Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1365: Go again

Yi Tianyun's decision, Shi Xueyun will naturally not interfere. Since she said so, she would not say anything more. She believes that Yi Tianyun’s decision will certainly not be wrong, and there has been no mistake ever.

"Tianyun, you are so anxious to release these tasks, it seems that there is something big?" Shi Xueyun can feel that things are not right, so quickly improve the cultivation, either to protect the domain, or to fight the Quartet!

Yi Tianyun said before that he would not arbitrarily fight the Quartet, and it would only be possible to protect his own domain.

"It seems that you are still seeing it, but after this task is released, it will be seen soon." Yi Tianyun did not hide, said with a smile: "In fact, it is a battle of the gods, this is extremely dangerous. The battle, if successful, will become the four-character domain! If it fails, it will be possible to destroy the family."

"However, now I have full confidence and can win this game. Otherwise, I will not let so many life in the Three Realms, and I will be implicated in my selfishness."

" Moreover, this battle of the gods is also likely to spread to this side. Even if I do not participate, it may be implicated. The strength will always be ranked first, so upgrading the strength is equal to a chance to live!"

Even if Yi Tianyun does not participate in the battle of the gods, it is possible to spread to this side. The main thing is to look at the token core and what area it appears in.

If it appears in a product domain, then this side must be affected. Even the second-class **** domain will be affected. Unless it appears in the Sanpin Divine, the situation will be reduced.

Whether it is the domain, or the second domain, the distance is too close, it is easy to suffer. At the beginning of the war, what is needed is resources. Where does the resource come from? It must be taken ready-made, and all kinds of gods around it may be robbed or become battlefields.

Otherwise, it will not be so cautious. The lord of the Tianquan Divine domain is even more cautious. It has been laid out early, and if it is not prepared, it will be destroyed.

"The Battle of the Gods..."

Soon after Shi Xueyun understood it, he was deeply shocked. I did not expect such a big event.

"This time, when are you going to announce it?" Shi Xueyun's expression is serious. This is a very important thing. There must be no sloppyness, and it is impossible to announce it.

After all, everything has to be prepared, giving them enough time to prepare, and more importantly letting them know what kind of monster they are facing.

"After a few decades, let's talk about it, but don't say it now." Yi Tianyun thought about it and said: "But you can talk to other elders first, and discuss the plan first."

"The plan is no problem, but what about your plan?" Shi Xueyun is full of worry.

After understanding the poems, Shi Xueyun discovered their forces, but they smashed the stone and could not withstand this war. The overall strength is too weak, even if it is desperately to improve, it is estimated that it will not improve too much.

However, Yi Tianyun said that when there were three lords who helped each other and basically stabilized, she barely sighed. It just came along with it, or worried about the safety of Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun truthfully said all the dangerous things. Especially when capturing the token core, it is a dangerous moment, facing the encirclement of many powerful enemies, that is the most terrible.

"Do not worry, what I am most afraid of is the encirclement of the enemy." Yi Tianyun gave her a sigh, and her eyes filled with confidence: "I have never done anything unsure, so you can rest assured... ”

"Well..." Shi Xueyun nodded lightly, but he was still very worried.

When Shi Xueyun went to busy with his own affairs, Yi Tianyun stayed in the room and there was nothing to do. At this time, he thought of the special task of forgetting the bridge, then he would not be able to go in, I wonder if I can go in now?

"Now the repair is a lot of improvement, should you be able to support it?" Yi Tianyun felt that he needed the power of Tianzun before he could pass.

Now it is not up to the Tianzun, but the overall strength, has been crushed in general.

Immediately, he didn't think much, and immediately sent it to the top of the core. As before, the soul was stripped from the body and reappeared in the small village.

It is still a place where people come and go, very lively. He still stayed in the grass house and looked very rudimentary.

Soon he came to the front of the Forgetting Bridge. Nowadays, many souls have entered the bridge of forgetfulness, and gradually disappeared into the distance, and never looked back.

"This must go through this time, and feel that if you go there through here, the battle of the gods will definitely win!"

Yi Tianyun has a feeling that if he can go there, he can control the power of the Three Realms. The Three Realms don't look too big, but the internal forces are extremely scary. Once it broke out, even the superior Tianzun was spiked.

Jiu Pinshen engraved, this is not a joke grade. That requires more strength to be able to upgrade to nine products.

He came to the front of the Forgotten Bridge and lifted his foot and stepped on the bridge. At this time, when he stepped on, he immediately felt the consciousness slightly blurred. This time, it is much better than before, at least there is no feeling that it will be sucked in immediately.

"Have the opportunity!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes lit up, and then he continued to lift his feet and walked forward, step by step, and consciousness began to be quickly taken. Originally, the soul has come in, but now it is more like the feeling of the soul, like the deeper separation of the soul.

He still clenched his teeth and continued to walk forward step by step, and consciousness was quickly removed.

"Give me a firm!"

Yi Tianyun whispered, and the consciousness he wanted to lose continued to be fixed in his own soul. He can continue to move forward. Every step, you need to take a break and stabilize your consciousness before you can continue to move forward.

At this time, he was just halfway away and half the distance.

He turned his head and looked to the side, and there was a soul walking alongside him, but they walked easily and freely. After walking through the bridge, I finally walked into the grass house in front.

It seems that their purpose is also the grass house in front, not disappearing on the bridge.

"What is the truth?"

Yi Tianyun clenched his teeth and continued to move forward. He insisted on keeping the Lingtai a little bit, that is, he would not let the consciousness leave. During this time, he felt his soul strength and began to rise wildly.

It can be upgraded at will, but the strength of the soul is not upgraded by experience, but by its own cultivation, it can be upgraded.

Now it is a general growth, which makes him feel a bit happy.

"It seems that even if I don't pass, I can at least improve my soul strength!" Yi Tianyun seems to be not white this time.

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