Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1426: Clean up

Yi Tianyun, they hid on the side and looked at it. The vast **** said so, but still have to observe the situation here to avoid accidents.

However, after a while, this protection is unbreakable. No matter how they attacked, there was no damage at all, which made them sigh again and again. This thing is too strong, and I don’t know what strength is needed to break it.

"It seems that there is no way to break it. We are here for a period of time. If there is no problem, we will not stay here more." The vast **** does not want to control the meaning here, and the swordsman Tianzun said what they said. same.

The vast gods do not have this meaning, just want to prove themselves, this is estimated to be related to Xiu Tian Shen domain.

"It seems that we need to investigate it well. What is this resurrection domain?" Yi Tianyun nodded and still had some interest in his own master.

Immediately after they stayed for a while, they returned to the Three Realms to rest. In fact, they just sit a little and join the team that destroys the stone. With their joining, everything is easy.

Not only are they, even the vast gods are personally shot, which makes Yi Tianyun a little embarrassed. It is not very interesting to clean up the rocks. This kind of work makes a **** come to do it.

This is like a sweeping job, let your master do it, which is interesting.

However, the vast **** does not mind at all, he is in a good mood now. Although he did not teach him personally, but how to say that he is his own disciple, not only amazing talent, but also bring him such honor, can you be upset?

Anyway, there is nothing to do, it is impossible to really stay here, by the way, help to strengthen the protection here, as well as clean up the rocks.

The level of the gods of the vast gods is not low, has reached the level of six products, quite amazing. Therefore, with his help, all aspects of the gods have a lot of improvement.

It is good for the gods to make rumors in the gods, and it is too low. If the repair is too low, the grade will not go at all. Some need a lot of energy to be able to portray, so you need to upgrade your level to be able to improve.

After all, the current strongest spirit of the gods is only half a step of heaven and respect, and Tianzun has not broken. If it is a breakthrough, the accomplishments in this area will definitely rise to the next level.

At present, it seems that there will be Tianzun, an extremely excellent cultivation environment, and there is still not much problem in breaking through.

With the help of many powerful people, the cleaning speed has increased dramatically, but it still takes a long time before it can be completely cleaned up. It is impossible for the gods assigned to him to be small, flying directly to the edge, and it takes several days for Yi Tianyun to repair.

This is still flying straight, and if it spreads out in a circle, the scope is terrible. Therefore, the time required is still very long. In this state, it takes at least several years before it can be completely cleaned up.

This is still based on the premise of the help of the vast gods and gods. If they leave, the time will be doubled immediately, and it will last for a hundred years.

The Three Realms are still too few levels of God, so the time required is still relatively long.

For this point, Yi Tianyun is not in a hurry and can come slowly. The vast gods, they help to clean up, how much can be cleaned up, there is no need to worry.

After roughly cleaning up for several months, they stopped and did not continue to clean up.

The rock has not been completely cleaned up, and there are still many stones that have not been cleaned up. There are still many. They just helped to clear out a channel, but also excavated a few planets and cleaned up the surrounding rocks.

To put it bluntly, it is to dig out the planet and open up a road. As for other rocks, you can take it slowly. As long as the normal roads are dug, it is enough to use these planets.

Anyway, these rocks do not have any good things, they are a pile of broken stones. Of course, some of the rocks are ores, or they can be used as good materials.

The overall situation has made Yi Tianyun quite satisfied. A little statistics, there are a total of thirteen planets in this domain, and the number is not particularly large.

But every planet has a core, and this is enough. The quantity is not in many, but in quality.

If there is a planet in light, there is no core meaning.

On the other side, there is no Tianzun and the gods attacking the shield, and there is no way to destroy it. Naturally, it can only leave in vain. At the same time, some people put some people here to stare. They did not believe that the shield could be maintained all the time. Once the shield disappeared, they immediately sent people to attack.

The prestige of the vast gods is not used at all.

"A total of thirteen planets are a little less than other gods, but the overall situation is OK." Hao Hao Tianshen nodded.

"In fact, it can be successful. For disciples, it is very good." Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "In the past, my **** domain, there are so many high-quality cores."

He used to dig a lot of cores, but those are dark cores, and wherever they apply.

"Well, the contented people are always happy." The vast **** smiled and said with satisfaction: "The rest is mined by you. With the resources here, it is enough for you to use it for a long time."

"This is thanks to the master, and the help of the brothers, or we don't know how long it will be cleaned up." Yi Tianyun grateful.

"Little teacher, these words are said to be unfamiliar, since they are all the same door, these words do not have to say more." Swordsman Tianzun they all laughed.

After a brief chat, the vast **** said: "Almost, we should go back. The protection here seems to be impossible to destroy, and God's stuff is not free to break."

During their stay in this time, they saw that Jingshen Tianshen was tired and could not cause a trace of harm. It means that the defense is absolutely strong, they don't have to sit here all the time.

"Master, can the disciple go back with you?" Yi Tianyun said in a hurry.

"This is no problem, the vast **** is your home, but your **** domain..."

"It's okay, I believe you have seen it here, do you need me to worry about it?"

"Haha, this is true. Then take you back to the vast expanse of God, let you see, for the teacher's handwriting!" Hao Hao Tianshen laughed.

The situation here is basically no problem, and the rest is done by Shi Xueyun, and he basically does not need to intervene. As for practicing here, it seems to him that it is better to kill several Tianzuns.

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