Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1388: Enough

Shi Xueyun soon went on his own, and because of the merger of the two forces, there are so many things that need to be busy.

One of the most leisurely is Yi Tianyun, but it can only be said to be a short leisurely. He only needs to wait now, waiting for Yuqin Shenjun to take the big elder to kill, and then directly eradicate it.

“Hey, success, let the second product domain join its own power, gain a thousand points of compression experience, a thousand points of compression proficiency, and ‘I’m a domain owner’ to increase the power by five times!”

“Can I still have these rewards?”

Yi Tianyun was happy in his heart. He liked this kind of reward very much. He didn't expect to have the power to join himself, but he could have this special reward. The rewards are also very simple and rude, and even the effect of the title can be enhanced.

It means that if you continue to let other forces join, his title will continue to be superimposed and will continue to grow stronger! Just let other forces join their own side, the current difficulty is still relatively high.

This reminds him of the Scorpio domain. If he can join his own side, not only can he expand the existing power, but he can also enhance his power of title. Why not?

"Scorpio Gods...but they want to join, it is not an easy task." Yi Tianyun shook his head. In the current situation, other gods are unlikely to choose to join themselves and listen to the orders of others. It is better to be in power, and it is impossible to hand over power.

This thing can only be put temporarily.

"I don't know the Yuqin God Jun, what is the situation now..." Yi Tianyun is still the most concerned about this matter, but the future is moving.

Destroying most of the elders means that the Sanfeng deity loses most of it, and it will be easier to compete for it. Although there are other gods, at least the holy mountain **** domain was cut by him.

When Yi Tianyun was worried about this, Yuqin Shenjun finally returned to the holy peak of the gods. Under the eyes of many powerful people, she rushed in and wounded directly on the ground.

"What is the situation?" When they saw the Yuqin God, they were suddenly shocked, especially the great elder, who was shocked to stand up.

"The main character of the Holy Peak, I, I am investigating the information back... The rest of the companions are dead, but I barely fled back. The general news, I have already identified... Several elders have been caught I am trapped in the Three Realms. As for where it is, I am not sure... The strongest of the Three Realms... especially insidious, not very strong, it is a lot of traps..."

After the Yuqin Shenjun reluctantly said a little, it was directly fainting. It was really too much blood loss and the injury was extremely serious! To the extent that life is dying, as long as it is not treated immediately, it is likely to die.

"Put up the treatment!" The elder elder stood up and waved his hand to signal the guard to carry her down for treatment. His face was very dark.

The guards immediately lifted the Yuqin God to continue treatment. The rest of the Tianzun or something, there is no excessive inspection, or the search for the soul. In this case, if you search for the soul, it is estimated that it has not been found, and it is already dead.

After the Yuqin Shenjun was taken away, their faces were dignified, and a lot of information was already known from these words. The elders did not die, mainly because they were defeated by the other side, and there were traps.

Tianzun is very strong, but if he suffers from the calculation, he will still be recruited. However, from the side, the Three Realms are definitely not simple.

"Insidious! It is too sinister, and it is really a sneak attack. It is no wonder that the news from Beiyue Tianzun was the sneak attack!" The elders looked cold and clenched their teeth: "But they are still alive, so come If you don't move the rescue, they will kill it in a while, or just as a chip and exchange something with us."

"Nan Ming Tian Zun said that it is good. It is very likely to be a bargaining chip. It is necessary to ask us to give up the battle of the **** domain. It is better to take the initiative to attack it than to wait here. Even if the gods are behind the mastermind, they must fight with them. Put!" Another Tianzun stood up and supported the words of the elders.

The main face of the Holy Peak is gloomy. This is not a simple matter. You have to look at the gods in the gods.

"I don't know a few brothers, how can I decide this?" asked the chief of the Holy Peak.

"If you are alive, it is indeed time to go to the rescue. If you miss the opportunity, you will be threatened. But even if you are threatened, it is impossible to withdraw from the battle of the gods!" One of the gods thought about it and said: "It seems that We have personally gone out, even if we will fold a little luck, we must rescue the people, and at the same time destroy the three realms, let other gods see, the power of our holy peak!"

"Adult, this is absolutely impossible!" Nan Ming Tian Zun hurriedly persuaded: "Air transport is very important, especially the decision point of the token core. If the air transport is not enough, it will be far away from us. It will be more difficult to get up."

In the presence of the gods, it will indeed affect the air transport. It’s no problem to help a bunch of people occasionally. If you help more, it’s really troublesome. Especially where the token core appears, it may be far away from you!

This is not a mess, but it is really happening.

"Oh, let's just say, are you going to go on your own?" The **** brows and glances at them. "Can you do it?"

"Before it was negligence, this time is different, we will be prepared enough! At the same time, bring five Tianzun, I will lead the team personally. As long as you don't carelessly, you will be able to take it down!" Nanming Tianzun is from the mouth of Yuqin Shenjun Presumably, everything is negligent, and the other party’s comprehensive repair is not strong.

He has no doubts, he is injured to this extent, and he has vowed to himself. Moreover, it has nothing to do with the Three Realms, and it is impossible to lie to yourself.

"Well, I hope that I will not make any more mistakes. This is a matter of jealousy!" said Tian Zun coldly.

"It must be done well. If it fails, I will come to see you!" Nan Mingtian respected the military order, which is sure to work in his opinion. As long as he is not attacked, what is it afraid of?

They will definitely be prepared this time before they will start, and they will not be attacked.

Soon they sent five Tianzun to go. After a while, the Yuqin God King woke up and was extremely weak.

"Five gods... I hope that you can make a miracle this time, I can only help here." Yuqin Shenjun, this is a bitterness, hurting his body, returning to death, not Will be searched for souls.

This method is extremely dangerous, and I have to say that Yuqin Shenjun is very embarrassing to myself!

(End of this chapter)

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