Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1096: Join

Yi Tianyun won this game with the most hegemonic attitude. Before the three episodes of Xiao Tian’s elders, Yi Tianyun directly won the two games. The remaining game did not need to be tested. Won it down.

Not only that, but also let Shanyan Tianjun admire him very much, vaguely a kind of situation as a friend. Where is this enemy? It must be a friend soon.

"Xiao Tian elder, you lost." Elder Dong Yun looked at Elder Xiao Tian, ​​not to say how happy he was, and he just laughed out loud.

Xiao Tian’s elder face was ugly, and he did not expect that he would lose to the elders of Dong Yun, who had lost to the bottom of the palace. He had always been extremely dissatisfied with the way of the elders of Dong Yun.

He didn't answer, but he lifted his foot and walked over to Shanyan Tianjun. Cold and cold: "Shanyan, what do you mean? I just let you take out your weapon. Why don't you do this?"

"Elder Xiao Tian, ​​our giant rock family has its own rules, the other side has no weapons, but with our greatest advantage to attack, we can not violate the rules." Shanyan Tianjun has climbed up, the injury is not very serious.

Although he was vomiting blood by Yi Tianyun, it was just a general injury, not a serious injury.

"The loser is the loser, what is the meaning of the violation! You are now the loser, get out of it! I will not accept you as a disciple, especially the disciple of this deadwood head!" Xiao Tian elders were completely angry, This is equivalent to not obeying his own words, then he does not have to stay with him.

Shanyan Tianjun’s body was stiff, and he slowly squatted down. Shen Sheng said: “That’s a disciple who is not filial, can’t live with the elders!”

After talking about his heavy gimmicks, he completely severed relations with the elders of Xiao Tian. From then on, the two will not have a little relationship.

"Hey!" Xiao Tian elders snorted and turned to look at the elders of Dong Yun and said: "It seems that your newly recruited disciples are not bad, but also know how to use this deadly rules. I am very much looking forward to the time of the palace fight, to See how other things besides power!"

After he finished, he left with a hand, and he left with the defeated Jin Yutian. Although Jin Yutianjun lost, but he listened to the words of Elder Xiao Tian, ​​this is the focus. Losing is not terrible. The terrible thing is that he does not follow his instructions. This is what he can't bear.

After the elder Xiao Tian left, they all looked at Shanyan Tianjun, feeling more or sympathy.

"Shanyan Tianjun, how come you join us?" Yi Tianyun came over and laughed.

Shanyan Tianjun is not insidious, and has always been straightforward, from the rules to fight to know. This guy has less ribs and has always followed the rules of the family.

"Join your side..." Shanyan Tianjun stunned. He was originally a god-made disciple. In fact, he had to change his master at most. There was no problem.

"I, can I really?" He hesitated and finally asked, he still wanted to stay in the palace of God.

"There is nothing wrong with it, the premise is that you can pass our assessment!" Yulong Tianjun came out and grinned: "You are good, I appreciate you. Just pass the assessment, otherwise you can't join."

Others smiled and nodded. Although Shanyan Tianjun and Xiaotian Elder were a group, the relationship between them was not too deep, especially since he did not listen to the words of Elder Xiao Tian and made them happy.

Some people have their own bottom line, and Shanyan Tianjun has its own bottom line. A practitioner with a bottom line can make himself go further.

"More, thank you!" Shanyan Tianjun was grateful. "I will try my best to pass the assessment of all of you. If I can't pass it, I will have no face to join you!"

"The matter of assessment is not mentioned for the time being, let's drink first!" Elder Dong Yun is in a good mood. He just won the elder Xiao Tian. Can you be upset?

Immediately they returned to the elegant room and continued to taste the wine. This time, the elders of Xiao Tian were missing, and they suddenly felt that the wine was exceptionally sweet.

"Little brother, you can't see that you still understand the rules of other races. If the mountain rock king uses weapons, do you think you have a few points to grasp the victory?" Fire Lotus Tianjun next to him asked.

Others have come over and watch it together with Shanyan Tianjun. If you use weapons?

Yi Tianyun slowly put down the glass and smiled slightly: "Drinking, don't talk about these things."

Seeing that Yi Tianyun is unwilling to answer, they can only go on without asking, and some think that he can still win, and some think he can't win!

Yi Tianyun continued to drink a cup, did not say anything. Needless to say, the mountain rock Tianjun used weapons, and it was burned with blood to fight with him.

"It’s almost the same, it’s time to improve it."

The things on his side have temporarily slowed down, and the next step is to steal the cultivation of the gods, so as to upgrade their cultivation.

Soon the end of the matter is over, through this banquet, let their relationship promote a lot. Especially after this duel, let them know him in depth, and the relationship between them is undoubtedly greatly improved.

After explaining that they were going to steal the gods, they all showed envious eyes. Huolin Tianjun did not have the opportunity to steal the gods. It was a very strict place, not so simple to go.

It takes a lot of contribution to be able to steal the time for a while. For example, Yi Tianyun is going to practice, and it is enough to give a month, enough to see how precious it is.

According to the elders of Emperor Huihuang, Yi Tianyun can go to him after he is ready. If you want to steal the gods, you must pass the approval of these high-level elders, even if you are an elder of Dongyun.

Soon under the guidance, he was led by the guards and saw the elders of the brilliant. There is no trouble this time. It is obvious that in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, the elders of the Emperor Huang Huang will give instructions under the token, which will undoubtedly be much more convenient.

"You have finally arrived. I know all about your situation. I just joined God's palace and made such a big thing." Elder Huang Huang shook his head and smiled. "And it is still joining the camp of Elder Dong Yun. It seems that Your character is good. Dong Yun elders are still good. Before, Dong Yun elders were a super genius. They only had different personalities. The path of cultivation was not the same. He was definitely a good elder.

There is nothing here that can pass through the eyes of these elders. As long as he wants to understand, the next second that happens, he can fully understand.

"Elder Dong Yun, of course, is a very good elder." Yi Tianyun smiled slightly: "The elders of the brilliant, I don't know if I can steal the gods now?"

"Of course, no problem, wait for you." Elder Huang Huang grabbed him, tearing the space with him to step in, and disappeared into the palace.

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