Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1371: Preparation

Yi Tianyun lifted his foot and came to the back of the core of the Five Elements. If you changed it before, you couldn’t get close. If you are close, you will be rushed to the soul by this violent force. When you don't die, you will become a fool.

Now that we are integrated, we can cross the core of the five elements and come to the bottom of the five elements. When I came to the back area, I felt even deeper.

The power of light and darkness is constantly being released from the front. Immediately after he approached, he felt a sense of oppression, coming in from the front, making him feel pressure multiplied, a feeling of difficulty moving forward.

"This simply can't go in..."

Yi Tianyun frowned, thinking that he could pass two trials in one breath, and now it seems that he is too naive. The trials in front of this are even more horrible. When a force is transmitted, Yi Tianyun feels the surface of the skin and has a sense of disappearance.

If he continues to go in, there is no doubt that his soul will definitely be destroyed. The power in front is too strong. It is not his current level. It can move forward.

“Hey, succeeded in taking special tasks ‘through light trials or dark trials’, successfully completing the task, winning the title of Heaven’s master, or the title of the underworld master.”

The rewards are still the same, there is no change, and even the extra experience is not given.

"There are two tasks. It seems that you still need to complete two tasks before you can become the real master here..."

Yi Tianyun didn't feel surprised. He said it before. After absorbing it, it can only be regarded as the master of the realm. It means that there is also a heavenly controller, or a master of the underworld.

In this way, there will be two trials.

Now I can't participate in two trials. I need to improve my training to continue moving forward. It seems that I can only give up.

"It's almost time, it's time to leave."

Yi Tianyun didn't stay too much here, and stepped into the special transmission array and disappeared into this area. Immediately, his soul returned to the body, and everything was no different.

"I finally got back into my body, or stayed in my body for the most comfortable."

Yi Tianyun twisted his body and loosened his bones slightly. This body is meditation here, it seems that the soul is isolated, but it is actually connected, and it is not really separated.

However, he felt that the place was completely accessible, but he did not have any authority and could not enter it.

Immediately flashing, he returned to his hall. Shi Xueyun happened to deal with things here. When he saw him, the beauty was full of blame: "I was finally willing to come back. This time, you have been away for the longest time."

It’s been more than 50 years since I left, and it’s not been so long in the past.

"It’s been a long time to retreat, sorry." Yi Tianyun walked over with a smile, and Shi Xueyun just complained casually, and there was nothing.

As long as Yi Tianyun is safe, it will be enough for her. After all, in terms of their cultivation, fifty years is basically equal to five days, and it cannot be said for a long time.

"Forget it, the situation of the Three Realms is now rising steadily. Most of the practitioners have made rapid progress, and now they have reached the level of more than 30 people. At the level of Tianjun, there are more than ten people; Jun level, with..."

Yi Tianyun nodded. After listening to it, it really leaped forward. The comprehensive strength is comparable to the two-character domain, which has reached this level in just 50 years.

Of course, there is still a big gap between the two high-end second-class gods. However, there is Yi Tianyun present, basically filling this vacancy immediately, and there is a comparable existence of Tianzun, which is already stronger than most of the second-class gods.

It is only the two-character domain that generally has three-character domain as a patron. In theory, it is still inferior.

“It seems that the overall breakthrough is not bad?” Yi Tianyun said in front of his eyes: “If it is a while, the comprehensive strength can definitely be equal to the second product domain.”

"Yes! We are very rich in resources, and we are very active in cultivation. We are all responding to your call and madly practicing. These results are unexpected. Some of them have been broken very quickly." Shi Xueyun also A little excited, seeing that his power is getting stronger and stronger, naturally he will feel a little excited and more confident.

"Very good, then I will continue to refine the alchemy and speed up the progress." Yi Tianyun nodded. Now that the general things are done, they are waiting for the battle of the gods.

Shi Xueyun nodded and continued to go busy.

Yi Tianyun also began to work hard to refine the Dan, and invested in this busy alchemy. Among the three realms, there are alchemists, but their speed of alchemy is limited, and there are many practitioners, and the vacancies are still relatively large.

Otherwise, Yi Tianyun will not take the time to alchemy.

Time passed quickly, Yi Tianyun was in the alchemy. During the other gods, they suddenly fell cold, and there was no communication. They were all busy.

In fact, there are still decades of war in the domain of the gods. The situation is still very urgent. Whether it will spread to this side, there must be a preparation.

The news he received from all sides is the same. The gods are preparing themselves, and the gods that are in alliance with them are sent to the messengers to discuss with them.

Generally speaking, it is relatively simple, that is, when the battle of the gods occurs, I hope to help each other. If one of the parties has a problem, I hope to borrow a place to hide.

They don't want to help but resist, just ask for a place to avoid. If you resist, who can resist the war of the Sanpin Divine? There is no resistance at all, only the evasive part.

"The atmosphere is getting heavier and heavier. It is almost the same time to go to the Tianquan Shenyu area. I will tell you about this situation with the sister of the glass." Yi Tianyun promised that the glass domain owner would not join the Sanpin Divine. Now there is no default, but participate directly. The battle of the gods!

There was no connection between the two. At the beginning, the owner of the glass field did not expect that Yi Tianyun would participate in the battle of the gods, but only persuaded him not to join the three-character domain.

After refining a batch of medicinal herbs, the confession was clear, and he went to Tianquan Shenyu to find the glazed domain owner.

The Tianquan Divine Field is now also strengthened in all aspects. Most of the disciples have returned from the outside and cannot go out.

"Tianyun domain master, you finally came back, we have been looking for you for a long time. The domain master said, whether it is the elders, or other disciples, have to come back." Elder Huang Huang saw that Yi Tianyun came back, finally loose The tone is gone.

"What about the glass domain owner? I have important things to talk to her." Yi Tianyun asked.

"What is the important thing? Just ready to start a meeting, you are right to come back, you can discuss it." Elder Huang did not know the purpose of Yi Tianyun's return, but thought it was from the outside experience.

"Open a meeting?" Yi Tianyun's eyes flashed, this is an opportunity.

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