Chapter 420 Ten fingers clasped together

  Su Ruan didn't know that Ailes and the others were about to arrive at the Central Star. She was busy with school for the past two months.

   In the end, she still failed to change departments. According to the school's regulations, after missing the first opportunity to change departments, she could not change departments after that. Besides, she had been absent from school for more than a year, not to mention the matter of changing departments.

   Fortunately, Su Ruan is quite satisfied with the current state, even if she can't transfer to the school successfully, but with Lu Shinian around, she can still use the armor.

   Occasionally, she would entangle Lu Shinian and enter the star net with her to fight. They formed a team, pulled Zong Yan and others, and participated in a competition.

   At present, their team is the first place. It is said that the first place has rich rewards, so they will naturally be the first.

   After all, this kind of reward can be met and asked for, and the most important thing is that this time it is still a battle with the Zerg, so she naturally has to take part in it.

   is to be sorry for Ailes and the others, um... I didn't know if they found out that the people opposite were her and Lu Shinian after they defeated them last time.

  Thinking of this, Su Ruan couldn't help but laugh.

   If Ailes knew about this, she would probably feel suffocated and wronged in her heart.

   She remembered that when she was in the spiritual realm of the Zerg, Ayers liked to hide things. Every time she was bullied, she would not say anything, but just bear it silently.

   Or she noticed something was wrong and asked her what happened to solve those things little by little.

  Su Ruan seldom remembered what happened in the spiritual realm, and laughed softly.

   This caught the attention of Lu Shinian next to him.

   "What is Ruan Ruan laughing at?" he asked.

  Su Ruan blinked and replied with a chuckle: "I remembered something in the Zerg spiritual realm."

   When Lu Shinian heard this, he put down his work, straightened his body, and asked, "What's the matter?"

   "Are you interested?" Su Ruan asked rhetorically.

  Lu Shinian nodded seriously, took Su Ruan's hand and held it in his palm.

   "I didn't participate in this past, time can't go back, I can't change it."

   "But I want to hear Ruan Ruan, I want to know everything about Ruan Ruan."

   Even those pasts that he didn't have time to participate in.

   When Su Ruan heard this, a smile appeared from the bottom of his eyes.


   she replied softly.

   "I can tell you slowly."

   "We have a long time to talk slowly."

   She took the initiative to lean up and pecked the corner of Lu Shinian's lips lightly.

   "First, let me tell you about the spiritual realm."

   She also later learned that it was the Zerg's spiritual realm, but when she was in the spiritual realm, she didn't know it was the Zerg's spiritual realm, and only thought that she had traveled to another world.

   Now that I think about it, if it is really another world, it would be too strange.

  Su Ruan played with his big hand while talking to Lu Shinian about the spiritual realm.

   She lowered her eyes slightly, Lu Shinian's slender phalanx was reflected in her pupils, and on a whim, she gently inserted her fingers into his fingertips.

   Soft fingertips rubbed against his inner side with the tiny calluses.

  Lu Shinian saw that she was having fun, and in line with her movements, he seemed to clasp her fingers slowly, leaving no gaps.

  Su Ruan raised her head to look at Lu Shinian, but saw a smile in his eyes.


   Lu Shinian laughed softly.

  Su Ruan snorted softly, showing a rare look of coquettishness.

   "I didn't have enough fun."

   The roots of his ears were slightly red, as if he was not used to what to say, and his voice was lowered.

   "I have to play for a lifetime."

   The sound was barely audible.

   (end of this chapter)

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