Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1343: command

The Three Realms have just entered the realm of the gods, and immediately began to baptize the gods. Layers of energy are constantly coming from the air. It should be said that all kinds of star power are constantly coming in and carrying out the physical transformation of all people.

Not only is it a powerful one, but even the weakest one can feel the baptism of this star power. In general, the baptism of Starpower is sometimes as early as possible, so that its own strength will be stimulated and the effect of cultivation will be faster.

Yi Tianyun did not stop moving the Three Realms. He continued to move quickly toward the front, while observing the situation around him, and paying attention to the internal situation.

The internal situation is very stable and there is no big problem. There is no problem with the external situation. Only a bunch of practitioners are shocked when they see this scene.

A huge planet flies in front of you, can this not shock them? But no one dares to come over and intercept, or fly in and see.

As long as it is not a fool, you know that this is definitely not a thing. If you are free to sneak, you don’t know how to die.

"This planet is too big to move. This is the biggest ship I have ever seen..."

"Can this be called a spirit ship? Is this the star of the spirit?"

This has already exceeded their common sense, even if they go to the second product domain, they will be scared. Will the huge planet that will move, can it not be scared?

As for the situation of the Sanpin Divine, it may be a little better, but it will soon be eyeing. Those who can have this ability are definitely not things. The level of Tianzun will definitely come over and explore the situation.

Of course, Yi Tianyun doesn't mind if they look at it, but if he grabs it, he will be welcome. As long as he is not the top lord, he can handle it!

However, he does not want to go to the Sanpin Divine, as their target, it is good to stay in this product domain.

Soon, Yi Tianyun chose to stop in the center of the chaotic domain and planned to be stationed here. The three boundaries are located in the central area, which is undoubtedly the best position. Whether it is from the perspective of development or from a safety perspective, it is the best in the central area.

At this time, Yi Tianyun stopped to control, and the poem Xueyun next to it was already closed and meditating. When the Three Realms came here, in addition to the gods who went to the gods, basically all other practitioners meditated and absorbed the stars.

In fact, this is not what they can do, but Star Force has drilled in and made a special test for them. The longer you persist, the better the effect. Just like Yi Tianyun, the longer you absorb, the better the effect.

As for how long they can absorb, it depends on their ability.

Yi Tianyun smiled and disappeared in the same place, and the next moment appeared outside the Three Realms. He is meditating here, protecting the law for all of them, while at the same time, the spirit locks the nearby area, and the area inside the Three Realms is locked, and the situation of the practitioners is recorded.

This is also a kind of screening. The longer it persists, the higher the talent. The higher the talent, then it is necessary to break into more resources and focus on cultivating them. As for other talents that are slightly weaker, the resources are relatively less.

This is an inevitable result, but Yi Tianyun will be fairer and will have similar contributions. As long as you do enough tasks, you can also get the focus!

He doesn't want to raise lazy people, he doesn't want to raise waste. If you feel that your talents are low and you give up on your own, it is naturally impossible to cultivate them. Hard work, even if the talent is almost, he is still a resource!

Due to the emergence of the Three Realms, the cultivators from all over the world flew over to see, and there were many leaders of the forces who came to see the situation.

"This planet is flying from the outside, and there is no treasure in it!"

"Hey, this is really not accurate. I just probed, the practitioners inside are generally low, and the level of the monarch is very small, most of them are below the level of the star. It is obvious that this planet It’s a big luck to fly from Fanyu. I don’t know how they got this planet!”

"This is true. I can't say what treasures are there. Let's go in and see it! A bunch of repairs are so low, they can shoot them to death!"

Each one is very excited, although the practitioners inside are generally low, but they think that a planet that can fly, there are certainly a lot of treasures inside. If you say nothing, they can't believe it.

Moreover, there is no, you will not know if you go in.

When they want to go in, Yi Tianyun, who is outside, slowly opens his eyes and said: "This is my power. Give you two choices, either to get out of the chaos or to choose to join my power. !"

Yi Tianyun will not completely exclude them from going out. The chaos is so big that it needs a lot of power to maintain. As for their loyalty, this can only be cultivated slowly. At present, it seems that there is no way to be quick.

"Oh, it’s quite arrogant. Listening to this tone is like coming from the second and third worlds. If you don’t see your level is too low, I’m really a little bit of a letter!”

"Yes, this guy is really arrogant, and here is his power. Just come in our chaotic domain, even if it is your site, it will become ours!"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, little people, kill me directly and see what baby there is!"

One by one, the leader of the land level, yelling loudly, signaling his men to attack. Their men also have the existence of the level of the landlord. In their view, it is more than enough to crush the power of the domain.

Yi Tianyun's eyes were cold and cold, and a few waves of his head were stiff. When Zhang mouth wanted to say something, he had already exploded into a pile of blood fog and drifted around.

Sudden changes have scared those men. I don’t know what the boss is, and I am dead?

"I will say it again in the end, either to return or to get out of the chaos!" Yi Tianyun said coldly: "When it is time, don't blame me too ruthless! I don't accept any alliance, do not accept any conditions, only these two The purpose of giving you a month, one month does not return, if you do not leave, it is death!"

Yi Tianyun's voice was spread out by his energy, and it could spread to a long distance at once, not to spread to the entire chaotic domain, at least a small part is still no problem.

As for the rest, it is up to others to bring a message. If you want to completely occupy a **** domain, you can't do it without any means.

He can't say anything about these alliances. If you want alliances, you must be equal in strength. The question is, are they qualified?

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