Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1072: reason

Yuqin Shenjun will not be hooked naturally, Yi Tianyun does not say a way, she is much lazy to say. Compared with Yi Tianyun's escape method, she is even less likely to tell her own situation.

After all, Yi Tianyun's method will certainly not be said in detail, and it is not necessarily learned. For example, what special treasures are used. If she does not have it, it is useless to know.

"Don't even say it." Yuqin Shenjun was too lazy to pay attention to him, and he closed his eyes and raised his mind.

Yi Tianyun is also lazy to say a few words, not speculative and more than half a sentence.

The captain of the tree controls the spirit ship to move forward gently. The speed is not fast or slow. In the current situation, it is good to drive. They do not require to arrive at a very fast speed.

"There is still a few days, you can go out, you don't have to be too nervous. The Star Kraken does not seem to appear again, so everyone relaxes." The sound of the captain of the tree came.

This congregation is relieved and not as alert and nervous as before.

Yi Tianyun didn't worry about the starry sea monster at the beginning, unless he came to the star hegemony, otherwise it would not be possible to have a large number of stars.

The star overlord will attack, purely idle, nothing to do, play too much, so it will send so many stars to attack the sea monster.

This is the truth that Yi Tianyun knew when he communicated with the Star Overlord. After hearing it, I felt so sad and uncomfortable. I didn’t expect it to be fun. I came to kill and play.

Of course, this is justified by the practitioners hunting the monsters, that is, they want to cultivate, and there is no difference between playing and killing. There is nothing to say about this. The race is different and the situation is naturally different.

A few days passed away, and sure enough, there were no stars, and there were some people who were completely relieved. Looking up, you can see that there is no rock in front, which means you have already left the land of this star.

Before the bumps on the way, I have been smashed by all kinds of rocks. Even if the captain of the tree is familiar with it, it is not so easy to avoid it.

"It has already come out. The front is the end of the area, Yufan." The captain of the tree began to speed up at this time, and soon saw a planet full of jade.

If they don't go down, they can clearly see that the jade star is covered with piles of jade, and the houses made of jade piles look luxurious.

In fact, these jade are not worth the money, there is no hint of star power, purely decorative items. These things that are worthy of the city in the domain are equal to the earth here, and can be taken anywhere.

"The area of ​​the second-class **** domain, the star power is really rich."

Yi Tianyun feels that after reaching this area, the biggest feeling is that the star power is more intense, at least several times the effect of a **** domain. It’s no wonder that I want to come here to practice, so the strong star power is naturally a very good cultivation field.

Because of the harsh conditions, it is enough to stop a group of people. Thirty rounds of reincarnation weapons are enough to intercept a large group of people. The captain of the tree is still relatively cheap. Others do not have more than 35 or more and go straight to the egg.

This requires a long time, at least above the level of the king, is qualified to take the spirit ship to the second domain. Some are more affluent and are not planning to come to the second domain.

Because I came to the second-class **** domain, I was not familiar with it. It was not as good as a strong person in a product domain. When I came to the second-class **** domain, the landlord was like a cabbage.

In the domain of a product, it can be regarded as a place, not as embarrassing as the second domain.

Those who have such an idea are often weak and have no enthusiasm.

"The star power of the second-class gods is not bad, but the three-character gods are even more amazing." Yuqin Shenjun said next to him: "When you reach a higher level, you will find things that you were proud of before. It can only be general. Just like If you win me, you think that's it. In fact, your strength is only moderate in the Sanpin domain."

"I haven't reached the Sanpin Divinity yet, do you hit me like this?" Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

"Hey, if you are too proud, I will hit you like this, but it will be good for you." Yuqin Shenjun looked around and said: "Ready to go, hide."

She is ready to leave, and even Yu Fanxing is not going to go in.

"Wait a minute!" Yi Tianyun shouted at her: "Although I don't know your true thoughts, it seems that you have not dealt with me, and remind me. Anyway, thank you."

Yuqin Shenjun stunned, Meijing stared at him for a while, then slowly sighed: "Indeed, according to normal circumstances, it is definitely to catch you back. And you also won me, let me not swallow this breath It’s just that I saw you, just like seeing me at the beginning, I can keep a heart that is not indifferent, much better than those who are passionate."

"If this is not the case, I really intend to take you back. Don't think that I can't catch you, the three-character domain is not what most people can imagine."

Her tone is fierce, just to explain the terrible nature of the three-character domain, let Yi Tianyun pay attention.

"It turned out to be the case, otherwise it was really caught back." Yi Tianyun smiled casually, he believed that these special things, certainly can not grasp themselves.

The other party thought that he couldn't imagine it. He felt that his own escape skills were things that the other party could not imagine.

"Keep a good heart, the more you go to a high-level world, the less you have. If you catch yourself, it may not be me next time. Of course, you may not catch you again."

She left the words and turned and flew directly from here. Anyway, the payment has already been paid, so she does not need to say hello, she can leave directly.

When the captain of the tree saw her leave, she did not say anything more and continued to drive to Yufan. It’s no wonder that this kind of thing is often confusing, so there is no need to go to Yufan Star.

Soon, in addition to the Yuqin Shenjun, there were other practitioners who left and did not continue to stay here. At least half of the people left, they were taken away by Tian Jun, and it was obviously a group.

The remaining half, naturally, is here for the first time, and definitely have to stay in Yufanxing for a while.

"The captain of the tree, I should leave, and I have a goodbye." Yi Tianyun also did not intend to go to Yufanxing, and wanted to go to Tianquan Shenyu directly.

"Goodbye!" The captain of the tree nodded and said nothing. It would be good to see you again.

When I left, many people came to see me off, but they didn't save anything. They knew that Yi Tianyun was different from himself. It was a soaring dragon. They could only climb like a snail. compared to.

(End of this chapter)

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