Crazy criticism of female supporting roles is not to be trifled with

Chapter 90 I can lift you to the sky, but I can also step you into the quagmire (28)

Yue Sen was originally of mixed race, and his light blue eyes looked even more handsome in his pale face.

His hair was wet, with a towel draped over it. He looked like a little sika deer that had just been soaked in the rain. He was adorable.

Xie Qingxuan will naturally be attracted by such beautiful scenery.

Xie Qingxuan looked at Yue Sen. Yue Sen was tightly wrapped in a bath towel, with water droplets on the smooth lines.

"It's beautiful and delicious. The food is still fresh and delicious these days. Don't you think so? Su Luo."

Xie Qingxuan's words made Su Luo's heart sink!

What's the meaning?

What is fresh and delicious?


This Yue Sen is young!

But who has never been young?

Was he worse than Yue Sen when he was in school?

And even now, I am no worse than him!

Su Luo's heart was ups and downs several times now. But he looked at Xie Qingxuan without saying a word.

Xie Qingxuan put her hand on the door: "You saw it too, Su Luosu, the great actor, I'm afraid I don't have time to greet you now. Do you have anything?"

"Tomorrow we have to choose a camp, and you and I can be considered rivals. However, I don't want to become an enemy with you, and I have never thought about it!"

Su Luo looked at Boss Xie, his voice was deep, expressing the grievance and loss he was best at: "So I want to talk to you! Me,"

"Thank you, boss! Where is the shampoo? My head is so wet and uncomfortable!"

Yue Sen interrupted the conversation between Su Luo and Xie Qingxuan with his broken Chinese!

Yue Sen's Chinese pronunciation of "Bie Jie" was a bit cute in Xie Qingxuan's eyes. Xie Qingxuan smiled and said, "Just hold on. The shampoo is over there in the cabinet and I'll get it for you. If you come out like this, be careful to catch a cold!"

"Catching a cold? Now, it's August, Boss Xie."

At this time, Su Luo remained silent at the door. He spoke in a nonchalant manner, with a hint of mockery in his tone.

Su Luo seemed to be aware of the strangeness of his tone. He quickly suppressed his displeasure and returned to his somewhat pitiful tone.

"Thank you, boss, I have shampoo there. Why does Yue Sen come to your place to take a shower? If he feels that the dormitory is inconvenient, he can come to my place. From now on, Yue Sen, if you feel that the place to take a shower is inconvenient, you can come to my place." , my place is a separate bathroom, and the boys are in the boys' place, which is more convenient after all, but I think all male players participating in the Sons of Tomorrow should be treated equally,"

"Teacher Su, you misunderstood. I just came to Teacher Xie to ask some questions,"

Yue Sen hesitated for a moment, his lame, mixed Chinese and English words made it hard to understand!

Xie Qingxuan was very considerate and took what Yue Sen said: "Yes, Yue Sen just came to ask me some professional questions. Look, he made a song and gave it to me!"

Xie Qingxuan pointed and threw the messy paper on the table. There were some twisted notes on it: "It's just that I accidentally spilled my wine on Yue Sen just now. It's not too much for him to take a bath with me, right? Su Luo, I’m explaining to you because we are both judges, not because of any previous friendship, don’t get me wrong!”

"So you two were drinking together?"

Su Luo keenly grasped the most important sentence in this topic: "The instructor and the student were drinking together. Do you know how bad this incident will affect you if word spreads about it?"

"Affects me?"

Xie Qingxuan was stunned for a moment. Xie Qingxuan tightened the collar on her chest: "Su Luo, you actually care about your influence on me? Do I still have any influence in this entertainment industry?

Everyone knows what kind of person I am, but what does it matter? I am still the president of Fanxing Entertainment, and I still control half of the entertainment industry.

What's more, Su Luo, don't you know this matter better than anyone else? Didn’t I make you famous step by step like this in those years? Our Best Actor Su was not achieved overnight, have you forgotten? "

"So now you decide to praise Yue Yue Sen? Aren't you very interested in that Song Yunlin? I passed by the practice room just now, and he was practicing there pitifully, but his teammates were showing off their lust here. I don't know How does Song Yunlin feel when he knows his teammates are hooking up with his girlfriend,"

"Hook up?" Xie Qingxuan smiled. Xie Qingxuan wanted to close the door, but Su Luo's hand held the door tightly and refused to let Xie Qingxuan close it!

Xie Qingxuan looked at Su Luo's hand: "This is considered hooking up, Su Luo. How about the three of us together?"

Xie Qingxuan simply let go of his hand and let Su Luo come in.

Su Luo hesitated for a moment!

What does Xie Qingxuan mean by letting three people be together?

But when he looked at Yue Sen, who had been leaning against the bathroom door, he didn't want to push back, so he dodged directly into Xie Qingxuan's room and closed the door smoothly.

Su Luo walked next to Xie Qingxuan. He smelled the room. There was no smell of alcohol, only a strong smell of perfume.

Such a strong perfume smell does not seem to be sprinkled in the house, and Xie Qingxuan never uses perfume. There is only one reason for the sudden spray of so much perfume!

Just to cover up the smell!

Thinking of this, Su Luo immediately thought of some scenes not suitable for children, so he suddenly grabbed Xie Qingxuan's hand and asked in a low voice: "What did you and Yue Sen just do in the room? Why did you spread so much perfume?"

Xie Qingxuan turned around and grabbed Su Luo, and then with a strong force, Su Luo was pushed to the sofa. The soft sofa made Su Luo sink!

Su Luo wanted to get up, but Xie Qingxuan pushed him down again. With Xie Qingxuan, Su Luo, who was obviously a man, seemed to have no chance to resist!

"Why are you asking so much? Teacher Su Luosu has too much control."

Just as Su Luo was about to speak, Xie Qingxuan stopped his lips with her hands. There was a faint smell of blood on the woman's hands, which for some reason made Su Luo hesitate for a moment.

"Stay there, I'm going to get a shampoo for Yue Sen. If you try to move around, I don't guarantee what I'll do to you!"

After Xie Qingxuan finished speaking, he stood up and left.

Xie Qingxuan put a shampoo in Yue Sen's hand.

Yue Sen asked Yue Sen to wash up well.

"I know! Thanks boss, I take a shower every day at school. Wow, the shampoo smells so good."

Yue Sen sniffed it: "I also used this brand when I was abroad. It seems that Teacher Xie and I have very similar tastes."

"It's rare for boys to like to use lightly scented shampoo,"

Xie Qingxuan smiled and said,

"Then what's so fragrant? Well, only girls will like it, and only Teacher Xie will like it, right?"

"Yue Sen, it seems that you don't know much about it after staying abroad for a long time. Such open folk customs are not popular in China."

Su Luo interrupted!

"Teacher Su, there's no need to worry. I think it'll be fine as long as Teacher Xie likes it, right? Teacher Xie!"

"You go in quickly, you'll catch a cold soon, and the air conditioner is still on outside,"

"I understand, thank you boss!"

Before Yue Sen closed the door, he winked at Xie Qingxuan obediently!

Xie Qingxuan walked to the sofa. Su Luo didn't seem to move at all.

Xie Qingxuan took the phone, and Su Luo came up and said, "Boss Xie, let's talk about the son of tomorrow. You are..."

Before Su Luo finished speaking, Xie Qingxuan suddenly turned around, grabbed Su Luo's neck, and pushed Su Luo straight to the sofa.

Su Luo's head hit the wooden armchair of the sofa heavily with a bang!

Su Luo was a little dizzy, but he looked at Xie Qingxuan. There was a smile on the woman's lips, but her eyes were full of indifference. She gradually stopped holding her neck!

"Su Luo, I didn't say what if you move? I don't guarantee what I will do?"

"Host, host, please calm down, why do you always want the male lead?"

The white cat suddenly appeared on the table.

It jumped through hoops in a hurry, but Xie Qingxuan paid no attention to its intentions.

It wasn't until Su Luo's breathing became more and more rapid and her delicate girl-like face gradually turned pale that Xie Qingxuan let go of her hand.

Su Luo covered his neck with both hands and kept coughing. He looked at Xie Qingxuan: "What are you doing?"

"Su Luo, I'm asking you."

Xie Qingxuan grabbed Su Luo and tied Su Luo's hands directly to the wooden armchair before Su Luo could react!

Su Luo was coughing rapidly, and his breathing was still not steady after being pinched by Xie Qingxuan just now, and he had not yet reacted.

Xie Qingxuan had already used a special technique to clasp his hands tightly on the wooden armchair.

Su Luo saw himself trapped. He didn't understand why it was like this!

Su Luo looked at Xie Qingxuan and he kept arguing!

Xie Qingxuan held the mobile phone: "What's there to argue about? Isn't that why you came to me in the middle of the night? Su Luo, this is not the first time you've done this. It's not new to you. Why are you doing this? Do you still want to pretend to be a chaste and fierce woman?"

"What are you talking about! Xie Qingxuan, I really want to talk to you, please let me go,"

"You want to talk to me, so use my phone,"

As soon as Xie Qingxuan finished speaking, Su Luo suddenly stopped struggling.

"I did not change my password,"

Xie Qing shook his phone: "But this doesn't mean I can't see if you touch my phone! Su Luo, when will you get rid of your habit of looking at my phone? Or I'll chop off your fingers?"

Xie Qingxuan took out the fruit knife from under the coffee table, and Xie Qingxuan approached Su Luo's hand!

Su Luo looked panicked: "What are you doing? Xie Qingxuan, please calm down."

"Calm down? Were you calm when you looked at my phone? Su Luo, can you please have a brain? Do you really think that I, the dignified CEO of Fanxing Entertainment, would put any confidential documents in my phone, or would there be any confidential information in there? Is it on WeChat or QQ? Su Luo, please don’t stay with Zhen Yao for too long. Is it okay if you get infected by Silly Baitian?"

Xie Qingxuan used the dagger to force Su Luo's hand: "Such a beautiful hand, playing the piano and singing. If it is cut, what do you think will be the headline tomorrow? The actor Su Luo was attacked at night and his finger was cut."

"You're crazy! Xie Qingxuan."

The dagger had already scratched Su Luo's finger. He gradually applied force and saw drops of blood seeping out from Su Luo's finger.

Su Luo didn't dare to move at all. He was afraid that Xie Qingxuan, a crazy woman, would really dare to cut off her own fingers.

Su Luo couldn't help but regret why he came in here?


It’s because I heard other students discussing it just now!

Said Yue Sen came to thank Qingxuan with the music score!

"Did you see? Yue Sen went to find Teacher Xie in the middle of the night. It's obvious what his purpose is."

"Exactly! We are open to foreigners, but Boss Xie always accepts everyone who comes. Do you think Yue Sen can get what he wants?"

"I see that Song Yunlin is still practicing in the piano room. It seems that Yue Sen wants to take advantage of others' danger,"

"What's the point of taking advantage of others? Didn't Song Yunlin also marry Su Luo? Does Teacher Xie still need a man by his side?"

"Okay, let's not act like women and go practice now!"

Yes, I just heard these discussions and walked out of Xie Qingxuan's room door by accident.

I saw Yue Sen like that again. He just rushed in regardless of everything.

But when did Xie Qingxuan become like this?

Why has Xie Qingxuan become more and more perverted since his face was destroyed?

Xie Qingxuan had never treated her like this before. Even if she fell, she would take care of her in every possible way, so she wouldn't hurt herself.

"Don't do this. Sister! Don't do this,"

Su Luo finally called out Xie Qingxuan, whom he had not called for a long time.

That title that made Su Luo very disdainful and disgusting before,

Before, I was taken care of by Xie Qingxuan and lived in Xie Qingxuan's house. I was always called Xie Qingxuan's sister.

Xie Qingxuan was stunned by this title: "What did you call me? Su Luo?"

"Sister, please calm down. I really just want to talk to you. Zhen Yao and I really have nothing. I want to leave just because I don't want others to say that I rely on you to become famous. The hurt you suffered for me, for me I will keep everything I have endured in my heart and will never forget it.

It was you who said you wanted to set me free. It was you who said you were afraid that the exposure of our relationship would affect me. I just wanted to grow up quickly. How could you find someone else so quickly? Sister, they are young. But who hasn’t been young? "

"Su Luo, Su Luo, you are really a very sensible person who understands current affairs and is a talented person."

Xie Qingxuan stretched out her hand and rubbed it on Su Luo's chest!

With a sudden force from Xie Qingxuan, the button on Su Luo's chest was torn off.

"So Su Luo. Since you know me so well, you should know what I like best. So you should know not to disturb me!"

"But as you said, after you have me, you won't want anyone else."

Su Luo said sweet words, but her body seemed to reject Xie Qingxuan.

Of course Xie Qingxuan felt it.

Xie Qingxuan stretched out her hand, dipped the blood on Su Luo's finger, and tasted it: "Su Luo, your blood doesn't taste good."

Su Luo was stunned. He didn't know what Xie Qingxuan was thinking.

Xie Qingxuan pulled out the drawer next to him, and there was an aromatherapy diffuser in the drawer.

"So Su Luo, you broke into my room so late to play with me?"

Xie Qingxuan's "playful" bite is meaningful,

Su Luo inexplicably thought of the scene in the private club that day.

"Sister, I..."

Before Su Luo could say no, he heard Yue Sen open the bathroom door: "I can do it. Teacher Xie can play whatever he wants."

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