Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1403: loose the temper

The two major domains have joined forces to attack, so that all the gods who watch it here are intimidated. Among them, the Three Realms are even more tense, and Tiantian Zun is ready to rescue at any time.

It seems that the distance is far away. In fact, for him, it only takes a moment to get through and rescue. It is not possible to kill him at a critical moment, or else everything is over.

In the face of such a strong repression, Yi Tianyun is still so calm and still calm. The momentary movement can't be rushed out. I have to say that the Lord of the Peaks has won, and his super strong ban, suppressing all retreats.

He can only admit it, unless he continues to upgrade the moment of movement, so there is still a chance to escape. But in addition to upgrading the momentary movement, you can upgrade another one!


“Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Yi Tianyun’, successfully broke through the eight layers of Shenjun!”

He eventually chose to upgrade to repair, instead of upgrading the moment to move. The instantaneous movement does not reach the limit, but his repair is reaching the limit, so that the power of instantaneous movement is limited.

After deducting a lot of experience, he finally ushered in an upgrade. This upgrade is not easy. If he hadn't madly harvested Tian Zun and Shen Jun strong before, he couldn't really upgrade.

To the later upgrade experience, has reached hundreds of thousands of points of compression crazy value, if converted into the previous experience value, it really exploded.

After the upgrade, Yi Tianyun's basic values ​​have been upgraded in all directions, including the power of instantaneous movement, which has also evolved.


Yi Tianyun did not fight hard with them, but chose to escape. Although the cultivation is improved, but in the face of the two median Tianzun strong, it is still the kind of full force, and if you do not escape, it is a fool.

He is not invincible, unless he continues to break through, so he moves in an instant, escapes from this terrible ban, and easily escapes.

Following the attack of the two great gods, it immediately fell through. Being trapped becomes a million-day domain master, not Yi Tianyun.

Everyone who watched it was stunned, and blinked and wondered if he was wrong. How could such a terrible ban be able to escape?

"How did the younger brothers do it?" They were all stupid. They asked themselves that they could not escape from it and could only fight hard.

After all, the ban on the main peak of the Holy Mountain can not be broken casually, and it is easy to suppress the enemy below.

Yi Tianyun still escaped, or saw that the gods descended on other places, and all the talents found Yi Tianyun escaped.

"What the hell, can you escape!?"

They are going crazy in the Holy Peaks, and spending so much money, even a practitioner can't be trapped? Suddenly let the Lord of the Peaks have great doubts about their power.

After Yi Tianyun fled, he did not stop too much, and immediately proceeded to eliminate it. As before, he began to harvest it wildly. Compared to before, today's speed is even more amazing, and the speed of harvesting is much faster.

Yi Tianyun has always played this way, the front is impossible to play, but he can choose side attack. First, destroy the men around you, and then finish slowly, no hurry.

As long as they are cut into bald heads, they will not be able to make any climate. The key is that he can earn more experience and crazy value, and he can speed up the breakthrough.

This is equivalent to a rapid upgrade on the spot, and then fill the gap between them, and finally achieve a counterattack!

"Continue this way, my men will die!" The peak of the sacred peaks on the forehead of the Holy Peak has reached the edge of the runaway.

"Yes, continue to do this, our men will die..." Wan Tianyu is going crazy, thinking that he is wasting time here.

If this continues, their men will be light, and when they win, their power will collapse.

"No, he destroys our men, then we also destroy his men!" The main peak of the Holy Peaks is angry. Since it is faster than the speed of the other party, then he chooses to rush to the force of Yi Tianyun and force him back. !

Immediately, they all took out the communication jade, knead a few pieces, and shouted at the same time: "The disciples of the holy peak **** domain, all moved to the three realms, and flattened the three realms!"

"The disciples and elders of the Ten Thousand Gods also moved to the Three Realms and gave me the Three Realms!" The Wantian domain screamed, and began to mobilize the disciples and elders of the Tentian domain to kill the gods.

In the past, there has not been such a situation. The outside world is constantly robbing the token core. Only after the token core is snatched away will it begin to sneak into the gods.

Now, in turn, they no longer care about Yi Tianyun, but directly kill the Three Realms, which makes many domain owners who are concerned about this side stunned.

This dare is to let go of Yi Tianyun, and then turn to destroy the power he is in? But to destroy the other party's forces, at most, it is impossible to bring forces to go up, and they can still go up smoothly.

But they are betting, betting Yi Tianyun will go back to rescue! When I take the initiative to attack them, I am afraid that there is no chance to fight back?

"Sure enough, it will become like this..." Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold, and he has already guessed that the other party may have such a move.

After a long period of unsuccessful attack, he turned to a revenge on his power. It’s not that they don’t want to kill Yi Tianyun, but they’ve all tried their best, but they can’t catch up.

It’s almost impossible to catch up, and suddenly it’s speeding up. When they continued to erupt, Yi Tianyun was speeding up and improving his strength. He felt that the promotion was endless and he could not catch up.

Continue to consume this, they must be the first to be killed. It is not endless to continuously burn the energy in the body.

Now they are angry, they will first smash the Three Realms. Waiting for the Three Realms to be smashed, and after venting their hearts, they will chase after them.

At least Yi Tianyun really succeeded for one month, and his power was definitely gone.

However, Yi Tianyun is not worried. It is precisely expected that the three brothers will be guarded there, and many practitioners have already been arranged.

His initial plan was to weaken most of the other forces at the fastest speed, and the rest would kill a lot of pressure and even reduce the casualties.

Now that they have all killed, he will go back to fight.

"This is the real beginning. If you hold on, you will be able to win!" Yi Tianyun licked his lips and his eyes were high-spirited.

Defence is the most difficult, especially for a month.

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