Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1465: assistance

The thousands of days of respect and strength of Tianzun respect is quite perfect, it is simply seamless, it is obvious that they have always cooperated before, so now it will become quite easy for the enemy.

Under one stroke, the Jianfeng guards were forced to retreat. The violent nature of Tiantianzun, the feminine spirit of the moon, and the two distinct abilities, can be perfectly integrated into one, and the enemy is even more ever-changing, able to cope with all offensives.

"Li Tian brother and Yue Qian Shi sister are very powerful. I can't resist this guy. If I continue to do so, the guard will definitely be able to defeat it." The swordsman Tian Zun retired, and he was embarrassed. To recover your own injuries.

The overall situation is that they are okay, mainly because Qian Qian Tian Zun as the main force, can be slightly injured. The main reason is that the energy consumption is too crazy, otherwise it is really no problem.

The situation of Longming Tianzun is much better. It was originally harder, and the recovery ability of his own is not bad. The situation is naturally much better.

When they thought that they could easily face the enemy, suddenly the swords guarded the sword in their hands, and they made a dazzling light, and immediately appeared a sword of more than one hundred feet high and frantically danced.

The swordsman who is crazy and flurry can form an extreme sword array. At the same time, there are countless swords coming out all around, and attacking them in this area. Including Yi Tianyun, they are all included in the attack!

"This guy is going crazy, hurry to hide!" Swordsman Tianzun saw the long sword that emerged, and immediately knew that the guy was going to desperately, and opened the big array here to the enemy.

The thousands of days of respect for their face changes, these sword arrays are not simple, especially the collection of ancient weapons, the power is quite amazing. Even if it is only the top grade of the top grade, it is not inferior to the spiritual sword of the Tianzun Lingbao level.

If these hundreds of explosions come out, it is really terrible!


A pair of flying swords are running over here, trying to destroy the invaders. They can only resist quickly and resist the flying sword that runs through.


Yi Tianyun quickly waved his long gun and flew the flying swords out. Every time he hit it, he could feel his tiger's mouth numb. This shock is too strong, and he still has a strong force to resist, and almost burst out of the damage mode.

This power is too strong. Every strike has the power of the middle of the heavens, and even the later level, how can they not be suppressed.

This is just a slap in the face. If the real masters come out, can they easily suppress them? This is the case, it is easy to crush them, and ancient Tianzun is not a joke.

Not only is Yi Tianyun, they are repelled, and even thousands of days of respecting them have been repulsed, it is difficult to continue to rush forward. So many flying swords run through, how can you easily escape, especially each one is so powerful.

In the blink of an eye, the two celestial celestial beings, the body has more than a few deep visible bone scars. This flying sword is too sharp, even if it is strong and respects them every day, they are easily torn.

"It's too strong..."

Yi Tianyun feels that he is fully impacted and can't easily deal with it. Even if there is a crazy damage mode, even if it is superimposed, it is still difficult to catch up with this horrible power. After all, it is too strong, and it can't keep up with it.

Unless his repair is further improved, there may be a chance to kill. At present, it seems that all the experience is stacked up, and it is estimated that there is no way to break through to Tianzun, and at most, it will break through to the nine levels of Shenjun.

Therefore, even if he broke out now, he could not break through to the peak level. Breaking through the power of the peak, plus the crazy damage mode, may be able to keep up with the battle of Tian Zun in the middle and late!

The crazy damage mode is not invincible. The combat power of the superior Tianzun is extremely amazing, but it can be surpassed casually. He may be able to deal with the median Tianzun easily, but it is still very weak in the face of the superior Tianzun.


Thousands of days, they immediately retreated quickly, but at this time they found that the passage behind them has been blocked. When I came, I was not blocked. I didn’t expect to go out, but I was banned and blocked.

It means that you can only get in and out, and there are not many intruders coming in, and then they will be given back!

"Intruders, good at the Temple of the Dragon, you must die!" Jianfeng guards began to spit out words, the offensive in the hands did not diminish.

This time they immediately fell into a crisis, and if they wanted to rush to kill the Jianfeng guards, they would have to pay a great price.

"Damn, these flying swords are too powerful. If they are close, they will be greatly hurt..." They frowned, and now the injuries have been quite a lot. If you continue to do so, it will definitely be even more Seriously, "You can only fight hard, fight for it!"

They immediately decided to work together to fight together, and if they didn't, they would have to stay here.

When they just wanted to desperately, suddenly a green light shrouded them, so that their injuries quickly recovered. In the blink of an eye, the injury will recover most of the time, extremely violent healing ability, crush everything!

"Sister and brother, I will help you!" Yi Tianyun quickly released the Wumu God suit, so that their treatment effect quickly doubled, and suddenly able to withstand the constant increase of injuries.

"it is good!"

When they saw their eyes, they immediately felt that the injury quickly recovered, and this time they could be more desperate.


The two of them looked at each other and quickly went to the Jianfeng guard to kill it. The power of madness broke out completely, and it was stronger than before. This time they are going to fight everything out to suppress, and the effect will naturally be strong.


The two of them screamed and joined forces to display martial arts, which is a rare joint martial arts!

After joining forces, the power increased dramatically, followed by the suppression of the squadron, and the sword guards were suppressed. Similarly, the Jianfeng guards followed suit, and many Feijians were harvested, constantly inflicting damage on them for thousands of days.

But they are not afraid at all. With Yi Tianyun's recovery blessing, they don't need to worry too much about their injuries. They are desperately desperate.

"Give us death!"

The two of them slammed down and joined forces to compress the energy. They smashed the Jianfeng guards and slammed them out on the wall, giving them a pile of powder and completely dying out.

Under the joint suppression, the Jianfeng guards were finally killed, and the injuries on both of them were equally miserable. Basically, there was no big one, or the arms were gone.

However, with the help of Yi Tianyun, it quickly recovered, but the problem was not big.

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