Crazy Evolution

Chapter 82 The Fierce Little Black

"These elixir can only be stored and used as the resources for me to evolve into a primordial person."

Yang Fan put away the elixir and quasi elixir, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

This day's fierce battle has exhausted Yang Fan, and he is guarded by Xiao Hei, who is a low-rank Xuan level. He was able to sleep very peacefully.

The next morning.

"Morning, Afan!"

As soon as Yang Fan opened his eyes, he saw Liu Jinhua's handsome face dangling in front of him.

On Liu Jinhua's face was his trademark gentle smile, but it always made Yang Fan feel that there was something more in his smile.

Yang Fan's eyes lit up and said, "Your lifespan has been restored?"

Last night, Shangguan Luzhu and Liu Jinhua were both weak and weak, as if they might die at any time, but today they are in good spirits, making Yang Fan happy.

Liu Jinhua smiled slightly and said, "Shen Yin can only strengthen our physical fitness and improve our Yuan Li cultivation base, but does not have the power to make up for our lifespan. I just advanced to Yuan Yuan practitioners yesterday!"

Yang Fan sincerely congratulated: "Congratulations!!"

Liu Jinhua is about the same age as Yang Fan, and is about to take the college entrance examination. At this age, he is definitely a genius!

Liu Jinhua said, "I've already advanced to the first-level Yuan-energy practitioner quickly, and it is a matter of course to listen to the Shenyin-level Yuan-energy practitioner twice."

Shangguan Luzhu said indifferently: "I am also an advanced Yuan energy practitioner, I can fight!"

"It really didn't recover!"

Yang Fan glanced at Shangguan Luzhu, and saw that Shangguan Luzhu, who was originally a girl, had turned into a beautiful woman who exuded sexy, mature and beautiful, but her originally black hair had a few strands of white hair that looked a little dazzling.

Yang Fan said: "Let's go back now, or stay here? Or use this cave as a stronghold to explore outside to find elixir?"

Shangguan Luzhu said solemnly: "Go back! It's too dangerous here. If we encounter the terrifying beasts in that weird village again, we will have no choice but to die."

This time, Yang Fan and his party were lucky enough to escape from that strange village, just because the most terrifying existence in the village was a sealed evil tree. If you encounter that kind of terrifying monster outside, everyone has no choice but to die.

"Meow meow meow!"

Right at this moment, Xiao Hei suddenly stood upright and made gestures.

Yang Fan's eyes lit up and said, "Do you have any clues about the elixir?"

The elixir is money, and it is the golden evolution points, which can make Yang Fan constantly stronger. In addition, Yang Fan also has to prepare super awakening potions and various cultivation elixir for his younger brother Yang Ming, which also requires a lot of money.

Xiao Hei actually had clues about the elixir, which naturally made Yang Fan excited.

"Meow meow meow!"

When Xiao Hei pushed it, a night cat was pushed out by it.

The night cat stared at Yang Fan, a human, with a ferocious glint in his eyes, and let out a threatening low roar.

You Ye Cats are omnivorous monsters, they mainly eat meat, they need to eat evil spirits for evolution, and they will also eat the roots, stems and fruits of plants when they have to. Humans are also part of their diet, how can they respect food?


Xiao Hei slapped the You Ye Cat on the head and slapped the You Ye Cat's head on the ground.

A trace of disbelief flashed across Fang Caiyun's beautiful eyes. She didn't expect the cute and cute little black to be so fierce: "Little black is so fierce!!"


Xiao Hei glared at the night cat fiercely.

"Meow meow meow!"

The night cat looked wronged, and cried out like an angry little daughter-in-law.

"Meow meow!"

Xiao Hei proudly pointed to the quiet night cat and shouted dancingly.

Yang Fan said: "You mean,

Does this kid know the location of a lot of elixir? "

Xiao Hei nodded again and again and danced: "Meow! Meow! Meow!"

Yang Fan asked, "Is that place dangerous?"

Xiao Hei first pointed at the night cat and nodded, then pointed at Yang Fan and all the monster beast legions, and finally pointed at himself and shook his head.

Yang Fan said: "For You Ye Cat, that place is very dangerous. For us, that place is not dangerous, right?"

Xiao Hei nodded slightly: "Meow!"

Yang Fan said slowly: "How about we go to collect the elixir? Of course, if you think it is dangerous, I can go to collect the medicine first. You wait for me to come back, and we will go back together!"

Now Yang Fan and the others are not in the deepest part of the Wilderness Demon Realm, but they are also in the outermost part of the Wilderness Demon Realm. There may be terrifying Xuan-level monsters here, and once encountering a high-quality Xuan-level high-level monster, there is even a danger of annihilation.

Although Xiao Hei is a low-grade monster at the Xuan level, it is a monster specialised to deal with spiritual bodies after all. It would be very unfavorable to deal with other mysterious monsters with thick skin and thick flesh.

Yang Fan also knew that returning to the periphery of this mountain range was the safest option. But he needs resources for cultivation. If he doesn't take risks to obtain abundant cultivation resources, it will be difficult! After all, his family is only a well-off family, and he can't buy a panacea that costs millions or tens of millions.

Liu Jinhua smiled slightly and said, "Of course I'll go with you! My cultivation also needs elixir!"

Shangguan Luzhu said lightly, "You need a therapist!"

Fang Caiyun said, "I'll go too!"

Now that Yang Fan and other main players have made a decision, Zhou Qin and the others can only keep up. Without Yang Fan's protection, it would be more dangerous to stay in that cave alone.

Xiao Hei drove four You Ye Cats to act as scouts to explore the way ahead, and one You Ye Cat was responsible for leading the way.

Yang Fan and his Monster Beast Legion were in the center, escorting everyone to move in the jungle.

There was a sudden wriggling in the grass, and a poisonous snake with a length of eight meters appeared.

A black shadow flashed, and Xiao Hei immediately appeared behind the poisonous snake, biting off its neck.

The corner of Yang Fan's mouth lifted slightly, revealing a smile: "What a fast speed!! It is indeed a monster of the low rank of Xuan level!"

A low-grade mysterious monster is not easy! Many of those beast masters who are at the level of the Great Primordial Master have only cultivated a low-grade monster of the mysterious level in their lives. Some impoverished Great Yuan-level beastmasters didn't even have a low-level Xuan-level monster, and could only use a few yellow-level monsters.

The market price of a low-level mysterious monster egg is calculated in units of 100 million. The resources and time needed to cultivate a low-level mysterious monster egg into a low-level mysterious monster are not ordinary energy users. bearable.

Those who are capable of great Yuan are the powerhouses located at the top of Nanping City! There are only a handful of great Yuan capable people in the entire Nanping City. They are either high-ranking officials in the military, the general security advisors of major companies, the sub-directors of the Special Affairs Bureau, or the head of an adventure group!

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