Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1470: doubtful

The five of them, among them who have achieved success in the teaching of the gods, are basically not there. The highest level is only two or three levels, and there is no higher.

Two or three levels of the gods instructor, there is no use here. Therefore, it is still a waste of time, but it is a key point, but steady local action is the key.

Li Tiantian respects Yi Tianyun's statement. Who can think that this side will be so complicated? Only honestly can find them back. One action is best.

Followed by Yi Tianyun, quickly went to the swordsman Tianzun to chase them over there. As Yi Tianyun's ability has improved, it is still no problem to bring people out of here.

After leaving here, the horse rushed to the other side of the channel. The other side of the channel, exactly the same as the previous Yi Tianyun they encountered, is this strange big array.

Yi Tianyun just came in, immediately saw the swordsmen Tianzun they were besieged, and the swordsman Tianzun is on the verge of death! The body has been smashed several pieces, and the arm has been broken. Currently, it is still evading and trying to avoid these attacks.

It’s not that the swordsman is too weak, but the big one here is too abnormal, and it’s fatal. Mainly the site is theirs, the large array is too much, resulting in the situation that the invaders die!

"The swordsman brother is in trouble!"

Yi Tianyun quickly passed through the void, and the swordsman Tianzun did not respond. He was dragged into the void by Yi Tianyun, followed by the witchwood suit and quickly treated him.

"More, thank you..." After the words of the swordsman Tian Zun, they fainted in the respect of the heavens, enough to see how serious the consumption.

The soul in the head is not destroyed, and it is indeed not going to die. Can be physically injured, or it will have a big impact.

"Li Tian brother, you are waiting here, I am going to save Long Ming brother!"

Yi Tianyun once again went to other spaces to save Longming Tianzun. The situation of Longming Tianzun is much better. His resilience is amazing. Under the storm, he can still persist. But by continuing this way, basically there is no way to get through too many areas.

Only the thousand-day sage can reach the next big array, and the situation is almost broken. It seems that the strength of the thousand-day esteem is still strong.

It can be seen that this place is completely superordinated by the superior Tianzun, and the rest of the repairs are simply difficult to break down here. Yi Tianyun relied on the amazing level of the gods to be able to receive no injuries.

Soon, Yi Tianyun also dragged back Qian Qiantian, and treated them.

"I didn't expect that we couldn't even get through it here. It was too difficult."

They shook their heads one by one. They used to go to some relics, either the difficulty is not as strong as this one, or they are taking the remains of others, and the danger is not so high.

This is just the beginning, they will not be able to attack, it is really embarrassing. It should be said that it is a bit frustrating. They think that their strength is still not bad, but when they came here, they found that their gap is still too big to go in.

Yi Tianyun also had a deep understanding of the situation here. That is why it is too powerful here. The site of ancient Tianzun is really incomparable. It is reasonable to say that the more you go, the stronger you will be.

I did not expect that the ancient level of the big battle won, and still win! It is no wonder that when these ancient ruins are opened, there will be so many strong people coming over, and these things are far more than the current level.

This can happen, Yi Tianyun guess is related to materials. The rare materials nowadays are actually full of streets compared to the previous world.

Therefore, the large array of refining, or weapons, is far beyond the current level. Nowadays weapons and large arrays, because the materials can not be satisfied, can only choose to replace other materials to refine, resulting in a decline in the effect.

It's not that the current level is not as good as before, but the material is far less than before. After time, the material is getting scarcer and it is still normal.

The battle of the gods that broke out at the beginning was not caused by the looting of resources and materials.

"I am still a bit rumored in the face of the gods. I should have no problem with this. It is better for you to enter the world of my body, and when you need to fight, let you out, I don't know how?" Yi Tianyun asked.

It is quite dangerous to let others enter the world of their own body. If it is internal damage, the impact on him is very serious. Similarly, if Yi Tianyun is attacked, it is a piece of death.

"No problem, it is so decided."

They didn't think much, they chose to enter the world of Yi Tianyun. Just now they all saw Yi Tianyun's ability. If it wasn't Yi Tianyun's helper, they were still trapped inside, and they were constantly struggling with those big fights.

Yi Tianyun nodded and quickly recruited them into the world of his own body, which is the core of the five elements. After they entered, they didn't feel anything wrong.

In fact, the core of the five elements is equal to the balance of the world outside, they can not sense what is wrong. Therefore, I don't think there is any problem. I only feel comfortable and natural.

After giving them to the world of the body, Yi Tianyun quickly swept forward and avoided the big battle along the way. If you can't escape, you will enter the void, or you will get rid of this big array.

Therefore, there is no pressure on the way. God is instructing the seven-level level. I dare not say that it is going outside, at least it is quite relaxing here.

Soon, all the way through, finally through this long walkway, to the outside hall.

"It's a metamorphosis. There are seven or eight big arrays along the way. How do you play all the way?" Yi Tianyun felt a little speechless. Even if he resisted the invaders, don't you be so perverted?

If you make a mistake, you must die in these big battles. It is obvious that the owner here is definitely suspicious and worried that he will be invaded.

Who knows that it is not dead now, it is perfect here, and it is not a waste of effort to die outside.

When he thought he was relieved, suddenly there was a stiff voice in front of him: "Invaders... dead!"

The five monks rushed over to Yi Tianyun, and it was really a wave of unrest!

"Damn, if you encounter this guy's bones, you must smash it!" Yi Tianyun clenched his teeth, released them for thousands of days, and joined the battle.

All the way is Shaoguan, it is simply uncomfortable to die, Xiao is Yi Tianyun to be mad.

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