Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1439: Condensation

Under the Wumu God suit, the speed of treatment has doubled and the recovery rate of Feng Yangzun has been greatly increased. These effects have made Feng Feng’s fall stunned.

She has never seen such amazing healing effects, including the little edge, and has never experienced such amazing healing power.

In fact, the effect can be even higher, but the repair of the Phoenix Fall is too high, which leads to a significant reduction in the effect, but at least there are dozens of times of improvement.

This is already quite amazing, at least completely hold them, let them know that Yi Tianyun is not without the ability.

"A strong therapeutic power, this Taoist friend, how is it done?" Feng Yangzun is a little excited and excited, this ability is very suitable for her.

The light attribute can't achieve the therapeutic effect. Although it can purify everything, it can't treat any injuries. Therefore, if you encounter any injured people, the treatment is effective, but it is not as effective as Yi Tianyun.

"Don't stop, continue to deliver light core energy!" Yi Tianyun raised her hand and pointed her, indicating that she was shocked, do not stop.

He has to absorb and refine it all the time. The conversation does not hinder absorption, so he can still be half-hearted. The stronger you are, the more things you can do at the same time, and there will be no problems.

"Sorry." Feng Yang apologized and smiled, continued to send light core energy to Yi Tianyun, and hurriedly said: "Dao friends, I wonder if I can tell how to do it? If you can, I can exchange other things, such as Tianzun. Level treasures, these are all right, as long as you can tell me how to do it."

"I want to know?" Yi Tianyun smiled a little and saw that she was so interested, and could not help but have a little more intention.

"Yes, if you can get this ability and help those injured people, it will be a lot faster." Feng Qiu Zun said his own thoughts, and had to say this idea, it is really awe-inspiring.

It’s really admirable that Feng Qiu’s heart is for everyone and wants to save many people with difficulties.

Yi Tianyun is a fascinating charm: "What is the treasure of heaven, these are meaningless to me. As long as you join my forces, let alone these martial arts, and other martial arts are free to choose, to ensure your satisfaction! ”

"" Feng Yang’s glory was dim, and he didn’t expect to go around and was still locked in to solicit her.

Although she is very heart-warming, she is trapped in freedom and can't walk freely. It is too bad. In this case, it doesn't make sense to come.

"Why, do you worry that I will lock your freedom? In fact, I will not lock your freedom, wherever I want to go, I will go anywhere, as long as I declare that I will join my forces." Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "How, Is this business cost-effective?"

"This adult, you are too much. You think we don't know, what is the calculation in your heart? It is nothing more than to use the reputation of the master, so that you can recruit more powerful people! The reputation of the master, in This area is very wide, and it’s all right!” said Xiao Yuanqi.

She looked at Yi Tianyun's thoughts at a glance, because many people recruited Feng Shui, they all had this idea, so she would say so.

Yi Tianyun glanced at her and said indifferently: "This friend, you are not young when you cultivate to the gods. When did I say that this is not the idea? Want to get some benefits, don't pay? In other words You have the ability to give me the strongest martial arts, then I will not help you try anything?"

There is no such thing as a plain and unreasonable advantage. There must be something in it. Yi Tianyun has never denied this.

Xiaoyuan's face is red and bright. She looks small and cute. She looks like a ninth and nine-year-old. In fact, she does not know how many years old. This is what the body has been since childhood, and it has not changed since now, so it seems to be a child. In fact, the grandmother of other people is young.

"I am giving you freedom now, just hanging a name. If there is anything, I will help. Isn't that enough?" Yi Tianyun smiled lightly: "It's better than those who limit freedom, but also want to use your reputation." , recruit more disciples, right?"

Feng Yang Zun silenced the meeting, and finally chose to shake his head: "I am very sorry, I still do not intend to join any forces."

In the end, she still chose to refuse, and did not agree to Yi Tianyun's request.

"That line, if I change my mind someday, I will tell you again." Yi Tianyun did not ask for anything. Since he refused so many times, he would not say much.

"Well..." Feng Qiu Zun did not say much, would you really come to him, then I don't know.

Following them, they concentrated on absorbing the core energy of the light. Yi Tianyun continued to absorb it, and the body quickly condensed the core of light. With a little bit of rapid improvement, the light core of the same phoenix fall body began to be consumed continuously, but as long as it is cultivated for a while, it can still recover.

As time went by, Yi Tianyun began to condense the light planet, and there was a circle of holy light inside, which was released to the outside, making him feel quite comfortable, like bathing in the sun.

"This is the peace of light attributes..."

Yi Tianyun felt quite satisfied, and he was able to get this benefit. The key is that Feng Shouzun is very good at talking. If there is some violent superiority, he will be too lazy to see when he is slap in the face of God.

After condensing for a period of time, Yi Tianyun stopped to absorb the core energy of the light. He is quite enough, and does not need to absorb so much.

Feng Yangzun also resumed her eyes next to her. Her consumption is not low. About half of the core energy is sent out. Is the consumption low?

However, Yi Tianyun saved her life and asked for this reward, not too high. Only she wondered why Yi Tianyun would choose her energy. She couldn’t feel that Yi Tianyun was a light attribute.

But the other party asked for it, she naturally would not say anything more. As long as she is not wooing and joining forces, the rest will be easy to say.

After a period of cultivation, Yi Tianyun finally consolidated the light planets in the body. Like a light ball, it circulates in the body and looks quite beautiful.

"I finally completely consolidate it. I am equal to seven planets!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes shine brightly. It takes only five planets to break through Tianzun. He now has seven, so he is not afraid of not meeting the standard? Even after there are conditions, there are now two more, and eight are not worried. Just need to get one more, it's enough for eight planets!

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