuan a little embarrassed. "Song Licheng, it's not like you to speak suddenly. Can you say a few words?" Xie Qingxuan coughed violently just after saying a few words. After Xie Qingxuan quickly picked up the paper shell, the paper was covered with blood. Song Licheng's hands tightened. He held it tightly but did not turn around. "You are really not a gentleman at all. Shouldn't you be anxious to come to my bedside at this time?" Song Licheng really turned around at this time, walked to Xie Qingxuan step by step, and then half-knelt in front of Xie Qingxuan, Looking at the toilet paper in Xie Qingxuan's hand, Xie Qingxuan stretched out her hand and handed it to him naturally. Song Licheng spread out the toilet paper and saw thick blood stains on it, indicating that the owner was terminally ill. Song Licheng threw the wad of paper aside, and then stretched out his hand to Xie Qingxuan Feel the pulse,

Xie Qingxuan laughed out loud: "Are you an old Chinese medicine doctor?" "Why is this happening?" "The doctor should have given you a clear explanation why, but I can't." "Why did you suddenly get lung cancer? You have always been very patient. Healthy. You are obviously not going to die." "I don't know what you are talking about, Song Licheng," Xie Qingxuan raised her head, and the sunlight outside the window was a bit dazzling, shining on her body drop by drop through the gaps between her fingers. At the same time, a drop-by-step silhouette also shone on Song Licheng's body. There was a fight just now. Song Licheng's clothes were torn to pieces and a little crooked. Xie Qingxuan went to help Song Licheng's clothes, and then she realized that Song Licheng's thickness , there is a faint moon lotus near the bottom. This shocked Xie Qingxuan. Xie Qingxuan never thought that Song Licheng was the main god. In this way, Xie Qingxuan must re-examine everything about Song Licheng after this world.

"What are you thinking?" Song Licheng held Xie Qingxuan's hand, "Do you want to survive or give up your life?" The face that had not dried up said, "What about you, Song Licheng, do you want me to die or do you want me to live?" From Xie Qingxuan's eyes, she didn't bother to pretend at all, so Song Licheng stopped pretending, he took Xie Qingxuan's hand and said: "I never wanted to let you die. Instead, you kept pressing on me step by step, always wanting me to die."

"So," Xie Qingxuan leaned into Song Licheng's ear, "are you making this world a mess just to kill me? Lord God!"

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