Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1411: Time and space sacrifice

Under the madness of Yi Tianyun, many Tianzun were destroyed. Although it is only trapped for a small meeting, but for the strong move, it is enough time, you can come to them in a flash, kill them in one fell swoop!

The speed of the original elimination should not be so fast, but the swordsmen respected them all to kill the past, as long as they protect their souls, their bodies are not worried, they are completely allowed to attack.

After being attacked, it will recover immediately, so it is very dominant. Playing opponents needs to hide, opponents are much lazy, and they are directly confronted.

All of a sudden, sixteen Tianzun sharps were reduced to seven, and two of them were still dragged by Li Tiantian. This means that there are only five median Tianzun left, and this basic threat is greatly reduced.

It can even be said that there is no danger at all. There is Yi Tianyun’s ability to move against the sky. They can’t run far, and they are intercepted by him.

"Use the cooling stone... move!"

Yi Tianyun's title transmission has a cooling time limit, so cooling stone must be used. He is constantly buying a lot in the mall, mammoth in his own cooling time.

The price of cooling the stone is ok, and each time it can reduce the cooling time. The stronger the skill, the weaker the cooling effect. But no matter how weak, it can be reduced.

If one doesn't work, then let's take ten cooling stones and see if you can cool down! Therefore, he has an infinite number of moves, intercepting them in front, and can not cause any further trauma to the Three Realms.

Moreover, no matter how much the price is, as long as they can repel them, the cost of spending more is worth it.

"Damn, retreat immediately, retreat immediately!!"

In this case, I was scared that Jiuhong Tianzun immediately wanted to evacuate and did not dare to continue to stay too much here. If you stay here, you must be dead.

Originally, they came to eight respectively. Now there are only three or four left, which is simply terrible. At that time, even if you fled back to the domain of God, you are subject to sanctions.

"I am having a good time, and I am eager to go!" Li Tiantian smiled loudly, and with a big hand, they stopped them.

Killing can't be killed, but there is no problem stopping them. Even if they can't kill them later, at least they can make them uncomfortable for a while.

Not only do they respect them every day, but the rest of the three realm practitioners are even more damaging to the water dog. They are still constantly urging the surrounding arrays, forming a dense network of light to cover the past and trying to catch them.

The moves are the same as before, nothing new. But this is not a very fresh move, you can stop them for a little while, even if only a few seconds, it is enough.

With the help of many strong points in the Three Realms, the remaining Tianzun was finally destroyed by Yi Tianyun, and the more than a dozen Tianzuns were left.

The rest of the sacred domain that explored the situation on the side was even scared and his legs were soft, and he turned and fled. Yi Tianyun is too lazy to pay attention to it. They already know which **** domain it is. When it is time to settle the account slowly, let's solve these big heads first.

"There are two of you left." Yi Tianyun, they flew past, a group of people around the two superior Tianzun, Jiansi Tianzun they are ready to join the battle, with the strength of Tianzun a piece of suppression.

"Even if you die, you won't make you better!"

Jiuhong Tianzun screamed, and the already burning power was once again fully motivated. This time it was a complete outbreak. Consumption was all the energy, including the soul and blood, and even the flesh, which were all burned out.

When I faced the power of Heaven, I was already violent enough to motivate my potential. Now it is burning all the power, even if Yi Tianyun let them go, they are all half-residual.

"No, they are not erupting, but what power is being motivated!" Li Tiantian brows his wrinkles. He feels that the fluctuations of the void are not the same. It is obviously calling for something, not trying to do his best.

Not only is Li Tiantian inductive, but Yi Tianyun also sensed it. The emptiness of the horrible power in the void seems to be something coming out at any time.

"Yes, stop them!" Yi Tianyun hurriedly shouted.

Swordsman Tianzun’s expression was dignified, and the strongest force broke out immediately, killing together with Jiuhong Tianzun and Chixiang Tianzun. Yi Tianyun quickly replaced it with the evil Tianjun suit, and raised his power to the extreme. The star gun in his hand violently hurriedly rushed out to the front.


The four men joined forces to storm up, but they slammed on their shields. For a time, they couldn’t smash the defensive shield!

Yi Tianyun soon noticed that the shield was jointly displayed by the two people, and it was quite strong. Even if the four of them joined forces, it would take some time to destroy.

I did not expect that at this time, the two forces that were somewhat hostile to each other actually joined forces. It seems that the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Under this crisis, they have joined forces.

"It’s useless, I said it, even if it’s dead, let you die with us!” Jiuhong Tianzun laughed loudly, sprinkled bleeding water on his lips, but quickly evaporated, forming countless energy to the void Gushing.

"Yes, anyway, it’s all a death, it’s better to fight with you!" Chi Xiang Tian Zun looked at Jiuhong Tianzun and laughed loudly: "I didn't expect that I would eventually join forces with you to cast this kind of trick... It's really one. Big irony."

"Then the afterlife, and then beaten one!" Jiuhong Tianzun laughed and his eyes filled with grievances.

What they hate most now is Yi Tianyun. All the plans have been confused, which has turned into a losing situation. The above is not going to accept the situation of failure, going back must be severely punished, even dead!

In this case, it is better to die.

Under the laughter, their bodies quickly dissipated, and they were all gathered into an energy to gather together and merge into the void. The two top celestial gods sent all the energy, what kind of monsters would you call?


At this time, the void formed a huge mask, and a picture appeared on it, which seemed to be backtracking some pictures.

“This is a sacrifice in time and space?” Li Tiantian’s face changed.

"Time and space sacrifice?"

Yi Tianyun looked up and saw the details soon.

Time and space sacrifice: to contribute all of your energy, to trace back the past time and space, summon the corresponding strong out, and at the same time you will be hit hard, even death! The time and space powers summoned can only stay for a maximum of one day.

The space that was quickly distorted slowly appeared in the shadow, and came out of the picture, holding a blood red sword, eyes are very red, and a murderous release - killing God!

The summoned is actually killing God!

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