Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1336: Outbreak Tianzun Lingbao

"Where... the empty blood, how can you shuttle through the void!" The evil face of the main body is ugly, and the huge wound on his chest quickly began to recover. Healed quickly at a rate visible to the naked eye.

It’s just this trick, his injury is not easy, and the loss is quite large. At present, it seems very difficult, even lost! Under the full force of the outbreak, it is still not enough for the other side. I have to say that this makes him feel shocked.

However, his decisiveness and speed have made Yi Tianyun feel a little surprised. I thought I could solve him. Who knows that the evil spirits are so decisive, there is a set of evasive skills.

"You can't manage this!"

Yi Tianyun did not yell at him, immediately rushed up, and the star gun in his hand quickly swung. I was escaping before, this time I have a look at what the evil spirits have.

In the face of a more intensive move, the main face of the evil spirits sinks: "It seems that you can only get rid of it!"

Immediately, he had more taboo black curtains in his hands, followed by a pinch, and the taboo black curtain in his hand was pinched. After the pinch, the power of the ban on all sides gathered together and filled his body.

With the intensification of the powerful force, his body became bigger and bigger, like an inflated balloon, which began to expand rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, the strength of his body has turned several times, and the combat power is even more spurred to 2.8 billion points! Directly beyond the strength of Yi Tianyun.

At the same time, Yi Tianyun's attack has already run through. When he is ready to touch, the evil spirits master reaches out and grabs it, and fixes the star gun.

"Give me a seal!"

The Lord of the evil spirits whispered, and the powerful force of ban was released from the palm of his hand. The dense black lines of the gods shrouded the stars. After the touch, like a god-like, one by one branded on the star gun, the power of the star guns was banned.

All of a sudden, the power was greatly weakened, and at the same time, the power of the ban was also coming to Yi Tianyun. In the blink of an eye, he has already poured into Yi Tianyun’s arm and began to ban his power.

"Give me a drive!"

Yi Tianyun’s strength in his hands, the vastness of the gods, and the vastness of the stars’ light, illuminate the dark forces that have enveloped them.

The two just refrain from each other and directly bounce this dark force out, but it does not enhance what is powerful, or maintain the previous level.

"Give me a seal!"

The evil spirits master once again screamed, one dispelled, one continued to ban, and wanted to see who dominated. The power of the original Tianzun can be suppressed. Now the Lord of the evil spirits completely releases the taboo shady. This situation is basically equivalent to destroying the Tianzun Lingbao, and the damage is extremely great.

This is exactly the case, the effect can be fully exerted, let him merge with the taboo black curtain, forming an absolute ban.

Under the power of ban, the power of Yi Tianyun was once again suppressed, even if it was a vast god, it could not resist the power of this.

Yi Tianyun's face changed, and the figure disappeared in the same place, and the next moment moved to the distance behind him. The star gun in hand is already dark, and its power has been banned a lot, it is difficult to exert the strongest strength.

"A strong ban!"

Yi Tianyun's face is heavy, and he also has a black ban on his body. If you want to solve it, it will take a while to get it. It is not so easy to solve.

In the case of the evil spirits domain owner who would rather destroy the Tianzun Lingbao, he must be suppressed. Naturally, there is no room for it to erupt.

"Say good to fight together!" The eyes of the evil spirits are full of banter, this time finally able to overwrite Yi Tianyun, instead of being hanged by Yi Tianyun.

"I don't know who just escaped faster than me?" Yi Tianyun sneered a sneer. When the previous shot hit the other party, it was not immediately fleeing to heal the wound. Where did he dare to touch Yi Tianyun?

"Death to the end, but also dare to be hard! I don't even want the Tianzun Lingbao, see how you turn over this time!"

The Lord of the evil spirits snorted and attacked Yi Tianyun again. The effect of the taboo black curtain was already sealed off. It is limited to a certain range and cannot escape.

It is like turning into a duel field here. As long as you don't win, you can't leave this area.

Immediately, the Lord of the evil spirits continued to pursue the madness. The effect of the full force explosion was amazing. The power of Yi Tianyun was suppressed. Yi Tianyun was in a passive situation and was beaten. After being beaten several times, the power of the ban is getting stronger and stronger, and Yi Tianyun can only choose to evade and escape.

He is already experiencing all his strength, or he can't catch up with the power of the evil spirits. This is the difference between Tianzun Lingbao. The other side has a godly spirit, but he does not have the gods and treasures, and is basically suppressed.

"This day, the spirit of the treasure is really a good thing, but also able to release it with all strength, can enhance its own strength."

Yi Tianyun constantly resists the attack of the other party and has been in a passive state. However, he can still withstand a period of time, but in the eyes of the evil spirits, he is already at the end of the strong, and can't persist for too long.

"I see how long you can hold on!" The attack in the hands of the evil spirits is getting stronger and stronger. As long as the attack continues, Yi Tianyun is blocked more and more, so the victory is his.

At this time, Yi Tianyun was really full of black bans. If he continues to do so, his combat effectiveness must be cut a lot. When the gap is greater, there is no way to resist it.

"You can stick to the evil spirits and the gods are destroyed." Yi Tianyun grinned and looked to the side, where the tower of the gods was madly destroyed, and the planets were destroyed. The evil spirits did not know how to die. How many.

According to this situation, even if he is dead, the evil spirits domain will collapse most of the time, and even be completely destroyed!

"Damn, stop me!" The Lord of the evil spirits screamed and the attack speed increased again. Yi Tianyun had been resisting, and from time to time he moved and fled, and could delay a little time.

"Don't escape, stop and fight with me!"

After a period of time, the evil spirits owner wanted to vomit blood. Yi Tianyun had been running away. It was very tenacious and made him feel blocked.

"If you have the ability, you will catch up. It is also a kind of ability to escape. Idiot!" Yi Tianyun laughed and continued to wander.

"Damn, even if the evil spirits domain is destroyed, I will kill you! I have been trapped here, I see what you have to do something!" The evil spirits master roared.

"Yes, I don't think so..."

Yi Tianyun turned to look at the Wanshen Tower on the other side. He now sees the destruction speed of the Tenjin Tower.

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