Crazy Criticism of Little Jiaojiao In the Arms of the Paranoid Commander

Chapter 80: Lu Shinian, who had wolf teeth in the atavistic period

   Chapter 80: Lu Shinian, who had wolf teeth in the atavistic period

   "I'm not tired yet." Su Ruan replied, "I think I can persevere."

   It was obvious that she had been attacking for half an hour today, but she didn't have the obscure feeling she had before.

   Could it be that he has been purifying the energy stone for this period of time to improve his spiritual power?

   It seems that I have to take some time to test my mental power.

  Su Ruan thought while attacking Lu Shinian's mecha.

   While distracted, Su Ruan's fingertips quickly pressed on the control panel, and unexpectedly made a cross combo unconsciously.

   Unpredictable, Lu Shinian's mecha was hit and took a big step back.

  【Mecha battle damage rate 78%】

   This blow directly removed 8% of the battle damage rate.

  In the tall mecha, Lu Shinian's eyes faintly glowed red.

   The big hand reflexively pressed on the control panel, and it was only 0.01 seconds before he was about to press Ruan Ruan to attack him.

   It's only 0.01 seconds away.

   Lu Shinian's forehead was oozing with fine sweat, his lips were almost pursed into a line, and his face was morbidly pale.

   He restrained his hands and lowered his eyes, unable to see his expression clearly.

   In the private channel, his voice sounded soon.

   "Ruan Ruan, just like that, continue."

  At this time, in the audience.

   "Hold the grass!" Ji Bai couldn't help but swear, "Cross combo! Our sister can do it!"

  The second master raised his eyes and gave Ji Bai a cold look, "Whose sister?"

   "That's my sister."

   Ji Bai smiled, "Second Master, no outside, no outside."

  The corner of Erye's mouth twitched, "No outside? You go and ask Commander Lu, if he sees outside."

   Ji Bai:  …

   "Cough cough." Ji Bai sat down, sitting upright, lowered his voice and said, "Second Master, has she learned the cross combo?"

  Cross combo, one of Lu Shinian's famous skills, is famous for his quickness and tricky attack angle. It looks like a cross, but in fact there is only one center point, and it pierces the gate of life.

  Second Master squinted his eyes and looked at the light mecha on the training table, his eyelashes trembling slightly.

   "I don't know." The second master got up, "There is no suspense in the game."


   He directly chose to quit, and his figure gradually faded.

   The moment he exited, the sound of the system sounded in the center.

  【Mecha battle damage rate 80%】

  【L has chosen to surrender】

  【The surrender application has been approved】

  【Su Shengli】


   The system prompting sound made the people present look at each other in dismay. Although most people guessed that it would be such an ending, after the system actually said it, it still made them a little incredible.

   That invincible king, the crownless king, lost like that?

   Although the one named Su, the last two cross moves are really beautiful, but L is obviously stronger!

  Why, just lost like that?

   "Ah ah ah! My virtual currency! I invested 10,000 L!"

   I don't know who cried out, and everyone came back to their senses from the inexplicable loss. One after another, the mourning sounded in the auditorium, but Lu Shinian on the training platform couldn't hear it.

   After he clicked to surrender, he didn't even have time to say anything to Su Ruan, and he felt a sense of dryness surging in his body.

   He went offline quickly, and the tall mecha was also taken into the mecha space because the driver left.

  Su Ruan has also consumed a lot of mental power because of the last two attacks just now, and his temples are jumping, and there is a faint feeling of being evacuated.

   She didn't dare to wait any longer, she cut off the connection between herself and the mecha, and quickly went offline.

After    came out of the holographic warehouse, Su Ruan felt a little dizzy, she walked slowly to the bed and sat down.

  I don't know what she thought, she took out a first-level energy stone that she had purified before, stared at it, and began to be in a daze.

   Within two seconds, the bedroom door slammed open from the outside.

   Lu Shinian, who was originally in the study, actually appeared at the door.

  Su Ruan's hand trembled slightly, holding the first-level energy stone in the palm of his hand, and raised his eyes to look at Lu Shinian.

The furry wolf ears popped out of his head. At this time, he was shaking with excitement. The wolf tail behind him swung to and fro, slapped on the door and made a "pop" sound, but he didn't seem to feel any pain at all. .

  Su Ruan's long eyelashes trembled. Has there been an atavism period again?

   Lu Shinian's atavism period seems to be happening more and more frequently.

   "Commander Lu." She called out, holding the power stone behind her back.

  Lu Shinian took two steps forward, slammed the door with his tail, closed it with a bang, and rushed towards Su Ruan excitedly.

   "Nguyen Nguyen!"

   Those deep eyes were shining brightly at this time, and they were supporting her figure.

   He seemed to be a little excited, so he directly threw Su Ruan down, and the furry wolf tail wrapped around Su Ruan's wrist.

   buried his head on her neck and rubbed hard.

   "Woooooo, Ruan Ruan."

   A whimper came from his mouth, sharp wolf teeth rubbed Su Ruan's skin, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

  Su Ruan's pupils shrank, and she didn't care about the power stone anymore. She put both hands on Lu Shinian's shoulders, supported his body, and looked at his teeth.

The wolf's teeth are sharper than normal people's teeth, but I don't know if it's because they haven't been fully animalized, so they didn't protrude from Lu Shinian's mouth, but when he opened his mouth, he could clearly see the difference. sharper than usual.

  Su Ruan's fingertips rested in Lu Shinian's mouth and touched his wolf teeth.

  Lu Shinian seemed to think she was playing some game, hugged her wrist, and gently rubbed her fingertips with his wolf teeth.

   "Ruan Ruan, sweet."

   He looked at Su Ruan obediently, with her figure in his pupils.


  Su Ruan:  …

   Feeling the wetness from her fingertips, she wanted to pull her hand back, but Lu Shinian grabbed it even tighter.

  The situation is a little bad, obviously there was no wolf tooth last time, but this time it turned into a beast.

   Does this mean that Lu Shinian's atavism has become serious again?

  According to the current progress, I am afraid that within a year, he will be completely beast, and then...

   Although Lin Tianxian didn't say where the fully beastized person would be sent, the more secretive he was and the less he could be spied on, the more serious the situation was.

   Lu Shinian must not be completely beastized.

  Su Ruan bit his lip and took out all the first-grade energy stones that he had purified during this period of time with one hand.

  Although the first-level energy stone can have little effect on Lu Shinian's rebirth period, as long as the amount is large, it should be barely worth a second-level energy stone.

  66 first-level energy stones were taken out by Su Ruan and placed on the bed.

   She was about to let Lu Shinian use her mental power to absorb the energy in these energy stones, but she was held down by Lu Shinian and kissed.

   "Woo, I like Ruan Ruan." He whimpered, but his movements were a bit wild.

   (end of this chapter)

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