Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1492: Rush!

Feng Yuezun listened to Yi Tianyun's explanation, a little more comfortable. If you think about it, it makes sense. Even if the grade is not low, it is not as fast as familiarity with it.

If you are very familiar with this, you can walk over without going to see it all the way. If you change to an ordinary **** sergeant, you need to look at it for a while before you can see where the problem lies.

"Well, I think more." Feng Yang is apologetic. I thought it was Yi Tianyun who was teasing himself. It seems that he is so hearted.

Immediately they continued to move forward, the environment inside is very ordinary, no bright spots. There are channels in all directions, and they don’t know where to go.

The structural map that Yi Tianyun obtained before has no meaning here, and there is no relationship at all. It is only limited to the Dragon Shrine, this area can not talk about the Dragon Shrine, so come here, it has nothing to do with him.

"This temple is where the uncle lives. The whole temple is where he lives, unless we come to play, otherwise the other four rooms are empty." Feng Yang respected the surroundings and explained: "Because it is more special now, the rest If the room wants to go in, we must break the ban and get in."

"Even if it is destroyed, there is nothing inside, it is an empty room, this is the worst."

When I heard this, everyone was screaming, this is a loss, it is a huge pit! Every room was locked up and dead, and thought that there would be treasures. After hard work, they found nothing.

I think that there is a bit of sadness in thinking about it. The key is to continue to break other rooms. This room is not, and there is no room for other rooms. Therefore, after continuous destruction, I found that there are no treasures, and that mood is absolutely mad.

Now, if it’s not Feng Feng’s reminder, they are really suffering. Even if Yi Tianyun can break it, it will take a bit of effort. Therefore, if it is broken, if there is no treasure, even Yi Tianyun wants to beat people.

"Where is the real control, where?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"Going here, going down in a relatively biased area, can we get there. In fact, we come in, the spirit has already paid attention to it, but it will not work for us. Because this area does not belong to the key area, once it reaches the key area , will definitely do it to us!"

Feng Yang Zun Shen said: "When you enter the key areas, you will be attacked immediately. Please be prepared when you arrive."

They nodded hard, and they were all vigilant. The energy in the body quickly flowed and ready to fight.

Under the leadership of Feng Shui, they bypassed a long walkway and did not go the middle of the road. The road in the middle looks more like the right path.

In fact, that road is indeed the right path. But their real purpose is to come over and repress the spirit, so that they can conquer this spirit.

As long as the receiver is smart, what is not theirs here, do you need to turn it over?

After a few laps, I just stepped into a hall and immediately heard a voice on the side.

"Intruder, leave quickly! If you continue to enter, die!" The voice was uploaded from the side, but it was like coming from the other side, followed by the resounding in this hall, full of majesty.

There is no doubt that this is the voice of the spirit, or choose to warn the invaders, if they still insist on entering, they will definitely come over and attack.

"The spirit of the predecessors, do you still remember me?" Feng Yang Zun came over and tried to use this identity to let the spirit trust himself, so that he can let himself go.

"Remember, you were the little girl, the relative of the master." The spirit is very clear about the identity of Feng Yang, although it was a long time ago, but it still remembers.

"I don't know if I can control this temple?" Feng Yangzun asked.

"No, you don't have this right. Only the master has this right! The rest, the invaders die, no matter who!" The sound of the spirit is even higher, meaning even if it is Feng Yangzun, it is all Do not hesitate to kill.

Even if there is a relationship, there is no meaning, and it will still be killed.

Feng Feng’s fall was very helpless, and it seems that this method is useless.

"Sure enough, it is useless. At present, it can only be forcibly broken." Feng Yang's tribute explained: "There are four entrances here, and there is only one that really leads to the control. This is the leftmost one. The rest are not the correct route."

"When we will rush in all the way, don't entangle with it. It is useless to entangle with the spirit of the instrument. I believe that you all know, even if it is broken, it will quickly condense and cannot be completely killed. Unless there is enough strength to block it. It makes it impossible to move."

"But in our current situation, it is naturally impossible to ban it. We can only choose to sprint all the way and avoid its attack. When we wait for the control, we will intercept it again, and then Tianyun Shenjun will force it to control it. In general, the plan is in this way."

Feng Yangzun simply said that the plan is coming. The most useful thing she said is naturally which one is the correct channel.

"no problem."

Each of them nodded, indicating that they already knew the plan, and their eyes were on the leftmost channel, and they would immediately rush at the fastest speed, while resisting the attack of the spirit.


Feng Yang respected the order and took the lead to the front, and the speed suddenly rose to the fastest. Yi Tianyun followed closely and rushed out from the channel.

Just rushed out, the walls around the sky quickly emerged a light array, a light sword from the light array. In an instant, the entire temple is like a hedgehog, with countless lightsabers, so it fills all the areas, including the ground.


Feng Xun’s hands had already prepared a xylophone. After seeing the emerging lightsaber, he jerked a xylophone. The sound of “嗡” sounded, and numerous golden light blades swept out, creating a channel in front of him. .

At the same time, all lightsabers are shot from all directions, each one is extremely fierce, and they want to nail these invaders here.


Yi Tianyun quickly waved their weapons, resisted these lightsabers, and rushed all the way. The extremely dense lightsaber immediately puts a lot of pressure on them.

The number of these lightsabers is too dense, the focus is that the power is not weak, and every move is equal to the mid-level and even the medium-term level.

It is not too strong for the superior Tianzun, but once the attack becomes extremely crazy and intensive, the meaning is different, and the pressure immediately increases!

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