Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1536: Take down

The performance of the sky has made them all stunned. I didn't expect to have such a way of fighting. The flexibility of the body is far beyond their imagination.

"Next!" The sky is full of enthusiasm, indicating the next one to fight.

Followed by the next one, jumped up immediately, this time it was slightly stronger, and the eight layers of the condensate period were repaired, which is three levels stronger than him.

"You are quite flexible. It is really a time to react, but it is here!"

When they knew the situation of the sky, they immediately did not dare to neglect their minds. When they were fully vigilant, they would not be attacked.

"No need to talk nonsense, attack it!" The sky is still clasping the long stick, indicating that the opponent has attacked.

"Okay, as you wish!" He wouldn't care about anything. Since he said this in the sky, he would be welcome.

Followed by his long sword attack, this time compared to the previous practitioners, be wary of a few points, but also stare at the moving way of the sky. He does not believe that his normal feet are more problematic than one foot?


Under the storm, the sky is constantly flexible and avoidable. No matter how fast the opponent is, he can easily avoid it. Following a wave of long sticks to counterattack, continuous attack, but forced to retreat a few steps.


Under the sniper of the long stick, when the opponent was bounced back one step, the unreasonable foot of the sky slammed into the ground and slammed into a straight line.


Under the poke of this long stick, the opponent was directly shot and flew out of the contest. He is again perfect, with perfect defense and perfect flexibility.

On the other hand, the foot that is not very easy to use, although not able to run freely, but once on the ground, there is still a certain explosive force. This is something they didn't think of. They all thought that they would only rely on one foot to avoid. Who could think of attacking!

After winning another game, everyone was shocked, winning in two consecutive games, or the type of crushing. This is far beyond what they expected, and it is simply unimaginable.

One foot, can it be so powerful?

"This, this is our child, our children are too powerful!"

The parents of the sky cheered, and there was still some worry. It seems to be superfluous now. The performance of the sky is definitely beyond their expectations!

Many people here have looked at the sky, who can think of his performance, will it be so amazing? I thought that the first game was defeated. Who knows that winning two games in a row is very easy.

"Next!" Look at them in the sky, his eyes are extremely firm.

Soon, the challenger will jump up and repair to a higher level, reaching the nine layers of the condensate! The cultivation is constantly superimposed, and it is getting more and more advanced.

The leap-level battle was not simple. Now it’s still unfavorable. Can you continue to win?

The answer is yes. In the end, the sky is still winning. There is no gorgeous skill, it is very normal martial arts, and there is a very flexible body, so I won this game.

Followed by and continued to play a few games, the sky is a perfect victory, sometimes dangerous, so that when you want to lose, the sky will still win.

In the end, he won 10 consecutive games. Each opponent's opponent is no less than the fifth floor of the condensate period. The highest level is also the peak of the condensate period. So the leap-level battle, still won.

The key is that there is no rest in the sky, so you can fight ten games in a row. However, he is not iron, and he will still be tired. He was already full of sweat and sweat, and the sweat was flowing all over the feet. It looked very exaggerated.

"Where..." The sky sighed and gasped. He paused for a while and didn't dare to say the next one.

At this time, the audience was stunned and I didn’t know what to say. The performance of the sky is really too bad. If you win once or twice, it is still a skill to win, and now wins so many games in a row, representing the amazing strength.

"The kid's foundation is too hard, and his physical strength is even more amazing, far more than his peers!"

"Yes, this foundation is playing too hard. It may be a little bit worse than some of its peers, but the foundation is very solid, even if you face your peers, you can still win."

"It is no wonder that Tianyun Emperor will not be afraid. On this basis, in the future, using the right method to cultivate, will not advance by leaps and bounds?"

The foundation is very important, and the foundation is strong enough to be able to fly. There is no good foundation, and in the end it must be easy to collapse.

It is natural to know that it is strong, and if it is weak, it will not be seen. But even if they explain it bitterly, it doesn't make much sense. In the eyes of most practitioners, I hope that tomorrow will break through to a higher level. How can we lay the foundation honestly?

The foundation of the sky is shocking everyone. The leap-level battle is not a dream, but a reality!

I couldn’t stand the sky, but now I’ve been shocked. I thought it would be cumbersome to bring it. Now it seems that when there is a real problem, it becomes cumbersome and I am afraid that it will be them.

"Next!" After a break, the sky signaled them to continue playing.

Then there are cultivators who go up to the challenge. The result is not necessary to say more, or the sky has won, and after winning several consecutive games, he almost collapsed.

Winning so many games in a row, repairing is not weak, the overall level is not bad, but it can show such an amazing level.

After a little rest for a while, when the sky once again wants to challenge, Yi Tianyun raises his hand and sighs: "No need to compare, I believe everyone has seen it, how is the level of the sky, and there are counts in the heart. If you continue to compare, meaning Not big."

"We are convinced by this!"

They all admit that although there are still many people who are not challenged, they believe that the level is not as good as the previous losers. In this case, how can they not agree?

"That's good, I will come back to rest in the sky, and Jian Miaozhen will be on the court." Yi Tianyun indicated that Jian Miaozhen was on the scene.

"Yes!" Jian Miaozhen held a long sword and flew down on the platform.

Jian Miaozhen looks flat, repairs are flat, talent is flat, everything is so ordinary. The same age person is repaired, fearing that it has already reached the level of the holy king, and even has to attack the star level.

She was trained in the spiritual king period, and had to say that it was really too slow. It was simply the bottom level. But she is a success, and stands out among so many people, making many people feel incredible.

"Old rules, the spirit of the following period of repair, can challenge!" Yi Tianyun waved a hand, indicating that they can continue to test.

Immediately there will be a strong king of the Kings rushing up, want to fight with the sword Miaozhen! I won’t say the sky, will Jian Miaozhen win?

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