Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1118: Familiar taste

The aging old man looked at Yi Tianyun. He didn't know where Yi Tianyun came from, but he was not surprised.

"People have confidence is a good thing, but the words can't be too full. Basically, the suitable person who came here is saying this. In the end, I still can't find the dish I want to eat, and even some people want to do it to me. !"

The aging old man snorted. "I will give you extremely severe punishment when I start with me. I hope that you will not do this kind of thing. If you want to be my master, you must come up with something!"

The aging old man did not say the results of those people, it must be very strict. They feel that they can't pass, they try to see if they can control it.

As long as it can suppress the spirit of the device, it can indeed be forced to become the master. It's just a lot of difficulty, it varies from person to person.

Yi Tianyun thinks that those people are all fools. This is the treasure of Tianzun, where it can be controlled so easily. Unless it is a relatively weak spirit, it is impossible to control it at will.

"This is not arrogant, I just feel that I have this ability!" Yi Tianyun meditated on the side, began to think about it, to see what is in line with this taste.

"Sweet and sour taste..." Yi Tianyun closed his eyes and thought.

The immortal old man sat on the side and slowly drank the tea. He didn't say anything more. Anyway, he had enough time, and he didn't have to worry about not enough time.

"Is that kind of thing!" Yi Tianyun opened his eyes, and two fine mans shot from his eyes.

Immediately, he quickly got up and looked for a medicine in the vicinity. He simply picked out two kinds of elixir and didn't spend any time at all.

The aging old man saw that he had just found two elixir in the vicinity, and he had already got the table, which made him feel surprised: "On the two elixir?"

"Yes, there are only two kinds of elixir. The elixir is not too much, it will be delicious. And now it is necessary to confront your problem, only need these two elixir, it is enough."

Yi Tianyun took it, there are two kinds of elixir, not much more, two kinds of elixir.

The aging old man saw these two kinds of elixir and said: "It should not be only two kinds of elixir, but it is worth it. If it fails, it will continue to search."

Yi Tianyun ignored him and simply threw the two elixir into the air and began to quench it with flame. Almost the same as alchemy, but not as crude as alchemy.

Under the careful quenching of Yi Tianyun, the juice extracted from the two kinds of elixir was gradually thickened and began to solidify. At the same time, a sweet and sour taste, floating out of the air, completely boiled out the essence of the two elixir.

The sweet and sour taste gives rise to a pleasing scent.

Smell the smell, the old man can not help but shouted: "Too, too like, really is too much like this fragrance. This, this is impossible..."

What he did not believe was that he was able to cook the flavor he was familiar with with these two common elixir. I don't know how many years, he finally can smell this fragrance.

Yi Tianyun did not answer. After a while, he poured the semi-liquid semi-solid thick substance into the plate. During the process, when the thick liquid slides down, the long filaments are pulled out, which looks so crystal clear.

Subsequently, Yi Tianyun suddenly displayed the fire of the Nether, the cold atmosphere, let the thick body cool down quickly, but it looks soft, like a syrup, spread out around the plate.

"It's already done, you can taste it. This should be the taste you want to eat." Yi Tianyun smiled.

The aging old man could not wait to take the chopsticks. When he reached the plate, the thing immediately stuck the chopsticks. Under his pull, the long thread was pulled out.

When you try to put it in the mouth, the sweet and sour taste is full of the taste buds, soft and not thin syrup-like sweet taste, jumping on the tip of the tongue.

"No, it feels a little worse..." The old man shook his head, but his eyes sparkled with strange eyes.

"Yes, I still feel a little bit, then try this kind of material."

Yi Tianyun quickly replaced another kind of Lingguo. In fact, these are not high-grade Lingguo. The basic tastes are sweet and sour taste, which is similar to the taste of hawthorn.

When the corresponding taste is locked, the range is greatly reduced, so he does not need too much material to find the corresponding taste.

However, he did not have a one-time success, but immediately hit a similar taste, no doubt that his choice is right!

Soon he got it out, and from the appearance, it can almost be said exactly the same.

The aging old man couldn’t wait to try it, and immediately shook his head: "It’s not like this, it’s still a little..."

"Then change this..."


Yi Tianyun tried again and again. He had roughly ten similar flavors on hand, so he only needs to try a dozen times to be able to show it.

Finally, after the production, after giving the aging old man to eat, his body was stiff.

"Yes, it is this taste, it is this kind of taste... It has really been eaten for many years, it has been really for many years..." The eyes of the veteran old man suddenly became red, and the tears followed from the corner of the eye. , slipping down the cheeks.

Not that the dish was delicious, but the dish reminded him of all the previous things.

"It seems that you like the owner very much and treat him like a father. In order to save this memory, you will imitate him no matter what you look like, or your voice." Yi Tianyun picked up the cup of tea and sighed: " Even this tea is learned to taste and get used to it. But at your current age, you can’t get used to it. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. Why bother yourself?”

He reached over and touched the head of the vulgar old man and sighed: "You should let go, the memory is good, but you only need to remember it in your heart. It is not necessary to show it. Your master, the reason for making this." Sour sweet sugar, I want to make you happy."

The vulgar old man looked at Yi Tianyun slyly, tears continued to fall, and his mouth was small, but he couldn’t say it in half a sentence.

Yi Tianyun reached out and gently pulled the white brow, white beard, and white hair on the face of the veteran. These can be easily removed. Instead, the faint green eyebrows, green hair, and that look With the face of a teenage girl.

The spirit of this treasure is really a 13-year-old girl, childish. Those white eyebrows are decorated, this is the true face of the veteran!

The owner, who is able to make this small snack, is just a child. The favorite is not the bitter tea taste, nor the extremely rich meat taste, but the sweet and sour taste. It is the child's favorite. The taste.

"Father..." The veteran smashed into the arms of Yi Tianyun, and the black robe draped over her fell, replacing it with a youthful, green dress.

Sometimes the dishes are not the taste, but the familiar memories.

(End of this chapter)

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