Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1331: Live a few more days

After Yi Tianyun showed his powerful strength, he was convinced that he was obedient, and there was no dissatisfaction.

"It's too strong. I have never seen such a hegemonic power. I just said that I just broke through to the gods. I really don't believe it..."

"Yeah, how is this practiced? It has only been a few years since I joined it last time. It has already broken through to the gods. This is too exaggerated."

"Really, if the Shenjun layer is repaired, this power is comparable to the half-step Tianzun! This kind of power, afraid that it is only the blood in the forefront, can you do it with the reincarnation?"

Yi Tianyun is not without this, but it must be extremely bad. The blood is definitely a kind of overbearing, and then it is a reincarnation. For example, the kind of reincarnation of Tianzun, the repair is a breakthrough and the explanation is quickly passed.

But what can Yi Tianyun have? The blood of the human race is just this, and anyone has sentenced him to death. That is, the blood is not good, then it is equal to the talent, the talent is not good, but also hope to fly?

In fact, it has already flown, and it is still the level of the anti-sky, to hang up the elders of the huanghuang, if the life and death duel, the elders of the huanghuang really died here.

"Your cultivation has a breakthrough. If it seems to be with you, I am afraid that I will lose." The glass domain owner shook his head and said: "It is better to do this. The domain leader has let you do it, I am doing it." The subdomain owner got it."

"Do not make it impossible!"

This scared other elders to squat up and rushed over to the side, indicating that the glazed domain owner should not be impulsive. This is a big event. It is undeniable that Yi Tianyun’s strength is very strong, but prestige is so different between the two. Yi Tianyun jumps too fast and is likely to cause dissatisfaction.

The sub-domain master can still accept, but the real domain master is different, and the basic Tianquan domain must be controlled by him.

"Cough, the domain master, this joke can not be funny." Yi Tianyun helplessly spread the staller, indicating that she is not joking.

"I am not kidding." The owner of the glass field said with a serious expression: "The battle of the gods is coming, if I have something wrong, I hope that the next domain owner will be yours!"

Her expression is extremely serious, not at all like a joke. Once the battle of the gods begins, it is possible to spread here. Once it reaches, she must fight, and the result may fall.

This is not a joke. You must announce good things in advance so that when there is an accident, you will have no leader and no one can control it.

"The domain master, this kind of future things, don't say it for the time being? Even if it is true, the elders of Huang Huang can serve." Yi Tianyun strongly recommended the elders of Huang Huang, he is not good at this.

For example, the forces of the Three Realms, he did not manage how, they are handed over to Shi Xueyun management, the absolute handy shopkeeper. Nowadays, the main location of this domain is estimated to be almost the same meaning, and certainly will not manage anything.

"I will appoint you as the next one now, and the rest of the words need not be said." The glazed domain owner slammed his hand and did not want to continue to talk more about this topic.

The general domain owner can decide the candidate for the next domain owner, unless it is strongly opposed by all elders, and may not be recognized.

The rest of the elders showed a helpless expression, but they did not say anything. The glass domain masters have always been cautious. Since they have said so, they can only choose to agree.

Elder Huang Huang shook his head and did not say anything. He obeyed the command of the glass domain master.

"This..." Yi Tianyun looked at the expression of the glass domain master, and finally nodded, did not say anything.

He knows that it is useless to say anything now. It is impossible for the glazed domain owner to change his own thoughts, so he can only choose to agree. After the appointment, the news was immediately spread out, and suddenly caused an uproar.

A sub-domain owner suddenly smashed out, and it is still very famous, that is, Yi Tianyun who made a big splash in the palace of God! Nowadays, not only to upgrade to the gods, but also to sit on the position of the deputy domain, it is simply stunned.

Especially the people who made the palace, they were all scared by this situation. At the beginning, my little younger brother became the deputy domain owner! If you meet in the future, is it called the deputy domain master, or is it a younger brother? That must be the former, and Huo Lin Tianjun must not dare to call the younger brother.

Soon many elders went to work on their own, leaving Yi Tianyun and the glass domain masters.

"Sister Liu, you have made it difficult for me to do this, it is difficult to convince the public!" Yi Tianyun promised nothing, just not to accept the public.

"Of course I know that when I am really confused, I can really serve the people when I am the strongest. And I have seen your ability, your cohesiveness is strong, and under the crisis, you can definitely lead everyone to kill. Out of the box!" The glass domain master speaks seriously.

When I was in the Tower of Tenjin, Yi Tianyun had been helping her. It was this that made her feel very moved.

"Okay, but I don't think this kind of thing will happen. I won't die, and Sister Glass will not die!" Yi Tianyun is firm in tone, he will definitely not die, and the glazed domain owner will not die.

He has a lot of ways to make the glass domain master die, and don't worry.

"It’s good to recognize you as a younger brother." The glazed domain master reached out and patted him on the shoulder and smiled. "Well, what to do, just do it. Just come out from the tower of the gods, you need to reconcile your enlightenment." Just a moment."

She has gained a lot this time, and she can't use this opportunity to break through to Tian Zun.

Yi Tianyun nodded, no more to say anything, just say goodbye to the glass domain. After leaving, Yi Tianyun came to his cultivation site, and his figure disappeared in the same place.

The next moment, it appears in the tower of the gods.

"Welcome the owner to return!" said the respectful spirit.

"Well, very good. How far is it from the evil spirits?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"There is still a few days to go, you can arrive." The spirit respectfully said.

“How many more days?” Yi Tianyun looked at the endless void in front of him and sneered: “Then let the evil spirits live for a few more days. When you use the gods tower, you can suppress them, one does not stay. !"

The place where the gods tower actually went is not a domain, but a direct flight to the evil spirits! This thousand **** towers can fight, turned into a giant, squatting down, what is not being stepped on? This is still the Tianzun Lingbao, there is no problem in suppressing the evil spirits.

Before he was defeated and defeated, now he is really crucifying the evil spirits, and destroying the evil spirits to the real destruction, ending this main line mission!

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