Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1456: Give you a slap

Yi Tianyun’s remarks made the industry’s fire a sigh of relief. Isn’t that saying that he is very languid?

Immediately, his anger rose, and sneered: "I owe it? Is it coming! I have the ability to slap on my face and see if you have this ability!"

He pointed his finger to his face and gestured to Yi Tianyun to smoke here. He even patted his face gently, and smiled slyly: "Come on, come hit me! Idiot, idiot Go here!"

One of the gods, but it is so guilty, let the people next to you stunned. Before the giant sword Tianzun said to cut off Yi Tianyun's tongue or something, these are forgetting, the people next to them do not say anything.

After all, the anger came up. It is nothing to say such a thing. Anyway, as long as you don’t kill Yi Tianyun, it is not illegal. Many elders, even one eye closed, did not say anything.

It’s really ridiculous to say that a goddess is a singer.


Suddenly a figure rushed over, with lightning speed, and a heavy slap in the face, and gave the fire to the sky, and flew out a few laps on the ground, almost to the outside of the ring, the face Was drawn high and the teeth collapsed several times.

"I have never seen such awkwardness. I even asked others to play on my face. Then I will do as you wish." Yi Tianyun licked his palm and said indifferently: "I have to say that this face is indeed thick enough. Compared with the defenses like dragon scales, I have to be many times stronger."

Fast, it's too fast! Most people don't know what happened, and Yi Tianyun has already taken out the fire of the fire.

Only by repairing it to a stronger level of superiority, can you see the speed of Yi Tianyun. They were all scared by this speed, and the speed was so fast that they couldn't believe it.

Because of this speed, they are already equal to their speed! The speed at which a **** broke out was almost as fast as them. Even if it was not as good, the difference would not be too far.

In this case, what else to fight? Not to mention the power of the superior Tianzun, the speed of the superior Tianzun, how to play the next Tianzun? There are several realms in which they cross. Light is speed, it is enough to kill everything!

After all, the world's martial arts will not break!

"You, how come you came..." The fire was stunned, and he was ready. He was taken out in an instant and did not react at all.

"You don't care how I came over. You just didn't make a fuss. Would you like me to smoke you? Now I am as you wish, and I will slap you." Yi Tianyun said: "Is it enough? Not enough. If you, I will take a slap in the face and try it?"

His strength is extremely well controlled, and he almost took out the fire of the fire, and there are not many, just good strength. If he is willing, the slap has just made him win.

As long as he took out the fire, he won, but he did not. Dealing with such a person, you can't solve him simply, you have to play it.

The fire of the industry was greatly increased, and he quickly slammed up and glared at him: "Come on again, have the ability to shoot me and slap a try!"

"Since you want to make a mistake, that's fine!"

Yi Tianyun rushed over and an afterimage appeared in midair. At the moment when he rushed past, the fire of the gods took a shot, and the horrible fire rushed around, forming an extreme fire wall rising high, and the touch immediately turned into nothingness.

Almost all-in-one locks himself and protects his position. At the same time, he patted the palm of his hand, and countless fire dragons roared around, rushing down to the area where Yi Tianyun rushed.


Numerous fire dragons continued to fall down, and the floor of the hall was shaken, but it was not destroyed. The ban has been reinforced, and it is very difficult for the tyrants to destroy. Unless it is a violent attack at the level of the gods, it will take a long time to destroy at least.

"Dead, die!"

The eyes of the fire are full of red light. Even if Yi Tianyun is dead, he has nothing to do with him, and he will not be punished. After all, in the current situation, it can only be regarded as an outbreak of mistakes. It is impossible not to do everything in its power? Once you exhaust your efforts, the results are hard to say.

This time the great elders have said that there are no eyes and no ears. What he is playing now is "missing"!

"Who do you let anyone die?"

A ghostly voice came from behind the fire, and let his heart cool down. The next moment, he turned quickly and reached out and waved the flames.

But his speed, where is better than Yi Tianyun.


A heavy slap, once again fanned on his face, took him out and flew out. Under this pumping, I still did not roll out of the ring, but after rolling a few laps on the ground, my face quickly bounced.

His face was swollen and high. It was on the left side. Now it is on the right side. It is swollen on both sides, like a big fat man.

But this scene, but no one laughs, only feels very surprised!

Ming Mingye Tianzun has built a fire wall, and wants to come through the fire wall. As for entering the void, it is useless. These fires can burn in the void, meaning that it is useless to hide inside, and it can still be burned.

Now that Yi Tianyun has no traces at all, he will easily come to the side of the fire, and give him a slap. This slap does not have much lethality, just a swollen face, but this has proved a lot of things.

That is, as long as Yi Tianyun wants to defeat him, it only takes a moment to do it, but he does not do this, but he is playing in the fire and respecting his face.

"Give you a slap, and want to have a slap in the face?" Yi Tianyun walked over step by step, his palms swayed a little, ready to give him a slap.

The fire-powered Tianzun, like a cat that had been stepped on the tail, quickly bounced off the ground and stared at Yi Tianyun with a gaze. "You, how did you come to me, is it through the void... ”

"As soon as you break the speed, I need to go through the void?" Yi Tianyun sneered.

The other elders are silent. They all saw this momentary thing, Yi Tianyun's speed is really too fast, at the most amazing speed, came to the fire and worshiped behind.

To put it bluntly, Yi Tianyun has already come to his back at the moment when the fire is in the flames. This light is a flame, what use?

This is what is the use of the lock door, people have entered the door, how to prevent it?

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