Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1405: The power of the superior heaven

There are three Tianzun in front, and there are Yi Tianyun in the back to kill and kill, double attack, let them suddenly shake.

"Damn, run away!"

The Lord of the Peaks did not think much about them. In the face of respecting them every day, there is basically no chance of winning. Plus, Yi Tianyun blended in the side, they certainly have no chance of winning.

Therefore, you can only choose to escape. If you do not escape, you will die yourself. Of course, he failed, at least he is still alive, and can participate in the next battle of the gods.

"Do you think you can escape?"

When I don’t know how many times, I’m already behind them, and I’m throwing my fists and punching them. He didn't use any equipment, he just raised his fists and pointed them at a mammoth, and each fist could cover a large area, so that they could not escape!


Both of them were easily repelled back, shaking them dizzy, and the blood in the body was rolling. Followed by a stream of blood flowing from the corner of the mouth, slightly affected by a slight injury, this is only a punch, you can cause this damage.

If Li Tiantian Zun broke out with all strength? They are really unimaginable. The median Tianzun can also fight each other, and can face the words of the superior Tianzun, still feel very weak.

They are ugly, so to say that they can't escape, can they die here?

Not only are they, but others are surrounded by them. More and more strong people from the three realms are surrounded by all sides. The weakest are the monarchs, most of them are strong.

There are many Tianzun and Shenjun brought by the two great gods, and Shenjun is destroyed by Yi Tianyun at least half of it. There are still hundreds of them left, and I have to say that the heritage of the Sanpin Divine is really strong enough.

But what about the gods facing Tianzun? It must have been crushed. The gods of the two great gods have long been left behind, especially under the suppression of Yi Tianyun and Longming Tianzun, and they were quickly destroyed.

When entering this domain, Yi Tianyun gave priority to killing Tianzun. The rest of the gods first put one side and killed the strongest Tianzun first.

Therefore, the basics left now are only the gods, and the gods who are still alive are not enough to slap. It can be said that the Three Realms have won, and are not afraid of the siege of the Holy Mountain and the Ten Thousand Gods.

"Even if you die, you have to pull down a few cushions!"

When the Lord of the Ten Thousand Domains roared, they flew over to other planets, and the rest of the gods were like this. There is no confrontation with the Three Realms, but instead of rushing to other planets, wanting to kill them wildly, or to blew themselves.

But when they rushed up, suddenly a Liman erupted from the planet, turned into a thick ray of light, and destroyed the rushing god.

Under this gun, directly throw this **** to the slag!

This scene scared other gods to avoid, and did not dare to continue to approach half points. This horrible attack has reached a powerful blow of half-step Tianzun. This is not what the strong sent out, but the explosion of attacks on the planet broke out.

The power of the scorpion, the general **** can not resist, unless the very powerful god, can resist or avoid.

"This, isn't this a big impact? A district of the gods, how come there?"

A group of gods are dumbfounded, including those of Tianzun, and they have been shocked by this scene. When the three brothers looked at each other, they felt a little surprised.

They really didn't think of the power of Yi Tianyun, but they could have such a large array. Even if they are three-character gods, they don't necessarily have such a large array.

The main reason is that I don't want to spend so much energy. Even a planet as small as the outside has such a large array. I have to say that the handwriting is not small.


Not only is there an asteroid outside, but many of the planets on the side are also screaming with amazing attacks. The gods who have been besieged are easily destroyed.

What pulls people to come back, this does not exist at all. The first thing that rushes to death is their own!

Undoubtedly, their thoughts have been ruined and ended in failure. As for the Lord of the Holy Mountain, they both rushed to different positions, but they intercepted them. They were Tian Tian Zun and Long Ming Tian Zun, a superior Tian Zun, and a median Tian Zun later repaired, absolutely able to compare them. Even surpass them.

After the two great gods intercepted them, they flew them back and couldn’t run around.

"If you let the chaos come, we will let the younger brother disappointed." Li Tiantian respects the light, this is the self-confidence of repression.

In his view, these people are already dead.

"Little teacher? You, what kind of power do you come from!" Shouted the sacred peaks.

"Dead, there is no need to know so much." Li Tiantian is not awkward, waving his fist is a madness, his fists are shining, before he is an invisible fist, now it is a golden fist, and the blood of the gods erupts. The arms are all very strong.

The power suddenly increased by dozens of times. Under this violent fist, the earthquake was broken and everything began to annihilate, including the Lord of the Peaks. It is clear that the Lord of the Holy Peaks has already erupted the strongest force, but in the face of this fist, it is completely unable to withstand and is instantly destroyed.

After recovering the fist, there was a black lacquer in front, nothing, and everything was squandered.

This is the power of the superior Tianzun, the absolute strength of suppression, no one can resist.

"Oh, successful killing of the Holy Peak domain master, gaining 230,000 points of compression experience, 5,000 points compression madness value, four thousand points compression sin value. Acquired Shengfeng (lower Tianzun Lingbao), Shengfeng Shen Chain (中中Heavenly Spiritual Treasure), Holy Peak God!"

"The leap-level killing, the extra 50,000 points compression experience."

Although he was not killed, he had touched it a bit before, and after being killed, he still got the reward.

"It's not the upper level of heaven, it's too strong..." Yi Tianyun was deeply shocked, and he didn't need him to shoot. The Holy Peak domain owner was spiked.

This brother, who is really strong enough, does not need any gods to bless the spirit, just use his own blood power, it has already killed the opponent. This is the real powerful force, relying on its own strength!

On the other side, Long Ming Tian Zun is inseparable from the Wan Tian domain, and the two are reconciled to see if there is any advantage in other aspects. If you have an advantage, you can win.

"Give me a seal!"

Long Ming Tian Zun countless branches and one support, instantly formed a huge cage in this huge space, actually blocked the Wan Tian domain owner.

This time, the speed advantage of the Wantian domain owner immediately became ineffective.

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