Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1429: Thousand days

The concept is not in harmony, and the vast gods will leave when they are angry, that is, they will be in trouble with the repairing gods. This kind of discouragement is really powerful enough.

Abandoning such a powerful force, and creating forces alone, will certainly be suppressed by multiples. It is extremely difficult to recruit disciples.

Going out from here, how can you give a good face to the vast god? It’s enough to be merciless without chasing.

"I still admire the master very much, and I still have this kind of idea. The master is a super genius, and it is still a very enchanting level, but it is interested in the so-called perseverance. For other geniuses, it is disdain for these things. Only look at talent!"

"Genius has always been the only one. If there is no talent, it will be directly denied. All the gods have always been judged like this. The master is a wonderful thing to play with."

The eyes of the swordsman Tian Zun are full of admiration and worship. He does not deny the idea of ​​the vast god, but admires it. It is mainly the talent of the swordsman Tianzun, but it belongs to the middle level, but it is selected by the vast gods.

"Yeah, it is very admirable..." Yi Tianyun is also very impressed. After knowing it, I feel that it is right to join here.

Because this idea is the same as what he thinks. Talent is really important, but hard work and perseverance are more important!

Immediately, the swordsman Tianzun took him and visited them everywhere. Here is a world stitching together. It is not difficult to create such a world with the strength of the vast gods, but it can be said to be quite simple.

It is still very simple for a superior Tianzun to create these. Moreover, it has now broken through to the gods, and in this regard, it is undoubtedly a step up.

After all the way, it is indeed a perfect world, and everything can be said to be perfect.

Look down at the practitioners, all in normal life, without knowing what kind of world they are in.

However, such a condition is always better than staying in the domain of others. At least the vast gods are deliberately arranging a lot of martial arts and the like. In the domain of the genre, they rely on their own groping and robbing themselves. The difficulties are even greater.

As they walked through the door of time and space and came to another new world, they immediately felt that there was a powerful force here.

"It’s a sister!" Swordsman’s body trembled and shouted out.

"Why, am I so terrible?" There was a beautiful woman sitting in the void in front of me. When I saw them, I slowly opened my eyes and pierced my eyes. I wanted to see them through. Like.

Yi Tianyun feels this power, and it is very familiar. It really seems to be facing the vastness of the gods. The breath is very peaceful, but the upper-level person's breath, with the vastness of the gods, is easy to give people a feeling of hope.

Swordsman Tianzun coughs one channel: "See the sister!"

"Well, this is the younger brother, it is the first case that the master can be accepted as a disciple." Qian Qiantian stood up slowly and looked at him with a gaze.

“I have seen my sister!” Yi Tianyun said modestly: “This is due to the fact that the master has lowered the standard, otherwise it will not be selected at all.”

"Don't say this kind of thing, I have heard about your business, and the comprehensive ability is very strong. The vast gods are still at a very high level of cultivation, and they have reached the fifth level." Excited to come: "No more nonsense, play a game!"

"Well, huh?" Yi Tianyun stunned, and he was going to fight when he met. What the hell?

"There is still a little forgotten to tell you... The sister is a fighting madman. I often fight with us. I really don’t know what kind of thing..." Swordsman Tianzen hurried to hide next to them, they are ready to fight. The field, can you not hide a little?

"Swordsman, where are you going? In the end, we haven't played a game for a long time. Now it's better to try it. See if you have grown up recently. Your previous move was very good. Come with me!" Thousands of days of glory and glory, the spirit of war is high, and the momentum will immediately rise.

This scene scared the swordsman Tian Zun to run, and dropped a sentence: "I, I just got tired after the battle of the gods, come back next time!"

If you haven’t finished talking, you’ve already run away. This makes Yi Tianyun wipe the cold sweat, it is no wonder that Jiansi Tianzun is very afraid of the sister, can you not be afraid every day?

If a man is a fighting madman, even a female cult is also a fighting madman, and it feels terrible to think of it. But this should be caused by the environment. In this place, climbing from the bottom, the things that need to be experienced are extremely cruel, which leads her character to be militant!

"Want to go?" The thousand-day statue of the moon flashed, catching up with the swordsman Tianzun at a faster speed, and directly stopped in front of him and smiled: "If there is injury, I can help you treat it. Do you forget that I can treat it?" What?"

Thousands of days of the moon stretched out a hand, a green light emerged from her hands, extremely vitality, even treatment?

"Sister, I, I am mentally tired, but I can't wait for it..." Swordsman Tian Chou will cry. He has a big gap with Qian Tiantian. It is completely abused to fight with her!

"Don't pretend, but the mental state is not good, who is cheating?" Qian Qiantian sneered and said: "I see you are very good spirits, don't say a battle of the gods, no problem in both games!"

Swordsman Tian Zun cold sweat straight, do not know how to say.

Yi Tianyun looked dumbfounded at the side, and his sister was really crazy enough. It seems that they really didn't have much trouble. As for the other two brothers, there is no one in the figure. It is estimated that they have not stayed here, but chose to leave.

If you stay here, 80% is going to be smashed!

"No, isn't there a younger brother, the younger brother is very powerful. You can talk to him right, absolutely satisfying you!" Swordsman Tianzhao glanced at him and moved to Yi Tianyun.


Yi Tianyun was crying and laughing, and the swordsman Tian Zun actually came to this side directly. It seems that he was really miserable.

"The younger brother must have passed the trick, but you promised me before, but you have to fulfill it. Have you forgotten it?" Qian Qiantian shouted his fist. "Don't say more, be prepared to warm up with me."

"I, I..." Swordsman Tianzen wanted to cry.

When they thought they were going to be abused, Longming Tianzun appeared on the side and looked serious: "Notify the master, Xiu Tian Shen domain came..."

"Is there a man of heaven?"

They are all stunned and one by one is serious. At this time, what does Xiu Tian Shen domain do here?

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