Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1347: Collection

"Yes, I am the boss of the new power. It seems that everyone is quite dissatisfied with me." Yi Tianyun shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "I am so kind to recruit you, you are dismissive. Toasting and not eating fine wine, then you can't blame me."

"Fart!" One of the leaders shouted: "Nothing benefits, why follow you?"

"Why follow me?" Yi Tianyun patted his fist and smiled: "It is so simple to cover you with this."

They all looked at each other without words. This is true, and the benefits are not as good as a safe force. Especially when the bottom gas wins, go to other gods, not afraid to be bullied.

As long as its own power is strong, even if there is any opportunity, the other party will give a few faces from the registration number and will not dare to **** it. This is the key to its own power, no one dares to mess.

Everyone looks at each other, but they still face the murderous light, even if they do, they do not want to join the new forces!


Silent whispers are spread inside them. The next moment, they all flew over here, everyone broke out the strongest power, many of them are of the level of the gods, after the power burst, it is quite amazing.

For a time, the secret room was blown up by the weather, and it was leaked out.


Yi Tianyun snorted, and the effect of the title of the Xingqiang Shenjun was immediately released, and it was suppressed from all sides, leaving them soft and feeling that their power was rapidly weakened. The original amazing speed is like being tied to a piece of iron, and the speed is much weakened.

Their faces suddenly changed, making them feel the pressure they had never had before, especially when their own strength was suppressed, and they immediately knew that they had a strong opponent, and they still couldn’t resist it.

When they want to say something, Yi Tianyun has already reached out and grabbed one of the practitioners, followed by another one, and another practitioner was spiked.

Under the three fists and two feet, he was immediately killed and injured. The heads of the original forces have just hanged a lot, just like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables.

After the rest of the see, the courage will be scared. How can God become so bad?

"I, we surrender, we are willing to return!"

At this time, one by one, I was afraid that it would be late, resulting in being killed.

"Sorry, it has exceeded my pre-arranged time, especially if you also want to deal with me!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes were cold, and he rushed to the past, and everything went everywhere into a **** fog. The leader of the big forces, if they didn’t, they were killed by him.

The clean room that looked clean and tidy immediately became **** and unbearable.

"Boss, what happened?"

At this time a group of people came in from the outside, and immediately saw a young man standing on a piece of blood, but his body was bloody.

"Your boss, I have been cleaned up by me, go back and talk to the rest of you, the last chance. Either get out of the chaos of the gods, or return, otherwise they are your end!"

Yi Tianyun issued the last night, he will not often die, so many practitioners are distributed in the chaos of the gods, all clear is not realistic, it takes a lot of time.

His plan was originally like this. First, kill the light, and after the dragons have no head, then everything is much easier. Either evacuate quickly or return quickly!

After that, Yi Tianyun turned and left, no one dared to stop him.

Among the rest of the crowd, one by one was stunned, and after a while, they barely sighed. Seeing a few fears and panic from each other's eyes, they immediately chose to leave and return to their own camp.

After they went back, they all told each other truthfully. After the incident spread out, they immediately set off an uproar in the entire chaos. The forces that were not honest at the moment are now scared.

Now, in front of them, there are two choices, either to go or to return.

So many bosses have been killed. They think that they will not be stronger than others, and some will even be weak.

"Boss, I, are we going to return?"

"Yeah, if we want to go back, the leader of the new forces is too strong. If you go to other gods, it is not good to take root..."

"We have been here for so long, we don't want to leave at all, this **** new force is too strong..."

"How about strength? This is their ability. The other forces of the past, isn't that the case? After a while, I came over and imposed a protection fee. I don't know what the leader of this new power will do."

The weak meat has always been the truth, no one can stop it. Even if Yi Tianyun did not come over, there are many powerful forces, often suppressing other small forces, and small-scale wars will occur from time to time.

It’s just that Yi Tianyun is more arrogant. What is needed is to rule the entire chaotic domain and bring a brand new shuffle.

Soon there will be many forces to make choices, most of them choose to come back, and a small part choose to leave. Those who leave are not wanting to be restricted from being free. They feel that as long as they join other forces, they will be subject to various restrictions.

Especially if they return, they are afraid that there will be many restrictions. They really don't want to be a dog.

After a period of time, in the hall, Yi Tianyun had stood in front of many forces of leaders or elders, standing in a scary battle, not knowing how Yi Tianyun would handle them.

"Welcome to join you, I believe that after a while, you will find out how wise your choice is." Yi Tianyun said: "There are not many rules I have to say, mainly one, absolutely obey our orders!" As for the rest, your forces will manage your own power. Under normal circumstances, we will not intervene to manage."

“How do you manage before, that is how to manage it. But there are some things that you need to cooperate with us.”

One by one, they looked up in surprise. They thought that their power would be overhead, and now it seems to be white.

"Absolutely cooperate, absolutely match!"

They nodded one by one, and even if they were overpowered, they could only obey and could not resist. It is even more gratifying to say that it can still be managed. There will be a task to arrange, and they can understand this, or else they will accept what they do.

Yi Tianyun nodded and saw that the practitioners were quite satisfied. As he thought, this domain will soon be renamed again.

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