Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1125: get rid of

Yi Tianyun always felt that he was missing something. He couldn't think of it. He felt like he was forgetting something, and his head was blank.

"Tianyun Emperor, what do you want?"

Next to a beautiful woman entwined, there are several beautiful women on the side, is giving him the petals. Countless petals fall into the water, making the pool smell so fragrant.

Countless beautiful women, with strong power in one hand, everything is very smooth. No matter which force is attacked, the other party quickly surrenders. There are countless opportunities along the way, finding a lot of treasures and martial arts, so that he can be greatly improved.

But it is so smooth, let him have a doubt - is this his own?

"I seem to have forgotten something." Yi Tianyun frowned.

"Don't think too much, it's okay to give these things to your subordinates. You have to work hard for so long, it's time to enjoy it."

"Yeah, your hands are all capable, you don't have to worry about anything. No matter what, they can help you solve it easily."

"Yes, and after Xue Yundi, it is almost ready to be born. You should spend more time with her."

The beautiful women who served him one by one were persuading him not to think too much, and all kinds of foods were constantly stuffed into his mouth and enjoyed various treatments.

Yi Tianyun frowned and felt that something was wrong. He pushed them away and said: "No, I am not like this. I have experienced so many lives and deaths along the way. I have experienced so many bumps. How can this be so? smoothly!"

"These are my precious experiences. They are all my own arduous journey. How can I say no?"

"This is not my world, I don't want to stay here!"

The power of Yi Tianyun broke out and shattered the surrounding pools. He rushed out of the palace and flew outside. Outside is a luxurious palace, the civilians are very comfortable, everything is so perfect.

But it is so perfect, there will be big problems! Perfect everywhere, it means there is a problem everywhere.

It is undeniable that it is very good, it is so perfect everywhere, it is the world he always imagined. There is no dispute, no struggle, and no tragedy has occurred since the beginning.

But all this is an illusion, and the things he has experienced cannot be erased! All of this is his precious experience. Without these experiences, how can there be such a firm heart?

A lot of things are not given by this system. Experienced such a life and death, experienced so many crises, is proof that he exists, proves that he is still alive!

"Tianyun Emperor, what happened to you?"

A group of people flew around and saw Yi Tianyun rushing out. I felt very shocked and didn't know what was going on.

This also includes Shi Xueyun, who flies over here with a big belly and looks at him slyly.

"Tianyun, what's wrong with you?" Shi Xueyun flew over and asked.

"Nothing..." Yi Tianyun reached out and stroked the blue silk between her eyebrows. He smiled slightly: "Whenever you are, you are still beautiful."

Poetry Xueyun is a pretty face, I am embarrassed to say: "Bad guys, so many people look at it, what are you talking about..."

Everything is so real, there is no difference between it and reality.

He gently stroked the belly of Shi Xueyun and smiled: "Unfortunately I can't see the child born again..."

He glanced around and smiled. "Thank you for your company, goodbye."

Shi Xueyun grabbed him and said in a hurry: "Tianyun, where are you going?"

"Leave here, leave this illusory world... Although you are an illusory world, thank you, can make me have a sweet dream. I haven't had such a dream for a long time, thank you."

Yi Tianyun gently opened the hand of Shi Xueyun, and turned into a meteor through the heavens and earth, leaving a group of stunned practitioners.

Eventually this meteor slammed into the air, turning the whole world into countless pieces. Such a wonderful world is completely gone, turning into countless pieces. With these pieces completely turned into powder, it will disappear into the world forever.

At the same time, he suddenly opened his eyes and showed a firm and unremarkable look.

At this time, what reappeared in front of him was the cute little face of Cuicui, directly glaring at him.

"Great, I know that the host will definitely wake up! Hey, Cuicui guessed it!" Cui Cui rushed into Yi Tianyun's arms and said with pleasure: "I didn't guess wrong, I didn't Guess wrong!"

Yi Tianyun looked at Cui Cui in his arms, and then looked at the vastness of the sky in front of him, showing a smile: "The vast predecessors, I passed?"

Everything is in between, it’s really a little bit. It took less than a few days to make this dream. But in his dreams, he has been waiting for decades, even a hundred years, so long.

"Through, if this is not passed, no one can pass." Hao Hao Tianzhao smiled: "I didn't expect it to take three days, you will wake up from it. Such a perfect world, so easily abandoned It really surprised me."

"The firmness of your heart is really hard to match!"

Yi Tianyun smiled slightly and turned to look at the Yuqin Shenjun next to her. Instead, she was always in a dream. I didn't know what to do, and I always showed a faint smile. It felt very wonderful and I didn't want to wake up.

"She is getting deeper, and it is still very deep. There are no signs of waking up." Haotian Tianzun said: "Reincarnation and re-construction seem to be a memory that can last a lifetime. In fact, it is easier to thoroughly Indulge in. After all, the pain she has experienced is undoubtedly more and more desirable for that wonderful world."

Not as much as possible, especially the kind of horrible experience. After experiencing it, the more you feel painful, the more you are unwilling to wake up from your dreams.

"I think she will wake up." Yi Tianyun shook his head.

"Oh, so sure?" Hao Hao Tian Zun laughed.

"I can definitely wake up." Yi Tianyun simply replied.

"Yes, then wait and see. Many people are stuck in this, a hell, a paradise, all in one mind." Haotian Tianzong said with a sigh of relief, continue to taste the tea.

Yi Tianyun got up and sat next to him, drinking tea with him, waiting for Yuqin Shenjun to wake up.

The reason why he believes that Yuqin Shenjun can wake up is mainly these days. He saw that the heart of Yuqin God is indifferent, and he is actually a very kind person. It was only over time that she began to become indifferent, that is to protect herself.

However, he believes that Yuqin Shenjun still has that kind of heart, not cold heart. This heart is equal to a firm heart!

(End of this chapter)

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