Crazy Criticism of Little Jiaojiao In the Arms of the Paranoid Commander

Chapter 57: Ruan Ruan wants to go out to buy something, how can she stop her

   Chapter 57 Ruan Ruan wants to go out to buy things, how can she stop her

  【Second Master】is extremely smart, and has formulated a series of rules for the black market, which is exactly within the maximum limit allowed by the rules of the master brain.

   Although the main brain has autonomous consciousness, it is not flexible like humans.

   Once the rules of the mastermind are formulated, they will never change unless there is a major accident.

   On the other hand, [Second Master] can strictly control the limits of the master brain rules, so that the black market can run smoothly without being blocked.

  【Second Master】is notoriously ruthless again, almost no one dares to be in the black market, so over the years, the black market has never had any problems.

   Having said that, Su Ruan soon arrived at the black market. It was said to be a black market. In fact, it was more like a small town.

There are various small shops on both sides of the street, which are full of dazzling goods. Some shopkeepers are dozing off on the counter, some are enthusiastically soliciting customers, and some are bargaining with customers to try to sell the goods in the shop for a good price. Price.

  If someone unknowingly enters here by mistake, it will only be regarded as an ordinary commercial street.

   But those who know the black market know what is hidden behind each small shop.

  Su Ruan entered a tavern, which seemed to be a place to eat and drink, but it was actually an intelligence center.

   She came here just to find out about her eldest brother.

   asked for a pot of sake, Su Ruan found a hidden corner and sat down.

   There are many people drinking in this small shop, and there are also many people who are talking about various so-called inside information.

   News like this one heard in the store is true or false, and you need to judge by yourself whether it is right or wrong.

   But if you can enter the second floor of the store and enter the box, then the news you get must be 100% true news.

   But there are conditions to enter the second floor. The first condition is that there must be millions of virtual coins in the account.

   Hmm... She only has 20,000 virtual coins, which may be a fraction.

   So she can only come to this floor to try her luck. After all, the Lion Star Thief Group has been on the hot search two days ago, and the people here are likely to discuss it.

   Not long after sitting down, Su Ruan heard the two men sitting at the table next to him mention the Lion Star Pirates.

   "It is said that the atavistic period of the head of the Lion Star Pirates is coming."

   "Where did it come from? I think it is."

   "Think about it, what is the mental power of the commander? S! How many people are S's in reality?"

   "They drink nutritional supplements every day, and they come into contact with the radial lines in the star field. It's strange that there is no atavism period? Anyway, it's just a matter of time."

   "I also heard that several other star thieves groups are preparing to unite, waiting for the lion leader to attack the ancestors as soon as they appear."

   "I don't think it's a play. How do you know that when people come back to their ancestors, it's not because of their increased combat effectiveness? If the lion leader goes crazy, it's possible to destroy his own group."

   "You're right."

   "By the way, I also heard..."

   The man lowered his voice.

  Su Ruan raised his ears and continued to listen.

   "I also heard that there are too many impurities in the power stones in the mines recently mined, and there is not enough energy to support a Grade A mecha."

"that is not…"

   The two of them looked at each other, as if they were worried about something and didn't dare to say any more.

  Su Ruan pretended not to hear anything, poured himself a glass of wine and sipped it lightly.

The two people next to    looked at each other a few times, and one of them said numbly: "Let's go, I still have to do the task."

After    finished speaking, the two left with their front and back feet.

   Only Su Ruan was left in this remote corner.

No one came after   , and the information she could hear was limited. Besides, she already knew what she wanted to know, and she left after a short stay.

After    went offline, Su Ruan took out the second-level energy stone and played with it.

   She could clearly "perceive" the black mist in this second-level energy stone. Those black mists spread almost all over the energy stone, looking hideous and terrifying.

  Unconsciously, she used her spiritual power to guide those black mists.

   The black mist seemed to be pulled by something and slowly gathered towards the edge.

  Su Ruan only felt that her mental power was being drawn away a little bit, her brain suddenly felt like a needle had been pricked, and there was a sharp pain.

   But at this point it seems like it can't stop.

   There was fine sweat oozing out of her forehead. She bit her lip, her face pale, and she used her mental power to disperse the black mist gathered in the power stone little by little.

  Time seems to be stretched infinitely, and everything in front of me seems to slow down.

The    black mist gradually faded, and the last trace of the black mist disappeared as the sweat from his forehead slammed on the power stone.

  Su Ruan breathed a sigh of relief, the sharp pain disappeared, replaced by an indescribable feeling of comfort.

   She wiped the sweat from her forehead, looked at the secondary power stone in her palm, and fell into deep thought.

   She remembered that the last time she dispelled the black mist in the first-level energy stone, she fainted, and when she woke up, the energy stone had turned to ashes.

   This time, she felt the same pain as last time, as if the mental power in her mind had been drained, but her intuition told her that she had to persevere, maybe she could break and stand.

  Fortunately, she survived, and she clearly felt that her mental strength had risen a little.

   Could it be that dispelling the black mist in the power stone can increase her spiritual power?

   And these black mists, are they just impurities in the sense of common cognition?

   To verify these two points, she has to test the level of mental power and test the impurities in the power stone.

   And these can be done in the Central Star Inspection Bureau.

  Su Ruan has always been a man of action, she did what she thought of, and immediately packed up and was ready to go out to measure her mental power level.

   As soon as he got to the door, he was stopped by security.

   "Sorry, Miss Su, you can't go out alone."

  Su Ruan:…


   "I won't run away." Su Ruan's voice was slightly cold, "Lu Shinian doesn't care about me anymore, you care about me?"

  The security is a little embarrassed. Commander Lu did not give any new orders, but if Su Ruan ran away at this time, Commander Lu would blame him...

   "Sorry." The security guard bowed respectfully, with a bit of sincerity, "Miss Su, would you like to send a message to the commander?"

  Su Ruan's mouth twitched, and she knew what the security guard was thinking.

   She turned on her brain and played a video directly.

The    video was quickly picked up, and Lu Shinian's screencast appeared in midair.

   "Ruan Ruan." Lu Shinian's mouth curled slightly, his voice low and sexy, "Miss me?"

  Su Ruan blinked and explained, "I wanted to go out to buy something, but the security wouldn't let me out."

  Lu Shinian noticed the security guard next to Su Ruan.

   His eyes flickered slightly, and he was silent for a second, then he said lightly, "Ruan Ruan wants to go out to buy something, how can you stop her?"

   (end of this chapter)

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