Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1396: What is called air transport!

The messenger of the Ten Thousand Gods, when he returned with the news, immediately made many elders angry.

"The three realms are too arrogant, and they refused our invitation!"

They are all indignant and feel that the Three Realms are too arrogant. A one-of-a-kind domain, what to slap in front of them!

"What about refusing, what can you do?" Wan Tianyu looked at them indifferently.

They suddenly paused and didn’t know what to say. What can they do after they really refuse? Is it possible to send a large group of people to destroy the Three Realms?

This is of course impossible. The Holy Peaks have sent a large group of strong people out, and there is no news. If they are forced to attack, if they win, then they will have casualties here, this is not what they want to see.

"Can't do something, then stay here and prepare for the battle of the gods!" Wan Tianshen's eyes are cold and cold: "When the time sweeps all the forces that block us in front of us, whether it is the Holy Mountain or the Three Realms , all through!"


They did not continue to entangle this matter, and all the power left until then broke out, and it was truly valuable. Even if it is sacrifice, sacrifice at that time is valuable. If you sacrifice now, it is a waste of time and life.

Time passed quickly and everything was fine. At least the three realms of God have no trouble at all, no gods to find them in trouble, everything is in accordance with the previous layout.

Yi Tianyun concentrated on alchemy, refining a large number of medicinal herbs, and strengthening the gods of the major planets. At the same time, this is also a kind of practice, and it is necessary to attack the soul strength under the impact and upgrade to the level of heaven.

He doesn't want to be repaired, the soul strength is still in place, it can be quite troublesome.

In a blink of an eye, ten years, twenty years, thirty years...

Time passed quickly, and it was getting closer and closer to the battle of the gods. The spirit of each strong man was tense. It can be said that all the gods are nervous and waiting for the beginning of the battle of the gods.

Where the core of the three-character domain is nervous, the core of the token is also worried about where the token core appears. The difference is that the three-character domain is worried that the token core is too far away to be robbed; a product **** domain is worried that the core distance is too close, and it will be affected.


Yi Tianyun looked up at the sky, he also had a hunch, this token core will soon appear. It's just plain, it's not very clear.

But no matter what area he appears, he can grab the fastest speed! Because during this time, he did not stay here all the time, but went to the major deities to get the transmission coordinates.

This will be able to transfer the past directly, and it will be easily robbed.


Suddenly a bunch of figures emerged from the sky, and Yi Tianyun looked up at the sky, and saw a group of people breaking through the void, giving him a smile.

On the side of the glass field, the main person and others, their eyes glanced, and the descendants of this group were very strong, and three of them passed the breath, making them difficult to breathe!

"You don't have to be nervous, they are my brothers." Yi Tianyun smiled.

"Brothers?" They glimpsed, never heard of a brother to help, just heard of Yi Tianyun, when there will be strong help, I did not expect him to be his brother.

Three brothers of the Tianzun class, these things made them feel a bit shocked. Immediately think that Yi Tianyun can break through so fast, is it related to this division?

The practitioners who broke through the void are the three brothers. As they prepare for the battle of the gods, they will naturally come here to prepare according to their previous commitments.

"Little brother, we came to help, these are my apprentices, all shouted to help." Swordsman Tianzun smiled, brought a large number of gods, each looks extremely extraordinary.

"Thank you for the help of the three brothers!" Yi Tianyun gratefully said.

"What kind of politeness, I have agreed before." Swordsman Tianzun is still the best talk, as for the other two brothers, they smiled and said nothing.

"No matter how, the three brothers can come to help, I am very grateful!" Yi Tianyun laughed.

At this time, Li Tianzun stood up and said seriously: "There are two days in time. After two days, the token core must appear. The question now is which area will appear. This is the biggest problem. According to the usual situation, They will all appear near the Sanpin Divine, and they will not appear near the Divine."

“It means that you are in a passive situation from the beginning. Otherwise, you are now heading to the Erpin Divinity, or the area of ​​the Sanpin Divine, waiting?”

Their time has been accurate to the number of days, but the orientation is not very clear, everything is looking at the air!

Whose gas is strong, it will be closer. Generally speaking, the forces of the three-character domain are very strong, and naturally they will be closer to them.

"Going to the Sanpin Divine, or a product of the Divine, this is not necessary." Yi Tianyun confidently smiled: "I will not be worse than anyone than the air."

Yi Tianyun’s self-confidence makes them feel speechless at once, can they not be so confident? It is undeniable that Yi Tianyun's air transport will certainly not be bad, but it is far from the whole **** domain.

"Cough, since the younger brother has such confidence, stay here." Swordsman Tianxiao said with a smile: "There is a month in anyway, one month of robbing time, it depends on the ability of the younger brother."

Anyway, they are staying here. If Yi Tianyun does not **** it, then there is no way to say that he will wait for the next battle of the gods.

In theory, they did not want Yi Tianyun to participate in the battle of the gods, but Yi Tianyun was so persistent, he could only let him come.

Yi Tianyun did not say anything more. He can have such confidence, but it is not a mess.

As time goes by, everyone is staring at the sky, and when the token core appears, there will be a situation immediately, and it will be sensed in what area.

So they stayed outside and looked at the void outside.

It will take two days to come soon. It is said that two days must be two days. The closer to time, the more nervous their hearts are.

At this time, Yi Tianyun smiled and opened the lucky aura!

After the powerful and unmatched lucky halo was turned on, the original amazing value of the character was directly superimposed on the madness, and the whole person's surface was lightly radiant.


After a while, there was a large ray of light in the void, followed by a token core appearing in the sky, which was very dazzling.

A group of people are stupid, go to a fart two or three domain, the token core appears in the sky!

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