Chapter 78 Ruan Ruan, I only surrender to you

  Su Ruan's long eyelashes trembled.

   No matter what her answer was, Lu Shinian would never give her a chance to refuse.

   Fortunately, she never thought of refusing again.

   "Yeah." She replied in a low voice, wrapping her little hand around Lu Shinian's waist.

   After a few seconds, she said again, "Are we going to play now?"

   "Well, let's go now." Lu Shinian restrained his expression and dragged Su Ruan to the training center.

   After arriving at the training center, Lu Shinian chose a mecha for Su Ruan. It was still a light mecha, easy to operate, and just enough to support Su Ruan's mental strength.

   As for him, [L] already had a 2S mecha, and he didn't bother to change it, so he just used it.

  Lu Shinian opened a battle room. Because it is a game room, the room cannot be set to private mode, which means that spectators who hear the news can enter their battle room to watch the game.

   Almost after the two entered the battle room, the audience seats were all filled up. Someone found out that the room was in the betting mode, and without even looking at it, they directly pressed [L] to win.

There is a huge disparity between Su Ruan's account and [L] level, and the betting ratio is astonishing 1 to 1000. That is to say, if you throw a virtual coin for Su Ruan, as long as she wins, the person who votes for him will get a thousand virtual coins. currency.

   This is already the highest percentage since the betting game.

  Su Ruan invested 10,000 virtual coins for himself. If he wins this round, he will get 10 million and can buy a villa.

  Su Ruansi set off and linked the mecha with mental power.

The    control panel lit up, she recalled the operation that Nian gave her when she landed, pressed her hand on the control panel, controlled the mecha, and took a step forward.

Opposite to   , the mecha controlled by Lu Shinian was motionless.

  The tall mecha has smooth and graceful lines, and the icy mechanical color is majestic and cold. It stands there as if it is a legend.

  In the audience, everyone held their breaths, waiting for the first match of the uncrowned king [L]'s return.

  Everyone took it for granted that [L] would win, because this was their **** of mechas, a veritable uncrowned king.

   Some people can now recall the fear of being dominated by [L].

  In the auditorium, the invincible bully stared intently at [L]'s mecha. Back then, in this second world, he had a fight with him.

   lost badly.

   That was the first time the Invincible Bully lost so embarrassedly and had no power to fight back. In front of him, he was like an ant that could be trampled to death at any time.

   That was the first time the Invincible Bully felt crushed by the strong.

   After so many years, L is definitely stronger.

   He also became stronger. The invincible bully felt the heat surging in his body, and his eyes faintly glowed red.

   The stronger he and the stronger L, who will be the winner? He was curious and looking forward to it.

   It's just that he was late, and I don't know who was so lucky to be able to play the first game with L, and he even opened a bet.

   Is this still something to consider?

  Invincible Xiaobawang directly invested 10,000 virtual coins to bet [L] to win, which in his opinion is to support L, of course, it would be better to win some virtual coins by the way.

   There are not a few people who have the same idea as him. Ji Bai, who is sitting not far away, thinks so.

   "Second Master, I invested 10,000 virtual coins. Hey, I can earn a lot of virtual coins again this time."

   Second Master gave him a sideways glance, and said lightly, "I voted for Su."

   Ji Bai: ? ? ?

   "Su?" The corners of his mouth twitched, "Second Master, is your incarnation period coming? Why do you start to feel confused?"

   "Su is a newcomer. I checked her battle records, and there was only one record, but it was interrupted for some reason."

   "How could such a rookie be able to beat L?"

  The second master glanced at him lightly, "Su is my sister."


   "You mean... Su is the sister Su Ruan who ran away from the marriage at Commander Lu Shinian's wedding?" Ji Bai asked tentatively.

   "Well." The second master's eyes fell on the light mecha and frowned slightly.

   He remembered that his sister's spirit was E, and even in the second world, he couldn't meet the conditions for a stance mech.


   "Since it's a younger sister, then you must support it!" Ji Bai said, and with a big wave of his hand, he invested 1 virtual coin to Su Ruan.

   He rubbed his hands together and smiled, "Put 1 virtual coin to support our sister."

  The Second Master sneered, "Are you too embarrassed to invest a little virtual currency?"

   "How much did you bet, Second Master?" Ji Bai asked curiously.

  The second master's eyes narrowed slightly, "It has nothing to do with you, just concentrate on watching the game."

   Cast ten points for his sister, she shouldn't blame his brother, right?

   After all, the person on the opposite side is 【L】.


In the center of   , Su Ruan controlled the mecha and took two tentative steps forward.

   Just approached Lu Shinian's mecha, only to hear him say: "My mecha was touched by her, and my skin was scratched, I lost."

  People: ? ? ?

  You admit defeat if you scratch your skin? Are you still the L who stood up and defeated the last mecha even though the mecha was almost scrapped!

   What's more, where is the skin broken!

   A basic mecha was touched at random, how could the 2S mecha be smashed!

   Everyone roared in their hearts, and some couldn't help roaring.

   "L, what's wrong with you! Go! Kill the opponent!"

  How could Lu Shinian be willing to kill his Ruan Ruan? He couldn't bear to see her rubbing her skin, let alone other things.

   "System, I apply to admit defeat." Lu Shinian said.

   After a few seconds, the mechanical system sounded: [The application is not approved. 】

   [The system reminds both sides of the battle here that they can apply for surrender only when the opponent's mecha has reached 80% of the battle damage. 】

The    system's prompts are heard by everyone in the audience, right? That's the meaning of battle!

   How could anyone surrender without scratching their skin! No, how can there be such an operation on the battlefield!

   Warrior, never surrender!

   "L rush for Lao Tzu!"

   "Come on! Beat that little weak chicken across from Bianbian!"

   "Come on! I'm throwing 10,000 virtual coins for you!"


   One after another shouts sounded in the auditorium, and at this time, in the battle center, Lu Shinian opened a private call channel and connected to Su Ruan.

   "Ruan Ruan, I only surrender to you."

  Su Ruan replied in a low voice: "But your surrender seems unsuccessful."

   has been rejected by the system, she seems to be a little difficult to ride a tiger now.

  Lu Shinian didn't seem to expect that Su Ruan would say this, so he was stunned for a moment, then laughed softly.

"It does not matter."

   His voice was low and sexy, with a smile.

   "I'm standing here, and Ruan Ruan attacks me."

   "Between you and me, Ruan Ruan, you have to remember."

   "Always only you can win."

   His voice was slightly lowered.

   "Only you can decide the outcome."

"if only…"

   (end of this chapter)

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