Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1109: God King News

Ziguan Tianjun does not know what to say, but feels that there is a low, how is the gap between people so big?

"This is our same door?" Next to a Tianjun looked up at Yi Tianyun, and was surprised: "A human race, can still have such a skill, it is really great. Road: "Yu Hua brother, I do not know where the three of them went. ? Or what did they say? ”

"I don't know. They said that they should sway in the second sacred domain to see if anyone is taking care of themselves. You also know the situation of the second genre. If you want to be a disciple, the difficulty is too great. If the talent is not up to standard, then No one will recruit." Yu Huatianjun shook his head and said: "I don't know which gods they have joined now. It has not been a good thing, but it has not been a good thing."

“How many years ago was this?” Yi Tianyun hurriedly asked.

"Not long ago, roughly a few years ago?" Yu Huatian thought about it, and immediately smiled: "Do you know?"

"Know, they are the same hometown as me." Yi Tianyun was very grateful to the information given by Hua Tianjun, at least to prove that the three of them are still alive.

"No wonder, they work very hard, and cultivation is extremely desperate! This is the first time I have seen so hard to cultivate. It feels like for what purpose. I ask them not to say it." Yu Huatianjun shook his head and said: "But forget it, the water meets, their situation, I naturally do not interfere."

Yi Tianyun took the lead and clenched his fists. They were so hard to cultivate and they could have something. It must be to make yourself stronger quickly, and then return to the Three Realms to protect everyone!

I don't know if the situation has been solved by him, at least temporarily.

"I don't know where they finally appeared, where is it?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"I remember very clearly, in the three days of the gods, that is the concentration camp. The basic dispersal will go to that place, sometimes other gods, will recruit disciples from there." Yu Huatianjun said.

"Thank you for the information given by the Chinese brother!" Yi Tianyun has already set his heart. After he goes out, he will go looking for their whereabouts.

This is an unexpected surprise, I did not expect to ask their news here! To contribute so much to the Three Realms, people have nothing to do.

"Is it a younger brother, I want to go to them?" Yu Huatian asked.

"Yes, after the end of this, I will go looking for them." Yi Tianyun said straightforwardly.

"Then I wish you good luck. Three days, the gods are very big. I don't know if they are there." Yu Huatian shook his head and said: "But the human race like you is extremely rare. Extra with you. To say something, now Tianquan is very impetuous, be careful..."

"Thank you!"

Sure enough, it is near Zhu Zhe, Yu Huatian can achieve this level, and has a relationship with Ziguan Tianjun. Both of them do not discriminate against other races, and they do not discriminate against the weak. They can all be treated with a smooth attitude.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun said goodbye to them and continued to rush forward. He would not stay here and move forward with them step by step. He still used to run.

"You said, will this Tianyun brothers rush to the end of Tianzundao?" Ziguan Tianjun asked.

"If this can be maintained, there is still no problem, the premise is that it can really be maintained." Yu Huatianjun admired: "I don't know how he cultivated, the most basic people in the bottom, but the ability to suppress everyone."

"This is not clear, proof one, the weaker race, the same opportunity to turn over." Purple crown Tianjun laughed.

"Yes, we must work hard, brother..."

The two of them looked at each other and showed a certain degree of resoluteness in their eyes. They also bear the responsibility. Everyone has different responsibilities, and many people seem to be glamorous. In fact, they don’t know how hard they are.

Most of the practitioners present are shouldering a lot of heavy responsibilities, but the situation is different for everyone.

Yi Tianyun’s responsibility is to protect the Three Realms. Everything is so simple. Other than that, everything is virtual.


Yi Tianyun looked at the mountain with a burning gaze. He wanted to be higher, and he didn't want to be in the hands of other people!

(End of this chapter)

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