Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1498: Trophy

“Easily solve one, control the environment here is different...”

Yi Tianyun did not shoot, there are convenient conditions to use, how can he not? Unless it is a fool, why not use it. Whatever is fair, he doesn't have so many ass, it's useless, it's not at all polite.

"Clean up..."

Immediately, his figure flashed and disappeared into the original place, appearing in another area. Through this spirit, it is possible to clearly perceive how many gods are in the entire temple, and how many practitioners come in.

Then through the eyes of exploration, you can easily know what forces they belong to. As long as it is the Ten Thousand Gods and the Holy Peaks, it will be eradicated, no matter what the situation, all will be removed, one will not stay!

As for other forces, it is to see the situation to solve, as long as they are companions with the Wantian Shenyu, the same can be solved.

After all the solutions are resolved, the rest will be driven out! The big madness opened up and kept flying them out. After the cultivators were all flew out, the whole person was paralyzed, and they did not know what happened.

"What happened, I was suddenly popped up?"

"Yeah, it was popped up by a special force..."

"Quick, look! The door is locked, what happened?"

They saw the door quickly closed one by one, and finally, with a loud bang, the temple was completely sealed and no one could enter. Unless you destroy this door, you can't get in.

I didn’t know what was going on, and I was driven out inexplicably.

"I suspect that there is a master here. Someone has successfully entered the interior and become the owner here."

"How come? So soon someone succeeded? How long has it been, and so many people have entered, so someone succeeded?"

"If this is not the case, what else can it be? Now that the door is locked, everyone is driven out, even if it is not killing, even if it is kind, it becomes a master of this dragon statue, it is not easy for us to solve it, but If you don't do this, it's a big life."

Each one of them tells their own guesses. Generally, this kind of temple that reproduces the day and night will basically be closed after having a master.

It’s just that who is the master is not known. Because it was too fast, everything was over, and they were very disappointed. They didn’t find any baby, they were driven out, and no one would be happy.

Some practitioners still can't help but circumnavigate to see if they can sneak in. They never let go, they chose to sneak in, but there is only one exit here. As for the export, it is also a transmission array, and it is impossible to find it easily.

Everyone is constantly looking for an exit outside, or is disappointed to leave, or is discussing, which forces are occupying this dragon temple.

In it, Yi Tianyun is already making a lot of experience, but also searching for a lot of treasures. Swordsman Tianzun, they all listed the treasures that were scraped over, one by one.

There are a lot of Tianzun treasures, and the top grade treasures are also quite a lot. A pile of treasures, let them suddenly sigh the treasures of ancient Tianzun, it is really a lot, it is no wonder that so many practitioners have come in, if you take this pile of treasures, it is hopeful to break through to the gods.

"It’s really a treasure. Look at this is a good treasure of the gods. This is a very good five-pang-yen medicine, but the most precious thing is this bottle of blood! I didn’t expect this Dragon Yunzun to leave a Bottles of their own blood, if they have dragon blood, it will certainly strengthen a lot."

"Long Ming brother is very good to use, he just has a dragon blood, after absorption, can greatly enhance his strength!"

They all agreed that the blood is very suitable for use by Longming Tianzun. Among them, Longming Tianzun demonstrates the power of dragon blood. Although Yi Tianyun has it, but it shows that it is obviously not as strong as Longming Tianzun, and it seems to be somewhat restrained.

So they don't know that Yi Tianyun also has dragon blood, which is still normal.

Long Ming Tian Zun looked at the blood with a burning look. He really is very eager for this blood. After absorption, he can definitely improve.

"No, the younger brother has a dragon blood, and I still feel it." Long Ming Tian Zun laughed: "The most powerful, or younger brother, this reward should be obtained by the younger brother."

This bottle of blood is actually not much, basically two or three drops. These are all blood, can be two or three drops is very good, the value is indeed comparable to the superior Tianzun treasure, it is so many treasures, more top-notch type.

Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "I do have the dragon's blood, but it is more suitable for my brother. I can take some other treasures, such as the Tianzun treasure, the rest of the people are divided. If not you, I can take Nothing in this temple."

"The younger brother is modest. We are a hard work. If we come to other people, we can easily replace it. In the end, it is still the key role of the younger brother, who can break the seal and repress the spirit." I agree with Yi Tianyun's credit.

They are also right, they are very strong, but that's it. In exchange for other superiors, you can immediately replace their position.

"These words don't have to be said. If you look for other people, it will cause greed. Or be happy with your own brother, at least not so much worried." Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "It is so decided, these Everyone is divided, I can pick a few pieces at will."

"That line, we will not be polite with the younger brother, what is the need for us, there must be a piece of action! Follow the little teacher, mix, absolutely have food!"

They looked at each other and laughed. Since the family is not welcome, when you say hello, come and help.

After Yi Tianyun first selects a few pieces of Tianzun treasure, basically the rest is not needed. Tianzun level treasures, can make his heart less, can help a little more, just a little treasure.

As for other medicinal drugs, it is not very effective for him. He relies on experience, not remedy. These medicinal herbs are taken up, and the experience will not increase much. This is a common problem all along.

Unless it is a special experience Dan, otherwise the effect is general, eating and eating like white, the best is to let them eat, the effect is much better.

The blood of Longyun Tianzun is good for him, but it is better to earn more crazy value. Originally he intended to be thrown into the mall, and then copied a batch to absorb, and he found that the price is extremely high, it is better to upgrade directly with crazy value.

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