Chapter 49 The atavism period is coming in the dungeon

  Thinking of this, Lu Shinian immediately suggested: "Do you need to start production immediately?"

  Su Ruan: ? ? ?

   Why is this person more active than her?

   "It still needs to be changed." Su Ruan replied, "It will not be produced for the time being."

  The materials used in military uniforms are very special, almost invulnerable to fire and water. Commanders like Lu Shinian use extremely rare and special materials in their military uniforms, which are very expensive.

  Those materials, even in the virtual star network, are expensive.

   In order not to waste materials and money, Su Ruan decided to make it after he was very satisfied.

   Anyway, this semester still has four months to end, she still has time, as long as she designs a complete set, it should be easier later.

  Thinking like this, Su Ruan explained again: "The material is expensive, so it needs to be modified before making it."

  Lu Shinian didn't seem to think that was the reason, so he fell silent.

The word    "expensive" seems to only exist in memory. Since he became the commander, he has no idea what "expensive" is.

   But right now, in order not to reveal his identity, he can only whisper: "Well, listen to you."

   On the surface, he replied calmly, but in fact he was already thinking about whether the pocket money he gave her was too little, and that made his Ruan Ruan say "expensive".

   At this time, Su Ruan had already put away the virtual drawing board.

   After this wave of inspiration, she had no better inspiration for the time being, so she decided to go to the copy again.

   Naturally, you have to bring Xiao Lu to the dungeon. After all, most of the time, he is the main force.

   She proposed to do the dungeon, and Xiao Lu agreed immediately.

   The two quickly entered the dungeon center. Su Ruan felt that he was not in a good state today, so he chose the simplest dungeon—[Low-level Illusion].

   This copy of [Low-level Illusion] is very simple. After entering, you only need to find and kill the "Illusionary Insect".

   "Illusionary Insect" is a type of Zerg that can only create low-level illusions. The only thing that can create illusions is to make a cup like a toilet. In short, it can be seen at a glance.

  Because the fantasy is simple, and you can only get 10 virtual coins for customs clearance, so few people choose this dungeon, and even if someone chooses, they will go out quickly.

  Su Ruan just wanted to use this dungeon to adjust his state, and didn't want to stay in it for long, so he chose such a relatively simple dungeon.

   Lu Shinian, who was next to her, naturally had no problem.

   After entering the dungeon, Lu Shinian immediately noticed something was wrong.

   doesn't mean something wrong with the illusion itself, but his body.

  's reason was buried by the animal nature that rushed up in an instant, and the time was so fast that there was no time for him to exit the dungeon and go offline.

  Lu Shinian suddenly fell to the ground and let out a whimper from the depths of his throat.

  The mask on his face was crumbling, and snow-white and fluffy wolf ears emerged from the broken black hair. The wolf ears were softly laid down, revealing a pity.

  Su Ruan was still observing the entire copy when he suddenly heard a whimper from behind and turned around to take a look.

  I saw "Little Sweet" sitting on the ground, with her long legs slightly apart, one hand resting on the ground, the other hand casually resting on her thigh, her fingertips glowing with a touch of pink.

   The fluffy wolf ears between the black hair were floppy, and when she stared at him like that, he trembled suddenly, and moved towards her, as if longing for her touch.

   (end of this chapter)

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