Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1501: breakthrough

When the outside world thought that the ten refining princes were so rebellious, Yi Tianyun knew that the real situation was not the case. It is because the difficulty is too high that no practitioners have succeeded in achieving it.

The conditions are too harsh, the general strength, there is no way to break through. If you can break through to the gods, you will laugh and open your mouth, let alone break through to Heaven.

"The strength is getting stronger and stronger. If you continue to do so, you will eventually have to bear the attack of the superior Tianzun."

Yi Tianyun felt the strong pressure and passed it from above. Now that we have reached the seventh stage, the attack is already comparable to the mid-to-late stage of the median, and continue to do so. The final attack is afraid to reach the top of the previous Tianzun, the strongest blow.

In this case, where can ordinary cultivators resist? It must be repaired for a long time, and I am afraid that I can break through.

Everything must collect the best, or how to resist? And still been attacked, not active, can only choose defense.

Yi Tianyun has a crazy mode to be able to actively attack, otherwise it will be beaten all the time.

Soon after the robbery reached the tenth weight, and sure enough, the power was upgraded to the level of the previous Tianzun, the wind and clouds changed, the void was broken, and the broken space nearby caused dramatic changes.

Everyone is watching, this is where the robbery is, and the root is being hung!

It seems that they don't believe it. This will be a prince-level robbery. After all, if they change to do so, they will not be able to withstand it!

This time they trembled in their hearts. Is it true that the ten refining lords are too arrogant, or is this cultivator who is robbing too arrogant?

"Can this guy still succeed? Who can afford to fight the power of terror?"

"Yeah, this feeling is already comparable to the superior Tianzeng offensive. Even if there is only one trick, it is against the sky!"

"It’s terrible. The attack in front is terrible. The final attack is terrible!"

The onlookers are all scared. If this is the difficulty, who can break through in the future? If you change to Tianzun, you might be able to resist it and change to God.

In their opinion, the incredible attack, in the view of Yi Tianyun, is so ordinary. Is there a small amount of respect for the superiors he faces?

In the end, under his striking blow, the tenth horror of this horror was so smashed. Following the energy gathered by the Ten Heavens, they quickly circulated from the air, pouring into the body of Yi Tianyun, and began to strengthen his body.

Everything is so easy, it's all because the bottom is not weak, otherwise it is really hard.

"Yes, success?"

Everyone was stunned again, and some thought it was impossible to pass the difficulty, just passed it! A **** can be robbed, is it impossible?

"Impossible, definitely not a god, but a god!"

"It’s really a success, it’s incredible... This time, it’s really worthwhile.”

"But what kind of power is it, or whether it is a man or a woman, you must witness the truth!"

They are all crazy, and it looks like a huge robbery. It is so peaceful and safe to pass, so that their mood is difficult to calm down for a long time.

The swordsmen respected them but smiled: "I know that the younger brothers will definitely be able to pass the day, and the words are really too difficult. If you change me, it will definitely be a little dead."

"Don't say it's you, I can't stand it."

They shook their heads. When they were at the peak of their gods, it was good to be able to fight with the next Tianzun. As for the power of this horror, it is really nothing to be smashed.

"However, the catastrophe of the ten refining princes is at least ten times or even dozens of times more difficult than the annihilation of the nine refining princes. Last time I saw a sacred lord of the nine refining princes, the most powerful. Only the next middle age, or the late stage, is much worse than this."

Li Tiantian respected what he saw before. The breakthrough of the gods of the nine refining monarchs is not uncommon here, but it is not common. I will see it from time to time, the difficulty is not low, but it is quite far from Yi Tianyun.

It is a generation of super geniuses that can break through the successful Tianzun in the Jiu Liandi Jundi, and will be the elders' level in the future.

When they are all sighing, Yi Tianyun constantly absorbs the energy around him and transforms his body. He can clearly feel his strength, and he is rapidly transforming, and the star power in the body begins to gradually change into the power of heaven, a new energy system.

With the power of the gods, you can play the effect of the heavenly spirit.

After a period of transformation, it was finally completely rebuilt, and he also broke through to the next level of Tianzun.

"Is it finally successful?"

Yi Tianyun exclaimed his excitement and felt his strength and enhanced a lot. Especially when I feel that all the gods are in front of me, there is a pile of rubbish!

“Hey, successfully completed the special upgrade mission, ‘Sprint is stronger and newer realm’! After the fifth planet is condensed, break through, get 10,000 points of compression madness, 5,000 points of compression proficiency! And get the title of “Super Tianzun”!”

Super Tianzun: In the face of Tianzun's opponents, it has a suppressive effect, which can weaken the opponent's combat power, and at the same time, its combat power is increased by ten times! (In the face of Tianzun has an effect)

This title is not much different from the previous title of the prince, which is to weaken the opponent's combat power, plus the effect of improving their own combat damage.

This is quite useful for him. It is a pity that it is useless to the gods. If it is useful, the effect will be amazing.

Now this title, at least let him in the Tianzun level, can be said to be sideways.

"Hey, succeeded in taking special upgrade missions, 'sprints a new and stronger realm'! After breaking through the tenth planet, you can get a million points of compression madness, one million points of compression proficiency! And get 'super gods 'Title! (You don't need to complete, you can directly break into the gods, but no rewards)"

This task has just ended, and a new advanced task will pop up immediately. The rewards won a little more, and there is basically no change.

"It has become ten planets again. This difficulty is really big. It’s just seven planets, and you need to get three out..."

Yi Tianyun saw this condition and felt that the difficulty was quite big. However, one of the basics is fixed, that is, the dark planet, but there are two other ones?

"Now break through to the gods, through the light and dark trials, there should be no problem?"

Yi Tianyun thought that before he faced the dark test, he did not go in, he felt the threat of death. At present, the breakthrough to Tianzun should be able to pass!

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