Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1407: Strong enemy gathering

The battle was temporarily over, and the situation here soon spread to the holy peak of the gods and the gods of the gods, and even stunned the whole gods.

The Three Realms have completely destroyed the invaders of the two great gods! It means that the two great gods are more than just a one-of-a-kind domain.

I did not expect a one-of-a-kind domain in the district, but it was to suppress the two three-character gods. It was incredible to say that they would go out, no one would believe it. But the facts are in front of you, you can only choose to believe!

At the same time, I was shocked by the rest of the gods, and in the thousands of gods and holy peaks, a huge shock!

The strong ones of foreign aids screamed at the table, and the murderous gas immediately filled the entire hall. A group of guards shivered on the side and could not bear this momentum.

"I didn't expect it, I lost it! Our Wan Tian Shen Tian, ​​even lost to a one-of-a-kind domain, really makes us lose face!"

"Yes, then quickly start the second plan, retreat to the second, choose a sacred domain as a plan!"

"Well, just count this! It's not too late, all of them will be dispatched immediately!"

All the foreign aid forces on the side of the Ten Thousand Gods were immediately dispatched, and there was no reservation at all. This holy peak is like a discarded piece, everything is discarded, and no strong person is stationed here.

It means that if there is a strong enemy invasion, the Wantian domain will be occupied. The original Wantian domain leader led all the strong players out, and the rest is these strong foreign aid.

Now that the strong foreign aid has gone, the strongest thing left is the landlord. It’s a kind of irony to be able to easily occupy a Tianjun level.

Not only the side of the gods of the gods, but also the side of the holy peak **** domain, it is also blasted.

"It is the foreign aid of the vast Tian Zun!"

"I didn't expect the three realms of the gods to have a leg with the vast gods! There is a damn, I should have thought of this guy!"

"But is the vastness of the gods not being killed by the gods, but also the battle of the gods?"

"I don't know, I am always confronting us in the realm of God. If that is the case, then we are welcome. If we want to get rid of everything, we must destroy the Three Realms!"

"Start the second plan and let the other gods win the quota!"

The holy peak of the gods is even more angry. They immediately saw the situation of the swordsmen by their influences, and they immediately recognized them.

All the strong followers of the Holy Mountain Gods have been dispatched, just like the Ten Thousand Gods, directly abandoned the Holy Peaks. This has to be said to be very decisive. If you lose it, you will lose it. There is no attachment.

For them, as long as there is no value, all will be discarded, there will be no reservations. This is like the Ten Thousand Gods, and immediately becomes an abandoned child, directly abandoned.

Under the circumstance of a large-scale move, it can be said that the strong people gathered, and they came to the side of the Three Realms to kill.

The Three Realms are also prepared, and all the strong are gathered together, with a serious expression, ready to fight.

"There will be a large number of strong people to kill at that time. You must be prepared for the younger brothers. It is inevitable for casualties. What we can do is to hold the three realms and win the final victory. This will not happen. Hey, for those who are dead..."

"I know this, but I will fight for it."

Yi Tianyun nodded, and a large group of strong people rushed over. If there were no casualties, it was unlikely. But he did as much as possible without casualties! He just wants to challenge himself, not to accept his life.

Li Tiantian did not say anything more, just shook his head. He can only sigh that Yi Tianyun has too little knowledge. He has never seen anyone who can win this game in the battle of the gods in a state of zero casualties.

It should be said that winning is victory, and casualties can be ignored.

At this time, the Three Realms are very quiet, but this is the eve of the storm, and it may break out at any time. Each one is incomparably nervous, and the atmosphere of depression is pervasive.

"Come on." Li Tiantian Shen Shen channel.

Soon, there is a lot of powerful power, from the front torn space to come here, followed by the appearance of a heavenly level. The lowest revision has a median level of respect, and the highest level of cultivation is to reach the upper level of the heavenly level, but only the previous level, but not in the middle.

In an instant, there are eight heavenly strongmen coming out, all of which are above the median level! This scene is really scary enough, and suddenly there are so many strong people coming out. The horrible momentum is shocked by space and signs of collapse at any time.

Everyone's face sinks, this is the power of foreign aid! Eight strong players with a median level above the level, comprehensive strength to crush the Tianzun strong on the side of Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun is the two median Tianzun, a superior Tianzun. The opponent is seven median Tianzun, one superior god! The superior Tianzun was flat, but the median Tianzun was vacant and was directly crushed.

The disparity in power is immediately reflected here, and the strength of foreign aid is always stronger.

At the same time they appeared, the Holy Peaks were removed from the battle of the gods. They could not participate in the battle of the gods, and they could only wait until the next round. If you are free to participate in the battle of the gods, it is equivalent to violations, violations will be judged!

Of course, this has nothing to do with the strong people in the domain, they do not belong here, so the rules do not limit them. This feels very unfair, but what can be fair in the world?

"Sure enough, it is the disciple of the vastness of the heavenly lord, do you want to participate in this battle of the gods!" The head of Chi Xiang Tianzun looked coldly at Li Tiantian.

"This has nothing to do with the vast gods, it is our own desire to participate in the war, what is the problem?" Li Tiantian directly denied the words of Chi Xiang Tian Zun.

"Fart! I still want to participate in the war. This is a lie to the three-year-old child. I want to lie to us?" Chi Xiang Tian Zun coldly said: "No matter what purpose you are, we are all enemies in the Divine domain, that is here. It’s no exception! I want to give it a try, what is the level of the mighty disciple’s discipleship!”

When they were about to prepare for the opening, the void on the side was distorted, and a group of people broke through the void and fell to the side. On the other side, there are also eight heavenly strong men, also composed of seven median Tianzun and one superior Tianzun.

This time, there are sixteen heavenly strong men appearing in the three realms, which makes people feel trembling. In the past, one of the Tianzuns could not see it. It is really scary to have 16 super-strong median Tianzun directly here.

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