Chapter 62 Lu Shinian has a furry left paw

  Mecha Battle Center, the invincible bully just finished a battle.

   He sat in the lounge with red eyes, shortness of breath, and the muscles in his arms bulging.

  It was clear that the impurity removal was done not long ago, and now it is going to enter the atavism period again.

   The Invincible Overlord is a little unwilling, because the military stipulates that once the uncontrollable return to the ancestors occurs frequently and repeatedly within a month, he will be forced to rest.

   And "rest" means leaving the army.

  Any soldier, especially a soldier who has already sat in his position, is not willing to retire like this.

   The invincible little bully gritted his teeth bitterly, trying his best to vent the turmoil in his heart, he stood up abruptly, he seemed to have blood on his body, and went straight out.

The restlessness was surging in his heart, but his rationality on the verge of telling him that he couldn't do this. Once he entered the atavistic period, he would most likely hurt innocent people. Even in the second world, he would be punished for attacking the masses. Sanctions.

   He is powerful in spirit. Once he attacks the masses with his spirit, those who are attacked will suffer irreversible damage.

   As a federal soldier, he must not do this!

  The invincible little bully walked out quickly, even he himself didn't know where he could go, just by some instinct, he walked forward, walked forward...


   Here, Su Ruan removed the do-not-disturb mode of the house, and planned to do tasks and earn a little virtual currency to buy a third-level power stone.

   As soon as the door was opened, a suffocating aura rushed towards him.

  Su Ruan subconsciously withdrew to the side, her muscles tightened, and she looked out vigilantly.

I saw a strong wind blowing from her side, and the tall figure rushed towards the center of the house. The whole person lay on the ground, picked up the second-level energy stone she had just purified on the table, and held it in his heart. , with a grim look.

  Su Ruan did not open it rashly, and even turned on the expulsion mode of the room, ready to expel this stranger at any time.

   But in the next second, I don't know what the man did. The second-level energy stone was actually exuding a sparkling white light, and the white light rushed towards his eyebrows, which gradually calmed him down.

  Su Ruan paused, closed the door quietly, and looked at the blond man.

  The man's expression gradually stretched out, and the white light gradually dissipated, and finally, only white powder remained.

  The powder looks exactly the same as what she found on the bed before.

  The man fell to the ground with a peaceful face, making a sound of snoring and falling asleep.

  Su Ruan lightened his steps, walked over carefully, and packed the powder in a small bag, intending to check it out.

   After doing all this, she began to check the profile of the man in front of her.

  As a homeowner, she has the right to view the information of who broke into the room rashly.

  【Name: Invincible Little Overlord

   Spirit Level: S

   Combat Level: Confidential]

  Su Ruan faintly felt that the name was a bit familiar. She took out the ID card of the previously rented model and looked at it. The words [Invincible Little Overlord] were printed on it.

   So, this is the person who was rented to her by the intermediary? Was it just cut off by Lu Shinian?

   What fate is this?

  Su Ruan put away the identity card and quietly waited for the invincible bully to wake up.

   Half an hour later, the invincible bully slowly opened his eyes, and he felt an unprecedented calm, as if the atavism had completely disappeared.

   "Awake?" An unfamiliar female voice rang in the ears of the invincible bully, startling him.

   He hurriedly sat up and looked vigilantly at the girl who was standing not far away with his arms around his chest.

  The girl has a delicate appearance, but there is a touch of coldness between her eyebrows and eyes, and her hair is **** high, neat and unrestrained.

   "Who are you?" The invincible bully was a little hesitant. He wouldn't have done something to others during the atavism period, would he?

   "Su." Su Ruan replied, this is her name in the second world.

   "Su?" The invincible bully repeated it, trying hard to recall, and after confirming that he didn't know him, he frowned and said, "Excuse me, why am I here?"

   "Shouldn't you ask yourself?" Su Ruan's voice was cold, "I'm staying well here, but you suddenly rushed in, hugged my table leg and fell asleep."

  The invincible little bully was stunned for a moment, scratching his head, full of doubts.

   "I fell asleep hugging the legs of the table?"

  Why he has no impression at all.

   Could it be that he has entered a period of atavism? But when he entered the atavistic period, he just slept with the legs of the table?

   Could it be that this table leg has a soothing effect?

  The Invincible Overlord stared at the table legs in front of him and fell into deep thought.

   After a few seconds, he rubbed his hands together and smiled, "Su, you table leg, oh, no, is the table for sale?"

   "Online and offline transactions are possible! You make a price!"

  Su Ruan:…

   "The table is not for sale." Su Ruan replied.

When the    invincible bully heard this, he became anxious all of a sudden, wrapping his hands around the legs of the table, looking like a fool.

   "No, no, you have to sell it to me today, I'll give you whatever you want!"

   This is the key to his peacefulness in his rebirth period, he must not miss such an opportunity!

   Su Ruan, who originally wanted to find him to calculate the second-level energy stone account, flickered slightly, and tickled the corner of his mouth, "Five thousand virtual coins."

   "Live Trading."

  The Invincible Bully couldn't believe it was so cheap. He hurriedly put the table into the space and said quickly, "Okay, transfer money now! Come!"

   The two quickly completed the transaction. Invincible Xiaoba Wangsheng was afraid that Su Ruan would go back on it, and left quickly after the transaction was over.

  Su Ruan let out a soft tsk, took 5,000 virtual coins and went to buy two second-level energy stones. Just after purifying one, the space fluctuated, and Lu Shinian's figure slowly appeared in the room.

   Before Su Ruan could put away the purified earphone energy stone, Lu Shinian fell down.


   The whimper of grievance came from Lu Shinian's mouth, his furry ears popped out of his hair, his big tail swept across the ground, and there was a little pity in his cheers.

  Su Ruan took off the mask on his face with one hand, and saw that Lu Shinian had tears in his eyes, his long eyelashes were wet, his eyes were wet, innocent and pitiful.

   "I almost couldn't find you, woohoo."

   He whimpered, his left hand with sharp bones turned into a furry wolf claw, while his right hand still looked like a human palm.

   The left claws with more animal-shaped symbols than before pressed on Su Ruan's lower abdomen, and the sharp claws were retracted, leaving only the soft and powdery pads of meat.

  Su Ruan looked at the furry left paw, her face condensed slightly, the left paw almost turned into a beast shape, which meant that Lu Shinian's atavism was even more serious.

   If left untreated, he'll probably be…

  Su Ruan didn't dare to think about the consequences, and at the moment, Lu Shinian didn't give her time to think about it.

   That sharp left claw has already lifted her clothes...

   (end of this chapter)

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