Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1528: The world

After the announcement of this matter, all eligible practitioners rushed to the registration office. There are a lot of points in the registration office, so I am not afraid of being afraid of not being named.

At the same time all are free and must be charged at any cost. At the same time, when they come to sign up, they also bring infinite blows.

"Clam, are you coming to sign up?"

When they saw the sky coming over and signing up, they sneered one by one, feeling that it was lame, and expected to be selected? This is simply an idiotic story.

The sky clenched his fist, the blue ribs rose, and the anger rolled in his heart, but he did not break out. Language attacks are not hands-on, so the other party can't talk about violations. If you don't feel good, you can ask for the competition!

To put it bluntly, if the other party insults himself, then you can find your dignity through the means of comparison.

But he didn't do it, everything was in his heart and he didn't want to break out.

"Why can't you come here? His skills are much better than you!"

"That is, my brother is working hard to cultivate, and I will work harder than you!"

Friends of the sky have come to help, and everyone is extremely angry. My friends are said that they must stand up and refute.

"Is it harder than we are?" They looked coldly at the feet of the sky, disdaining: "Even if you work hard, can you work hard to eat? Can you manage this foot? Do you have a hard time talking about it and directly compare with us?" !"

"You!" They were all angry, and they all wanted to compare in the past.

The sky stretched out and stopped them, and looked at the person who laughed at him coldly and said: "Do you know why I don't compare with you? Because your qualifications are not worthy!"

He does not want to do it, he just doesn't want to make trouble with these people, and he doesn't mean anything. For him, these are small roles. After he wants to cure his own feet, he really broke out.

Otherwise, even if it shows a good ability, this foot injury is always a problem, and it is more prone to problems. For example, more than the fight, will become the opponent's goal.

"Our qualifications are not worth it? It's funny! It seems that you are a super genius, you have the ability to be selected! If you are chosen to become a pro-disciple, we will walk straight backwards when we see you later!"

They are all angry, and if they can't, they have already started playing.

"I can't guarantee that I will be selected, but I dare say that it will definitely be much stronger than you!" When the sky dropped a sentence, he turned and left, and ignored them.

Where does the sky dare to ensure that he can be selected, no one can guarantee that he can be selected, no one knows what Yi Tianyun's standard is. The most fear is that without any standards, it is the most terrible.

After all, what will be tested? Is it a fight, or what? Everything is unknown, not at the scene, and I don’t know what the real trial is.

This kind of thing happens in other places as well.

"Yu Yao, you are so bad, dare to come here to sign up?"

"Deer, your talent is so bad, cultivation for so many years, are in the spirit level, which is all right to participate?"

"Yulong, your blood is at the bottom, there is no power at all, how dare you sign up?"


They are not optimistic, but they all come to participate, not to have confidence in themselves, but to try and see what their true level is. More importantly, take a look at the objects you worship!

So no matter how ridiculed, they will work hard to come.

Yi Tianyun’s history was to climb from a waste of no blood to the present high. Therefore, Yi Tianyun is a self-motivated object among the talented practitioners.

The location of the selection of disciples is not on a certain planet, but a continent built by Yi Tianyun! Through his own means, he easily gathers around the rocks, or moves all kinds of rocks, which is to build a special continent.

This continent is huge in size and exceeds any current planet. It is not difficult to make this stuff, and any one of them can do it.

It’s just this hand, in the eyes of others, it’s really a god’s existence.

When you are ready, all enrolled contestants, or viewers, can come together. However, the internal area can only come from the entrants. If everyone is crowded, it is really necessary to create a huge area.

Yi Tianyun didn't have much time to spare, so that the participants could come in, and the rest of the viewers would look outside. There are also various magic stones on the outside, which can cast images everywhere, allowing everyone to see the scene here.

After the arrival of many disciples, they were all very excited. There are so many people here, because the standards are too low, there are as many as several billions of participants.

In fact, there are still many practitioners who have not come to participate. They all felt that they had no hope and they did not participate. There is still a lot of this kind of self-confidence.

If all come, I am afraid that it will be as much as 10 billion. With such a large scale, the rest of the gods will not do it at all. It's not that they can't do this, even more than here.

However, they are too lazy to do so. After all, there are a lot of talents, or a comprehensive level. It is a waste of time to let them come and do what they do.

Therefore, it is true that apart from Yi Tianyun, there is no other force that will do this stupid thing.

Yi Tianyun is so stupid, he just wants to be silly to everyone, let everyone notice this side - as long as it is a practitioner of the Three Realms, there is a chance, equal treatment!

When the participants basically arrived, Yi Tianyun slowly fell from the air and sat in the seat in the void. After a group of people saw it, they immediately burst into cheers and the atmosphere directly detonated.

"Tianyun Emperor, Tianyun Emperor, Tianyun Emperor!"

His prestige, this officially manifested.

Looking at the group of people cheering excitedly, even if they shouted dumb, they all shouted. Can have such a popular heart, only Yi Tianyun only.

The rest of the forces do not bother to worship themselves and have no meaning. Only the strong followers are what they need. In their view, Yi Tianyun is a fool.

Yi Tianyun looked around and smiled.

"This is your own power, is it your own people?" Yi Tianyun shook his head. From the original Tianzhu Palace, to the present, it is an unimaginable thing, and the span is too large.

Immediately he reached out and everyone calmed down and everything was so neat. No need to speak, just a gesture.

This is his world, his power!

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